The mission of the Burlington Community School District is:
Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- no late start tomorrow- autodialer mistake.
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)-
Read my statement.
Matt Moffitt- as a staff member of BHS, wants to echo my concerns. Understands we had budget issues last year- bringing someone in to a difficult position to fill with disproportionate level of experience makes it difficult to understand why certain people are placed with a higher value than others. Be cautious with the decisions we make.
V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, and Gifts-
1 matter that we wish to discuss. Robberts asks for motion to adopt consent agenda without the construction trades agenda.
Karl Buster removed for discussion.
Kendell moved adoption of agenda, courtney 2nded.
Vickstrom- is this the same person who gave us the run around last year.
Motion passed unanimously.
Karl Buster talk- need a motion to discuss- Courtney moved to discuss- Hatteberg- moves to hire at BA/01- 2nded by Courtney.
Referring to coen for background. Coen- may be inappropriate to ask for his input.
Why did you suggest BA/20- 20 years of construction experience- Iowa Workforce Development wages. 69,000 a year for supervisors. High end construction supervisor.
What we pay carpenters now- 30 years experience- 69000 a year for carpenters.
Mr. Buster would only work 180 days for the school. Our carpenters work year round.
Mr. Buster wouldn’t be working over the summer months. 30 an hour.
Robberts- Iowa Workforce Development site is source for wages
Mean was 59,000.
Courtney- we are talking BA/20. Motion is for BA/1.
BA/20 should be 55,000.
Support staff make 69000 a year for their work.
Coen- every year this district talks about a property poor status. As long as we don’t do anything, there is less property in burlington. Labor unions- there aren’t employees out there to hire. Employee triangle- you have to have skilled laborers. A lot built on that pyramid. We are trying to graduate 10-20 kids a year who can build and be skilled laborers.
Not very many kids come back. Need to have a person who knows what they are doing. Buster knows what he’s doing. Nothing that he hasn’t done. He has run crews. He has the skill set that we are looking for. That’s why.
Bross- has he employeed others before? Coen- yes, and he does train them.
Bross- can’t compare apples and oranges- teaching and construction aren’t identical. We shouldnt ignore that experience.
Robberts-salary would be pro-rated for this year.
Bross- concerned, but don’t think we want to tell a guy your years of experience don’t count. Not trying to tell teachers their experience doesn’t count.
Hatteberg- there were people hired, who got credit for years working in other industries. Hatteberg- BA1 bothers me- he needs to have expertise for years he has- BA20 unfair to our financials.
Vickstrom- is this the guy we tried to hire last year. Coen- it is. Vickstrom- we paid overload- Coen- not ready to answer.
Can Buster teach a reg classroom. Coen- yes, based on reg hours in field.
Vickstrom- have a problem with regards to staff. It looks bad. Bugs me.
Kendell- would he be supervising- is his salary equated with a supervisory salary- our teachers don’t make supervisory level of salary. Reg teachers supervisor. 69000 comp construction salary for a full year. 69000 240 days= BA20- 297.97- more than the daily of 69000. Numbers don’t match up.
He has a license from BOEE- he did practicums, no student teaching and no classroom experience.
Courtney- BA1- might be on the low side- 55 is high side. We want this program to make it. Need to compromise. Not fair to current employees.
Offer something around 45k.
Coen- doesn’t do us good to suffer for another month.
Kendell- purpose of the program is solid. What kind of precedence are we setting when we do something like this. We have had to have other people cover this class- need to get that situation resolved. A lot of conflicting angles to this process. Need to be respectful of current staff.
Robberts- Ba/07- 45,410- a third of the years he has worked. BA/10.
Bross- how much oversight will he have.
Coen- with this being first iteration- a lot of oversight by Keane and Coen. trying to make sure it doesn’t fail.
We feel it gives board opportunity to talk to legislators to increase school funding. This would set us apart in that category.
We will make it work- we made sure that we put it 1st or 2nd period or 5th and 6th period so we can flex to a saturday- 10 hours that day. Can make it work on a weekend. Carpenters are willing to help out- unions are willing to help out and have stepped up.
Kendell- is work going to progress through the winter
Coen- it’s not sealed up- gut phase is complete- Don Harter ready to get after foundation. Is he donating his time. Yes, he is.
Kendell- when it gets to be winter- will work continue or stop
Coen- by that point we will have heat in the house
This is a 1000 square foot home. Not a taj mahal. Needs a lot of work.
Vickstrom- 2 story home or 1 story
Coen- Harter said moving a door would be 25k more.
