I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m. by Robberts
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda
Kendell moved to adopt and it was seconded by Hatteberg. All voted yes.
IV. Public Comments
No public comments. Kendell asked about the boy scouts attending the meeting. Troop 3 was there working on citizenship badges.
V. Items for Discussion
2. Minutes
3. Financial Reports (June, July & August)
Reynolds said that the general fund balance did increase from last year. The end of year showed $1.3 million in categorical. He felt the district did a good job balancing expenditures and revenue. Both management and activity accounts had slight increases. The trust fund decreased because the music department used some. PEPil increased to pay off something. The nutrition fund did increase. Overall, it was a very good year for the district. In July and August there is not a lot of activity. Robberts -Any Questions? None. Bross motioned to accept, Brueck seconded. Approved.
4. Annual Settlement of Books
Reynolds said at the end of year it required that he settle books to the board. He give a statement from financial institutions reconciling the books to June 30. Kendell moved to accept, Hatteberg seconded. Robberts thanked Reynolds for making it so basic in the board packet. Approved.
5. Commission of Election Report
Reynold said the final action of this board was to approve the recent election. Per the Des Moines County auditor: Garwood received 301 votes, Kendell received 472, Vickstrom received 507, Courtney received 378, and there was 31 other votes. Hatteberg moved to accept, Vickstrom seconded. Approved. Robberts had a plaque for Mrs. Garwood for 23 years service. She missed only one meeting in all the years. She also received a lifetime pass for getting into school events. Garwood then addressed the people. She said that “this brings me full circle” for many years. “I remember who welcomed the new members.” Sne recalled previous members and superintendents and events. She said she will always be grateful for the support of the community and family. “The decisions you make now affect future generations. Our children and their future rely on these decisions.” Garwood motioned to adjourn and Kendell seconded. Mr. Courtney followed Garwood into the hall to speak to her at that time.
VI. Adjournment
VII. Call to Order
Reynolds called to order the meeting again.
VIII. Oath of Office to all new Board members
Reynolds read the oath of office to Courtney, Kendell, and Vickstrom. He gave each of them a paper (I guess saying they are officially board members).
IX. Election of President
Reynolds - Nominations for president? Courtney nominated Robberts and Brueck seconded. Vickstrom moved that nominations cease and Courtney seconded. All voted for her. She was reelected as board president.
X. Election of Vice-President
Reynolds - nominations for vp? Bross was nominated by Vickstrom. Brueck was nominated by Kendell. Votes: Brueck - Brueck, Courtney - Bross Hatteberg - Bross Kendell - Brueck Robberts - Bross, Vickstrom - Bross Bross - bross. Bross is the VP.
XI. Administer Oath of Office to Officers
Reynolds administered the oath of office to the two.
XII. Consent Agenda
Robberts - Bross moved to approved bills, gifts. Hatt seconded. Approved.
6. Bills, Human Resource Report, and Gifts
XIII. District Positive Accomplishments-Elementary School Reading Corps Tutor
Coen - introduced Mr. Taylor and Diane Vance reading corp tutor. It’s sponsored by United Way. The organization does the hiring. It’s a part of Americorps. It supports students in reading k-3 It’s currently in 77 schools in Iowa and is based on a 2003 Minnesota model. Ms. Vance doesn’t teach but tutors. North HIll has same program but not hired a tutor for it yet. There is a small fee that the district pays to Americorp under Title 1. The bill will come to board in near future. These interventions are high impact according to data. Taylor - We Have a great tutor. Robberts asked her to describe interactions. She has some students who don’t want to participate but others are very interested. She feels it is very important. She didn’t know anything about Americorp until a few years ago. She was journalist until she retired recently.
XIV. Student Representative Report
Matt Rowland - Hectic week, homecoming week. Didn’t win game but a great week. Thursday carnival, pep assembly, parade. Great to see the turnout of students. No one was hurt with candy being thrown. Friday had a big turnout at game. Dance had a huge turnout. One of the biggest in a while. Good to see people being enthused.
