Wednesday, September 28, 2016

B.E.A. notes from 9-26 BCSD School Board Meeting

BCSD Meeting of the Board of Education
Sept. 26, 2016

  • Representatives from The Booster Club gave a summary of the club’s purpose, to support students who participate in athletics.  They gave an overview of the fund raising projects they use to raise monies and examples of how those monies are used.
  • Mr. Coen gave a report of the various activities and meetings that he has been involved in recently.  He commented that he feels we are doing a lot of things right in Burlington.
    • During a KBUR phone in session, Mr. Coen received many comments concerning the football team situation in Danville.  The comments were aimed to see if Burlington can help in this situation.  Mr. Coen is looking at options.
    • The “Penny Sales Tax” is up for renewal this year.  Mr. Coen stressed the importance of this tax as it helps our school district.
    • Mr. Coen made an unannounced visit to BHS recently.  He reported that he felt it was the best he’s seen in a long time.
    • Mr. Coen suggested that the board have a 1 hour closed work session, once per month, prior to a board meeting.  The administration would like this time to address specific topics with the board and to improve communication between the board and the administration.
  • SBRC Allowable Growth Limited English Proficient:  A request was made and approved to increase funding.  ($95,790.64)  This money does not come from the general fund.
  • IDOE – The 2014-2015 expulsion and suspension rate included too many IEP and/or minority students.  A corrective action plan was written and will be emailed to the board.
  • SES Program – Parents of students who are At Risk may request funds for services that they contract for their students.  In the past, this service needed to be an outside provider.  Under the current law, the school district can provide this service.  Mr. Taylor, principal of Corse, and Mrs. Dentlinger are working on a plan to provide such a program in our district.  This is mostly for students in K-3.
  • The second reading of Board Policies 102 & 104, reflecting anti-harassment and anti-discrimination was approved.
  • SCC Steps to Success – A new initiative to give high school students, beginning with Freshmen, a purpose for staying in school and to provide students an opportunity for community service.
    • Students may earn 1 high school credit plus an elective credit through SCC (must sign up by Oct. 1.)
    • Mr. Coen remarked that the use of TQ money to get high school teachers their masters in content areas will help students earn more credits through partnership at SCC.
    • Mrs. Dentlinger praised the team that has been working on this as phenomenal.
    • Mr. Coen stated that this program makes our high school dramatically different than any other high school around, in a good way.
  • School Board members have chosen schools where they will attend PTO meetings with the goal of becoming better connected to the schools and to open the lines of communication.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

School Board Meeting 9-12-16 notes

Notes were taken by Nicole Wingate and Matt McKee

  1. Call to Order- Welcome
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Adoption of Agenda- approved
  4. Public comments- none
  5. Items for Discussion
    1. Minutes- hatteburg moves kendell 2nds
    2. Financial Reports (June and July)- Reynolds briefly- pg 31 of board packets- collected 99.5%, expended 97.7%- fund balances in updates (~1.07 mill used for specific areas)
      1. Page 31- 925,940 increase in gen fund- part due to cash reserves we leveed
      2. Management fund slight decrease25,000)
      3. Activity fund slight decrease (27,000)
      4. Several other categories mentioned
      5. Where is there a copy of these values? - Can we ask for them think it’s attached on the agenda
      6. Kendell motion brueck 2nd approval
    3. Annual Settlement of Books-
      1. Attached bank statements in board agenda on verifications of what the district has in the bank- Bross moved Garwood 2nd- Robberts asked about over year long outstanding checks- do we have a policy about this issue- Reynolds says we often re-issue first or else we have to send back to the state
  6. Adjournment- to start new school board year Kendell moved Hatteberg 2nded
  7. Call to Order- Reynolds called to order
  8. Election of President- Garwood nominated Robberts- roll call vote- she won unanimously
  9. Election of Vice-President- Bross nominated Kendell, Vickstrom nominated Bross, Bross declined- roll call vote- Kendell won unanimously
  10. Administer Oath of Office to Officers- Reynolds did
  11. Consent Agenda- Bross abstained, passed
    1. Bills, Human Resource Report, and Gifts- Vickstrom moved approval- Question about HR report- two additional lane changes in revised agenda- new position for 8th grade football coach- not a new position, just re-alignment of previous head coaches- not a new employee
  12. District Positive Accomplishments-
    1. Coen- we’ve had a great start to the school year. All buildings report business better than usual. Things starting to swing in the right direction. We have our issues, but everything seems to be better than in previous years. Couldn’t do this without great teachers and students and support staff. Robberts compliments Coen, and staff.