Bross- make an amendment- around 45k. BA/7- 45410. Giving credit for years of experience for a trade. Would like to do more, but don’t want to offend teachers.
Vickstrom 2nded.
He wouldn’t move to an 8.
We are calling him a teacher. Is this a conditional? He has to do 2 years of probation.
Coen- Hr director hit ma instead of ba.
Kendell- understands logic- still struggles with fact he has no classroom experience.
Hatteberg defends it.
Kendell- where do we stop this thinking? Precedence.
Courtney- I think this is fair.
Want to hire at BA7- Bross wants to thank Coen.
Passed unanimously.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Professional Development Training-Mr. McKee
VII. Student Representative Report
Rowland sad delay not true.
Both seasons went better than last year. Things looking up for grayhounds.
Blood drive and food drive- high numbers.
This week we have trunk or treat- its at corse?
Leaf raking- ecology club, varsity club, and student council- rake leaves for people. People are very appreciative.
First week of november winter sports are beginning. Leaders stepping up to exert more effort.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report-
Coen- beautiful week- wonderful weather. Attorney General assigned prosecutor to assist with Kedarie trial. Lot of focus on iowa right now. Received phone calls from all over the country about it. Hopefully it’s not a circus atmosphere.
clark field house renovations- 500k wanted. Might want to put on board agenda if a member feels strongly. Focus on BHS and personnel
Technology committe- sharon and tech coaches. Mr. mehaffy and coen have worked with kesterke- buses won’t stop on division street- reduce bus arm violations
Radio call in show- declining enrollment- academics.
Junior building trades- radio interview tomorrow.
Mehaffy has done a great job with the bus audit. Drivers are keeping track.
Sharon and Coen want to meet with elected officials- like PRAXXIS test. Received guidance we know where we stand with discussions for chapter 20.
Janet has asked board members to bring calendars so they can schedule a meeting.
Red ribbon week kick off at grimes. Joe and staff do a wonderful job.
Kendell- anything new on the athletic conference- discussion about going back to little 6 conference- Ottumwa wants to stay with what they are. If we continue our declining enrollment we will end up 3A.
Bross- P and G- asking for 500k- work session and 5 year budget- might be something to look at.
Auditorium- bottom could be folded out and could have an auditorium to play games.
Should we put money toward Clark field house.
District pledged to do the press box according to kendell.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. Title I Application Information Only-
Mark Taylor- printout same as last year. How we spend our money- our allocation is 9th largest in the state. Spend a lot on salaries and benefits- reading teachers and some associates. Will be serving all 5 elementaries.
Robberts- you do a nice job on the report.
4. Siteimprove Software Agreement
Have a way to easily monitor our accessibility for our website. Show what we need to do to make our website better. Will monitor those things. I stopped paying attention while brian was talking about this- sounds like it’s just going to monitor the website.
It’s an annual agreement-
Bross moves approval, 2nd from hatteberg. Passed unanimously.
5. Lease Agreement with the City for Saunderson Park-
Reynolds- follow up to previous board meeting. A 20 year contract with lease for saunderson park. Courtney moved, bross 2nd. Passed unanimously.
6. Update of Certified Enrollment Numbers Information Only-
Reynolds- quick overview of our enrollment- preliminary- still corrections and adjustments to be made. 4267 students- down 155. Down 3 more kids today. We are down 168 resident students. Open enrollment- it’s consistent across all grade levels. BH up, corse, grimes, nh down. Spread among all buildings.
3 additional students open enrolled in.
What does this mean for state aid? We will have 29k new money for next year, taking away for open enrollment.
Basically, we’re going to be facing cuts.
Kendell- we still have a hard time getting people in at Kindergarten. Open enrollment is flat-
Robberts- a lot of people are choosing not to live in burlington.
X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Kendell- was hoping to disagree with Coen that we won’t be a 3A school someday. Would be hopeful we can turn this around. Nice of Rowland to acknowledge fall sports. Back to bracewell- bracewell is a great field for soccer.
Courtney- none
Vickstrom- hopefully we addressed some concerns with the building trades salary.
Brueck- thanks Rowland about sports. Musical november 3 and 4.
Hatteberg- thank you to residents who are supporting building trades program- win win for them. Volunteers, too.
Bross- thanks to McKee- PD- tech coach and what they can do. Helps kids get closer to success.
Robberts- trunk or treat at corse- thanks to Harter for help with construction program. Wear your red ribbons.
XI. Adjournment