Thursday, February 25, 2016

Burlington Community Schools Budget Proposals

The Board packet for 2-29 has been posted on the school district website, and the budget proposals are included on pages 65-69. Here is a link to the packet: Board Agenda 2-29

The “ Transfer Technology to SAVE”  phrase in the proposed budget changes refers to the district can stop paying for a portion of the technology costs out of the “ General Fund” and use the one cent sales tax to generate the needed dollars to cover the cost of “ technology”

moving the burden of Technology out of the general Fund.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Open Offices for next year

Here is the list of open offices for the BEA elections. If you are interested in running for office please submit your name to me and the office you are running for by February 15 by email. President Elect 2 Executive Board Positions 1 Geode executive board position 1 Geodeo uniserv position 1 ISEA Delegate 1 NEA REP President-Elect shall assume all duties of the president in case of absence or resignation of the president and shall work closely with such standing committees as the president may suggest. Then will become president after a year term as president elect. After year term as president they will become past president for a year. Executive Board Positions for a two year term The executive board shall meet on the first Tuesday of the each school month at 4:00p.m. Geode executive Board Position 1 year 1 meeting a month in Mount Pleasant Geode uniserv Position 1 year 2 meeting in October and April in Mount Pleasant ISEA Delegate Position 2 years meeting in April Some expenses paid one NEA REP 1 year Meeting over the July 4th weekend in Washington D.C. Some expenses paid