  13. Student Representative Report- Anna Dodge- no show, no notification
  14. Superintendent’s Report- Coen-
    1. Labor day short week next week- GPAEA Supt meeting Wednesday- Exciting thing that came out- all people present did drill down practices of asking why, and why again until the issues became more clear- our professional development is ahead - dentlinger has done a good job, we are addressing climate issues, dealing with hour our PLCs are working throughout the contract- outside the contract- other districts are trying to figure out how to fit professional development in
    2. Cabinet meeting - Coen and wife attended swimming in Bettendorf
    3. Talked with someone about Trimester and asked how his kid would succeed with the new schedule (Craig Neisus) The Hawk Eye
      1. Here’s what it would look like for your child
    4. He wanted to get into nuts and bolts- Coen thinks it went well
    5. Working on corn? Something with Hoth Law firm...I dunno.
    6. Football game good win - then had a Bracewell tour with people of the class of 1951. Showed them around, opened up the field house, and played ball with them- they could remember mannerisms of their teachers. Coen talking about student teachers who worked with him when he was a teacher. The 85 year olds said the same things Coen’s elementary students used to when he taught in Mt. P. Explaining the humanistic/caring side of teaching. The interpersonal relationships are what make teachers memorable. A math teacher turned one of the old guys off math, but it turned out he was really great at it and became an engineer. Class reunions remember the staff- every day you are establishing your legacy.
    7. Sunday Coen went to 9-11 recognition day at BHS (police, firemen first responders)- appreciation bags were made - his some was thankful he went
      1. Be thankful for the acts of military overseas - they appreciate these gifts, it is a way for them to escape from the realities of war.
    8. Robberts- thanks for report, you live your job every second it’s not just a paycheck.
  15. Items for Discussion or Action
    1. 2016-2017 Meeting Dates- question about July date in packets- page 92, listing of scheduled meeting dates. Is there an advantage to a later July meeting with hirings and financials, or does it not make much difference. July 10 or 17. Asking Tabor if later date helps him. Tabor “hard to know, but later date would be better to be safe”
      1. Hatteberg talked about choir concert on December 12th- could move meeting to 5 to avoid conflicts and tell the press in advance.
      2. Senior awards night in May Robberts asked, but thinks it is okay. - Kendell we do the best we can.
    2. Board Committee Assignments 16-17- Bross  then HAtteberg - approved
      1. Mr. Coen listed the same ones as last year. Anyone wanting to switch? Nope. Vickstrom- SCC liaison committee has never met. Coen states we are doing a lot w/ SCC so need to notify board of when those meetings are occurring. Coen takes the blame for not informing the board. Dentlinger brought it to his attention.
    3. District Assessment Plan- HS chairs for Eng dept- End of course assessment- wasn’t a real relevant assessment- IEOC no longer on list. Plan continually being updated. There is a tab about how long these assessments take. Not all students take all assessments. If they pass the diagnostic they don’t do the next test.  She will go to DSM to look at smarter balance and will get update - is not funded yet so Iowa Assessment is still is what is funded. Robberts said slow government is helping us. If we were to do Smarter Balance, we would have to take the bill (so we are holding off on that).  This information will be on the district page under curriculum when the new web page is made - This is just informational right now - no changes.
    4. SIAC Goals- met last week. Board appointed committee- goal to get feedback from community. Look at data- attendance, ACT scores, ITEDs, part of our differentiated accountability- Goals are in board packet-Want to raise from 54%, in 2016, to 63% in 2017 on Grade level on FAST reading test grades 1-5. All of our teachers are committed to making the school year the best that they can. There have been trainings and PD to help with this. We want to get up to 80-85%, but we are trying to be realistic. Robberts- why no goals for grades 6-12? The state is focusing on grades K-3 reading this year, this is what we have to report. Skills Iowa data will be local goals. This has to do with the 3rd grade retention law - no read no pass- that’s why the state is focusing on reading. Bross - What happens if we don’t meet this goal? Sharon- She’s never worked in district where something happens.  We just rewriting the goal to try to reach it. State report card will be more of an incentive. Bross read about a district that met all it’s goals- How do we meet all those goals?  We don’t want to have a low bar. Bross wants to hear more as we’re going. We didn’t meet our goals last year, which was every student to make a year’s growth on Iowa Assessments. Bross- THis is measurable, achievable, but is this challenging? Sharon- yes. Hatteberg states we wanted it to be realistic. Vickstrom says this may seem low, but we want something that is achievable for the students to keep working to improve. It’s a start. Brueck then Bross - approved
    5. State of Schools- Corse- Mr. Taylor- Taylor invites board members to come to school especially to see new playground.
      1. Below ing proficiency , college and career readiness, and annual expected growth, above average on the others
      2. Iowa Assessment scores- 3rd grade reading was a major strength last year, our 2nd grade wasn’t as high. Assessment can help guide resources.