XV. Superintendent’s Report
Coen - made it for the football game Friday night. Kennel rocked all night. Tremendous pride in our school. There’s a lot going all in the pro arena do not be surprised if it trickles down to high school. They have rights and privileges in the U.S. Ready yourself for this. Aaron Wagner doing a great job in early childhood intervention. Meeting with him and kindergarten teachers to support and make this happen. This program cuts down on the school to prison pipeline. About 50 people met with Christie Vilsack, SCC, Iowa Wesleyan, BEF. BEF will sponsor two scholarships to move associates along education path to degree. They are a part of community and good employees, care deeply about children. He thanked BEF for the scholarships. Burlington school has to step up. Coen offered up some of our teachers to teach classes???? It wasn’t clear what he was talking about. At BHS? At SCC? At IW? He had meeting about 10th street house. Keane was not there. Doesn’t appear that Southeast Iowa Economics Group is going to help. He encouraged all to give to United Way. There was something about talking to Sharon and how honest she is with him. According to him, she has the toughest job making stuff happening that he dreams up. Something about YMCA evaluation. Wes White is going to graduate school. Coen attended quite a few events. Fireball run is tomorrow, letting out early, allowing any staff can go as soon as kids. Supervisory - middle school people. Band, cheerleaders will be there. Associates can get pay by supervising at the event. Get down there if you can. Snake Alley deemed curviest road. Opportunity to support community. ISBA(Iowa State Board Association)conference coming up. Board members need to complete the application and get it back to Reynolds so Janet gets it. We need a new delegate assembly member, and they need to be ready to go and represent. Need to work with Coen to be ready to go at the assembly. Robberts - vote on it next meeting since it's not at the agenda? Janet will add to next agenda. Coen - great week, getting back in the groove of school. A lot going on at Burlington School. Must stay focussed on primary mission on teaching/education. Kendell asked about Shay and his proclamation. Grayhound day. Everyone wear purple tomorrow. Roberts - chance to showcase community and district. It’s from 3-6 tomorrow. Corner of 4th and Jefferson.
Snake alley thing is at 5 p.m.
XVI. Items for Discussion or Action
7. 2017-18 Meeting Dates
Proposed meeting dates in page 111 of board packet (insert). Normally 2nd and 4th of month. Is the May meeting on senior awards night? May meeting moved to avoid senior awards night. Motion to approve by Brueck, seconded by Hatteberg. Approved.
8. Board Committee Assignments
Robberts opened floor to change and asked Courtney what he would like. Courtney said it beats him. The legislative committee is open - Courtney said he would do it. Courtney - school community relations committee too. Vickstrom ison the SCC liaison committee and wondered if they ever meet. Coen said it was his part since he was talking to SCC directly. He started talking about stuff he wants to promote between hs and SCC. Kendell asked if there could be a committee for technology in the future. Bross thinks it a good idea. Robberts - maybe have defined goal for the committee or how staff uses the committee. Add to next agenda. Kendell motioned to approve, Bross seconded. Approved.
9. DACA Statement
Roberts turned to Coen. He apologized that he didn’t get it out until today (issues with dad). Emails included from citizens concerned with it, examples of other school districts statements, article from Cedar Rapids Gazette. There are several questions that need answered. He said it is important to observe Robert's Rules of Order to speak their minds. Then collectively they all have to come to a decision. This may not be in the scope of the district authority, it may be just a posturing statement, may not be in the best interest of the students, staff, community. They could table it. They could bring it to the policy committee but it’s not really policy. He then turned it over to president and opened it for discussion. Robberts suggested the best way to start is to find out whether each board member first thinks it’s appropriate to comment and second what they think of Coen’s draft. Kendell - do not feel it is inappropriate, appropriate to do but shouldn’t lean on way or another towards political side, no problems with Coen’s draft. He was nervous about getting too much stronger than that but he was willing to discuss it. Courtney - thinks that draft statement is a fair statement. He’s for it. Vick was for it but wanted to stay away from politics. He said we gain from educated people here as long as contributing. He supports the statement but would like it to be stronger. Robberts - suggestions? Vick - this covers the situation at this time. Brueck - important to make statement , but beef up Coen’s statement. She liked the Des Moines independent district resolution. Hatteberg believes the mission statement says it all. She supports Coen’s draft. Bross researched this topic and learned something in