The mission of the Burlington Community School District is:
Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance-
III. Adoption of Agenda- moved by Hatteberg, 2nded by Bross. Passed unanimously
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)-
V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- moved by Bross, 2nded by Garwood. Robberts thanked Great Western Bank for gift to building trades. Passed, with Brueck abstaining.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Teacher Leader Presentation- Tina Gilpin, Carol Knickerbocker, Sarah McKee, Melissa Nelson-Chiprez, and Monica Myers. Coen- gave kudos to teacher leaders.
Carol Knickerbocker started- introduced the coaches who were present. Also mentioned Christina Link, who was unable to attend.
Gave overview of what coaching does- personalized, job-embedded professional development. Coaches can come in and help with whatever staff choose.
Gilpin- coaching partnership between coach and teacher. Coaches aren’t consultants- it’s a process- they aren’t mentors- coaching is a forward looking, data focused way to explore options and opportunities. Not evaluative.
Coaching helps students by- being a thinking partner, co-plan, co-teach, sort and analyze student work, analyze data, help locate resources, model, observe and provide feedback.
Feedback from staff members- Pam Broeker, Megan Steahr, and Amy Morgan gave feedback on coaching within the presentation.
Sarah McKee- research from Hattie shows that student learning can be accelerated- teacher collective efficacy has an effect size of 1.57- 1.belief that what we do impacts learning 2. It’s a team effort- power of collaboration
Data from last year- over 900 coaching contacts- this year a focus on coaching cycles- Diane Sweeney is the expert on coaching cycles- Coaches work with teachers over 4-6 weeks- goal is for coaches to complete 3 cycles this year
Sweeney video- summarizes coaching cycles
Robberts thanked coaches- gives members more info- Garwood thanked- Bross- do you find that all teachers are receptive to coaching? Most? Phases? Knickerbocker- it has grown trememdously- ¾ of high school teachers stand at beginning of year
Melissa Nelson-Chiprez- it’s a viral thing. Those who have tried it are continuing- majority are receptive-
Bross- it sounds like experimentation and collaboration-
Chiprez- it can be. Very rewarding.
Vickstrom- what kind of feedback have you had from the students? Chip- reception from students has been positive- “she’s my teacher, too”
Reassuring that there are that many teachers focused on your students’ needs
Working hard to get students collaborating and problem solving
Hopefully students are more engaged.
Bross- are there obstacles to being more successful?
Chiprez- we’re still trying to figure out what works for us (the coaches)- time, figuring out how to make things work. Full release and half release- finding balance between teaching and coaching. Gilpin is k-12- another challenge.
Hatteberg- thanks for all you do
VII. Student Representative Report-
Matthew Rowland- senior at BHS- moral is looking up- sports exciting- new clubs starting up- student council, varsity club, swing dancing. New changes- 3 lunches- beneficial for students- better seating. Less lines for food. Selection of classes this year is wonderful. Changes are looking up. Rowland optimistic.
Bross- at a volleyball game- the kennel was just freshmen. Freshmen are energized. Good to see.
Rowland- social media- #thekennel
Garwood- thanks for coming and spending some time with us- I value the student perspective.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report-
Coen- PD- building prep- fog delay- welcome back went well, creative students- great to see the staff laughing. Person who stole the show was Annika Cook- thought provoking and inspiring. Message was well tempered. Brought in that we need to focus that 13 years ago she walked in- rousing, heartfelt speech that exemplified our vision statement and mission statement. Clearly articulated that teachers are important. Confirmed everything that we worked for.
McKee’s speech was supportive of Cook’s. Teachers do a great job. It was inspiring. Wants to get a copy of Annika’s speech online.
School nurses and principals- cockle’s menangitis situation. Went to all buildings. Continue to work on fireball run. Met with Dr. Green- NASA scientist, BHS grad. Master of middle schoolers. Kept their attention. One girl asked do you believe in aliens- Green said yes. He handled the students very well.
Met with state warden- disrupting the school to prison pipeline. Working with Drake university on domino effect.
Spoke at Kiwanis. Working on house on 10th street. Coen’s daughter home so he skipped a couple things. School board conference approaching- make reservations through Janet- make sure he and Garwood are ready for any legislative items that may pop up. Sept 11- voting on GPAEA board member for our district.
Greater Burlington partnership- board forum- Tuesday Sept ?- Garwood, Kendell, and Vickstrom come for a Q and A.
Will that be broadcast? Think so-
Robberts- school board elections important.
Coen- invite anyone that may be trying to be written in so that people can hear what they stand for- that’s just an opportunity.
Robberts- thanks for all the work you did for welcoming back to staff- you are inspirational to staff.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. Swimming Starting Blocks-
Coen- introduced Michele Abou-Assaly- asking board to donate starting blocks from high school pool back to city- they were originally from the city- BHS pool is getting new ones. City pool would use them for Dankwardt bubble project. Want to show community support of pool bubble- would be an in-kind donation-
Coen- boys swimming is bringing in a lot of money, and booster club paying for new starting blocks.
Not much monetary value of old starter blocks.
Reynolds- we are allowed to donate to the city.
Coen- chance for the district to get with it- we should keep our pool up with other district facilities.
Bross motioned, Hatteberg 2nded. Garwood glad we found a use. Passed unanimously.
4. Debt Refinancing-Legal Counsel-
Reynolds- recommending going with contract that’s in the agenda- states hourly rate, cost, and so on. No general fund dollars.
Garwood motioned approval, Brueck 2nded. Passed unanimously.
X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Brian Bross- thank those who have taken out papers to run for school board. Encourage public to get out and vote. Overwhelmed by quality of speech of Annika Cook at welcome speech. Can’t recall a student speech being that good. Whole event was fun. Good start for the year. Glad to hear about teacher coaching.
Garwood- echoing quality of presentation of students at welcome back- as accomplished as Annika was, there was a point where she was quite frustrated, and there were teachers who knew her well enough to encourage her. A quality that our teachers care for our students.
Had the pleasure of assisting orientation at Ed Stone, brought back many happy memories. Staff was super exuberant- combo on locker was an issue, but other students helped out. Grandchild very confident when he left orientation. Thank you to staff at Ed Stone.
Dean Vickstrom- spent some time at BILA first couple of days- electronics going down- high frustration- staff handled it- staff handled it very well- people who are cutting some slack.
Robberts- thanks for helping out at BILA.
Dean thinks he was one of them.
Brueck- welcome all the teachers and students back and hope they have a great year.
Hatteberg- welcoming was great. What she sees happening- we’re pulling in our resources and creating a fine product- teacher leaders a great thing
Kendell- absent- Robberts covered his list- wanted to thank GBP for hosting welcome back.
2- classes of 82 and 87 will be at home football game this weekend.
Marliss Robberts-
Thank you for having a student centered welcome back- thanks to BEA mckee for his speech.
Welcome all teachers and students and parents back. Observe school zones- look for kids riding bikes. Volleyball games this week. Swim starting up before long. Wish all of our students a great kickoff to our year.
School board elections- Sept 12- encourage everyone to vote- while many people may not think school boards are an important position- look at your property taxes. Important to have good leaders for our community. Forum on Sept 5.
XI. Adjournment- Hatteberg moved and Bross 2nded.