      3. Our current reality- (did fast and IA contradict? Fast was low on reading) we have a couple grades to focus on this year 1st and 3rd. Math proficiency just measured this fall (easyCBM).
      4. Core instruction for teachers- workshop model, Lit Coach Guided reading, establishing small group reading, Guided Math PD as well
      5. Working to improve MTSS- WIN time, reading teachers, classroom teachers, counselors, associates, even Principal are in reading groups to meet their needs- basing decision on what skill they need to work on
      6. CIM reading training
      7. Increasing identification of students who need help in reading and math not just SPED, but reaching them in their needs
      8. Great things going on at Course
        1. New staff- loves them
        2. Recognition of PBIS by  the DE
        3. New book room set up by Lit Coach, data wall for teachers
        4. Student Center set up for community organizations
        5. Summer School - K-7
        6. PTO, Burlington Ed Foundation, and Rotary club - thanks for the equipment you supported Course with
      9. Robberts- some parents have been very complimentary of Taylor- he’s very approachable and outgoing. Hatteberg- book room is like another library. Great resource for teachers. Robberts - thanks for the information, especially the proficiency scores
    6. Class Attendance Policy- Dentlinger- Keane-
      1. Keane passedout packet - Guidance from Dept of Ed- samples from various schools in the state- Keane “the attendance policy is something he would like to have conversations around.  The Attendance policy talks about the law, but the policy doesn’t give a lot of guidance to admin on how to handle things when students don’t follow the law. Attendance shouldn’t be tied to grade. Attendance policy from former district where credit can be taken away if attendance is an issue but can be re-earned if certain criteria has been met. Some schools really leave it up to admins. Des Moines calls for the removal of a student if they have a number of absences. Keane not a fan of removing the class due to unexcused absences- there are times when we might have issues where students have things going on in their lives, and our teachers are willing to help them make up the work. Wants to tie attendance to the awarding of credit for next school year with trimesters. Mentioned how some kids earn an A even though they don’t show up - what do we do there?  He wants guidance from board. Dentlinger “there is a diff between excused and unexcused absence. Typically unlimited number, but could have credit recovery. There might be a student absent 15 times, but those could be excused absences (such as extra curricular). Those students are working with the teachers to maintain credit opportunities.” “What does the credit mean if they haven’t been there to gain the skills and knowledge?” sharon stated- it’s longer, I’m summarizing. “Students not coming to class can impact other students who are regularly attending”. An advantage of new schedule- not sure what she means there (maybe a make up period?). We want to do everything we can to award credit, but we have some students who are not attending. Keane mentioned how teachers will go beyond the call of duty to get kids caught up, and then the kid is gone again.  Keane diploma should signify that they’re employable. Keane not sure some of our students are, because teachers have worked so hard to help them pass. Keane wants grade based on academic performance, but at the same time there is accountability for coming to work on time. Keane wants the students to have to make up the time and do quality work suring that make up time. Keane wants make up time, after school programs or Saturday school to regain the credit. Keane, “ In the past, a huge increase in attendance, students shift appointments to not miss same class all the time, they become responsible.  Absences, even if they are excused, still need to be made up with the teachers.” Robberts- polling the board- Keane work with Tabor and Policy committee to revise 500 series in Board Policy book about revoking credit? Robberts: Is that something board wants to do? Would have to apply K-12. Is there an interest in drafting this? Kendell “great idea- you have to perform in academics, but still be in class.  Likes the analogy of work. I’d like to see it” Keane wants to involve staff in policy work. Robberts- Is there strong opposition to this from the board? Bross- I’m interested, but he wants to know how to increase graduation rate, how are we going to handle it if it’s a super achiever and they don’t need to be in the class. Not sure it will solve all of our ills.” Keane- biggest problem at high school is attendance.” Keane thinks McKee still works there, apparently. :) There is a relationship between attendance to drop out rate. Sharon- wants the attendance policy to be less vague, so we can do something about it if there’s an issue. Coen- if they can come in and pass the final, do they really need to be in that class? Are we just trying to get them to serve seat time. Shouldn’t we give them the credit for the knowledge they have????? Competency based assessments- I think they’re a little off topic on this. Keane seems to want to improve attendance, not hurt high achievers. Keane thinks we have graduates who wouldn’t be good employees. He wants our diploma to mean employability and value. Bross - Diploma with honors, or level of attendance. Robberts- attendance policies were developed in the 90s, haven’t really been updated. Level of caring from parents has changed in last 15 years. Garwood- focusing on students who are on the borderline, trying to get those kids back into the classroom. Attendance is a good indicator of employability. Dependability and being able to do your job is important.  