reference to the president (not sure what he was saying). It’s a federal issue. He then asked Mr. Coen if ask for paperwork from students and Coen said we didn’t because it is against law to ask for that information. We don’t know who is a citizen or not and we don’t turn away people. He wondered why we make a statement when we already do it. He said “All we can do is what we’re told.” He felt there was no point to make a statement. It doesn’t make a difference. He did not appreciate tone of emails of people asking for this. He would prefer to change one word in Coens’ version second sentence - protect to encourage. ICE could take child from our district and outside jurisdiction. Protect sounds like if ICE shows up we are going to block them. He felt it was a big mess and we don’t know the right answer. We could get in trouble if we are a “sanctuary school district” and lose federal funding. Courtney said the statement expresses everything we already have in our power. He didn’t see conflict. It’s a good statement and he didn’t want to weaken it. Brueck wanted to strengthen the statement by saying that we will not ask immigration status. She said the purpose of the statement is to give comfort to undocumented students. Courtney agreed to keep protect in the statement. He can’t imagine we have to debate it. People who have been here there whole life shouldn’t be deported to a country they don’t know. This is a silly thing for the feds. We need to keep these kids here. Bross disagreed. Statement not necessary. We already do this. Change it to reference the law. Kendell - we are doing a lot of these things but if a statement makes people feel better, he didn’t have a problem with that. He told Bross he understand the problem with “protect”. Bross still disagreed. Kendell - understand your point but leave in protect. Robberts - thought about a lot of different sides of this. Don’t see feds calling us or we effecting at the national level. We do have a diverse population. She liked this statement had an inclusive feel. She questioned whether the board had the authority make it. At this point in time other districts have made similar statements without legal ramifications. She was not inclined to lessen or make more of the statement. She felt the purpose was not to offend or make defensive but to be inconclusive. She understand the protect issue Bross had. But protect doesn’t necessarily mean student vs ICE. She gave examples of what protect could mean. Thinks it probably appropriate to issue with current statement. Hatteberg said it's a reaffirmation of mission statement. Coen - caution board don’t ever go into anything with eyes half open. Teachers give lives to help students, don’t think that teachers won’t protect the students from ICE (way that Bross alluded to) . Teachers won’t stand idly by. Brueck it’s already happening in hospitals. Hattenburg motioned to adopt draft as is. Courtney seconded. Opposed - Bross and Brueck. The rest approved.
XVII. Board Communications
Kendell - his very first board meeting he sat in the chair he is in tonight and Garwood sat next to him. He was nervous, scared, uncertain. Garwood was awesome. Thanked Garwood for years of service board, pto, pta. Wish her well and welcome Mr. Courtney. Excellent homecoming report. More exciting than last few years. Great parade. BEF scholarship excellent idea. Huge thanks for that.
Courtney - Surprised to be here. This is what happened and he is happy to serve. Served when Garwood started. Didn’t want to leave then but he went to the Senate. Glad to be back and great school district. Newest building was the high school when he started. Whole board worked together to change that. Happy to be back and hopefully do great things.
Vickstrom - Welcome to Courtney. Hope to get some things done. Sad to see Garwood gone but good to have new perspective. Need younger people than him. Good beginning. Neat things coming up just need to lean into them and make it happen. People in community getting involved. Need everybody and all the help we can get.
Brueck - thanked Garwood and congratulation to all and welcome Tom,
Hatteberg- congrats to all and new president, and vice president. Attended first cross country meet. Once again so exciting to see the encouragement students and parents give each other.
Bross - He visited an elementary across the river and had to surrender his pocket knife and have his id checked. Glad our district is not there yet. Scary. Hope that we don’t get to that level of security. Thankful that boy scouts came tonight. Thankful for history that Tom brings from past board and state level. Congrats to other elected. Great things going and proud and enthusiasm. Hopes DACA statement helps.
Robberts - Thanks to Garwood for 23 years. Welcome to three members. Kendell thanks for being vp. Thanked Vickstrom for providing unique perspective. Felt Courtney’s experience and wisdom on state level very helpful. Thanked Bross for being vp. Thanked all for electing her president. Great week to be a grayhound. Great to see pride and the paw prints around town.
8:15 recess to closed session.
XVIII. Closed Session
10. Expulsion Recommendation JP092517
XIV. Adjournment