Students need to be able to make up the credit.  Tabor - attendance in workplace number 1 concern of workplace. Can’t teach you anything in job sector if you’re not there. There is a 90 day probationary period for workers to see if they can show up.  This is the #1 skill set industry wants.  This is linked to long term success. Vickstrom- how accurate are attendance numbers- it needs to be accurate if we are going to act on this. Keane- Unexcused absence don’t really have a disciplinary tract (my words, not his)- only truancy does. Keane wants a year to work on it, and enact next year.  We want to drive the behaviors we want  through the attendance policy.  There is a segment of population- why are they not attending- doesn’t have to do with credit- Keane is looking at middle of road students who take advantage- again with the diploma meaning employability. Robberts would like Keane to get feedback from others, like other administrators, teachers at the high schools, maybe middle schools., and work session to look at policy scenarios. Keane wants to get a task force together of staff, to look at policy. (Wonder who will be on it?) Robberts wants to give time for this.
    7. ACT Scores- Dentlinger-
      1. current year ACT scores- 2nd page- courses that we offer and sequence of courses preparing students for college- math and science pretty competitive with state counterparts- not all students take full battery or courses to get to those high levels- happens in K or 1st grade- setting high expectations- 86 or 82 students tested / 300 students. SCC students take a COMPASS test, not reflected in this. We have work to do to get our students ready for college- we do well in most areas, but typically don’t do well in all 4 areas.  The state is 32% ready for college and BHS is 27%.  Brueck - is there any information from the COMPASS test - Sharon has tried - kids will take the compass for the dual enrolled classes, so there is not a clear number on who took both the ACT and COMPASS.  Serveral kids will take the COMPASS instead of the ACT because they go to SCC - What level are kids going into college at? We don’t have that information just yet.
    8. Board Policies
      1. 102 series, 104s, updates for -  anti-harassment, anti-discrimination and anti bullying- 1st reading - Hatteberg - then Bross - Approved
  16. Board Communications-  
    1. Bross- 5 things- Football game Friday night was awesome. 1st home game we won on the new field. Talked to number of students- more order in the halls and in the parking lot according to them. Special ed teacher expects class size to increase as year goes on. Our census is about 68 down from this time last year- concerns him- we have some significant financial hurdles coming up. Lots of buzz around district. Excited about the level of school pride increasing in the community
    2. Brueck - Good feedback from staff about Dr. Muhammud- kudos to people who brought him in.
    3. Vickstrom - Smiles and people in the stands on Friday - Good Start
    4. Hatteberg - good start teaching on the first day of school at Corse - good start - Congratulations to teachers who took class this summer to gain that knowledge and it is a lot of work.
    5. Garwood- Coen don’t sell yourself short. You are very good and complimentary toward staff and cabinet- you are the one who has brought in this attitude and you are the leader and the positive movement and need to be commended for all your hard work. You need to give yourself a pat on the back also. Coen- Dentlinger has the hardest job in the district.
    6. Kendell - Thanks the board for putting their faith in him being the VP for the year.  Trust Fund - There are so many things that people can do to leave money into to funds to help students - wants more endowment from past grads.  We have made an impact on people’s lives.  This is the first freshman class that was not born when 9/11 happened.  We need to as a staff to explain what happened and what it means.  Friday night - liked working in the concession stands -  PTOs and Boosters do amazing work- army of people willing to do work. They deserve a big thanks
    7. Robberts - PTOs - could we get meetings announced at the next board meetings? Want board members to show up at PTO meetings- and let paper and radio know they are going to attend. Thank you to Mr. Reynolds- you lay out our financial position very well. Thank you to Mr. Taylor for coming and updating us about Corse. Way to go Grayhound football. Volleyball. Bracewell has a list of events every time she drives by. Thanks for electing me President again.
  17. Adjournment