Monday, February 25, 2019

BEA Notes 2-25-19 BCSD Board Meeting

I. Call to Order – Welcome 5:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- moving 8 up before 5- motioned by hatteberg, 2nded by courtney
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)- none

V. Public Hearing
2. BHS Softball Field Lighting Project- info within packets- Vickstrom- time to change the lights. No actions or objections. closed.

VI. Consent Agenda
3. Minutes, Bills, Financial Report, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- moved by Brueck, 2nded by Robberts. Vickstrom- HR issue- electricians hall- felt we were going to cut an electrician. Coen- can’t answer for board. Looking at options other than cutting a nurse. The nurse position was cut. Bross nothing beyond that has changed. Coen- lucky 13 you heard that? Vickstrom- missed it while he was in Omaha.
Passed unanimously.

VII. District Positive Accomplishments- Aldo State Art Award winners- Onesto not here tonight, so Wes White presenting Aldo students. VAAP program. Mr. White respects their perseverance. Amazing work for him. Cela Strauss- VAAP is fun, that’s what she likes about it. White- why a tree? Strauss- that’s what the project was. Cela won at state award ceremony.
Caroline Strawhacker- like VAAP because get to learn different techniques of art.
Aylah Cannon- likes to learn new things in VAAP- good way to express what you think.
Adam Johnson- like VAAP able to do more different things than in reg art. Incorporated flags because peace in the world. Darian Forts last artist to be featured.
Board appreciative of students’ work.
Coen- you can make money with an art degree.

VIII. Student Representative Report- not here.

IX. Superintendent’s Report- board meeting. Attended IWU advisory meeting. 2nd and 3rd digital learning day meeting. Exciting. Received notification from BEA that we are going to begin bargaining. Schedule finance committee with Gobble to develop 19-20 budget. Greg’s work with Becker and associates- insurance renewal came in at 2.06 allowable growth- insurance is 1.7- thanks Greg for his hard work. Exciting that that’s where we’re at right now- could be better depending on what they decide. Cory working toward LMC meeting. Received a nice letter about Rector- beloved by Grimes family. Conducted radio show. Took a school safety course. Has trouble with cell phones- parents voicemail not setup yet- Coen is unable to leave a message. Friday pm met with Bross and Courtney- completed part of his eval. Sat am went to stem fair- spoke to quite a few families. Great stuff. Talked quickly with Ash and his wife. Went to coffee with the editor- Hawk Eye. takeaways in cabinet packet. Followed up with emails to Greene, Kerr, Senate House- digital makeup days.
Sat evening went to Vice Versa. Good event. Went because Josef was a court member. He didn’t dance. Queen Natalie Thompson and King Landon Wynn. excited to see happy time.
Document talking about make up days.
Hatteberg- will we get to learn more about the virtual learning packets. Coen overwhelmed with energy and ideas from staff. Can’t think of a time when teachers haven’t risen to the challenge- we have incentive to make it work. We can do more next year during parent teacher conferences to help with parents.

X. Items for Discussion
4. BHS Softball Field Lighting Bids- received initial bid- below engineer’s estimate. Low bid from Ardent lighting. Out of Knoxville Iowa. Robberts- have we worked with them before. Lighting suppliers are comfortable with the company. Lights come from Musco. Millard may have done the lights at Bracewell.
Hatteberg moved, Brueck 2nded. Money comes from PPEL funds. Courtney abstaining because nephew works for Musco.
Kendell- likes to support local businesses- Reynolds reminds the board they are required to take the low bid.
Passed with Kendell opposed, courtney abstaining.

8. Club M Coordinator Job Description- Cassie Gerst presenting. Volunteer Iowa got 1.25 mil grant- over 3 year period to expand club M mentoring program for middle school/hs mentoring program. One of 6 districts that received grant. Training covered- 50k a year for 3 years. Falls under professional service group. Courtney moved, Robberts 2nded. Kendell- how does this expand the program?
Gerst- requires 25 matches. We are behind due to government shutdown. It’s just now starting. Behind where it should be. Have to have 25 matches by June 30. Have a lot of things in place. Adults should contact this person when they are hired.
Aimed at high risk youth. Opioid use. Will work with office of juvenile justice. Opportunity to expand and work with these families. Coen receives reports from juvenile courts. No cost to the district.
Passed unanimously.

Board Communications
Robberts- congrats to art winners. Thanks to Greg for keeping health insurance so low.
Courtney- shame people aren’t getting vaccinations. Greene is opposed to that as well. Doesn’t think it will go anywhere he hopes.
Vickstrom- got some info from electricians- expo in (middletown?)- people in alternative fields- lots of opportunities for students. Lots of options for our students we should promote. We need to open students’ eyes to that.
Hatteberg- nope
Brueck- kudos to Greg, and Pop concert and cheaper by the dozen.
Kendell- great that allowable growth passed- Greene voted no on vaccinations. Kendell looking forward to concerts. Spent a lot on PD- would be great to get updated. Elem teachers to Chicago- would like to get update. Kendell- teachers having training is good, but students suffer when teachers are out of the classroom.
Bross- los angeles, las vegas, chicago- be good to have an update on that. HS Boys basketball. Great year from them this year. Hopeful with right sizing will help bring them together as a team and be better. Eager to see how the digital learning days will turn out. Has questions about how it will work practically.
Adjourned for closed session at 533.

5. Closed Hearing-Re-Admission JH052118
6. Closed Hearing-Re-Admission JM011409
7. Closed Hearing-Re-Admission HF100417

XI. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.

Monday, February 11, 2019

BEA notes from 2-11-19 BCSD Board Meeting

Meeting was also televised on YouTube.

Here are the notes:

BCSD Board of Directors Meeting February, 2019
Attending:  Tom Courtney, Darvin Kendell, Deb Hatteberg,
On Phone:  Heather Brueck
Late:  Bryan Bross
Absent:  Marliss Roberts, Dean Vickstrom
I. Call to Order - 7:01
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda  Hatteberg moved, Courtney seconded. Passed.
IV. Public Comments - None
V. Consent Agenda  - Hatteberg moved, Courtney seconded.  Passed.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments -  
Jeff Christiansen presented about swim team accomplishments.  They had a good season. Started end of the year with JV conference in Mac.  They may be invited back next year even though we won’t be in the conference.  4-4 record. Two mac conference meets were canceled. Qualified two relays to state.  Two individuals qualified in two events each to state. They started the trip to state with an assembly at BHS.  They went to the cooperating school, Danville, Central Lee, and Holy Trinity. They were recognized at each school for the accomplishments.  The shared program has helped to give more competition for Burlington kids. We had 12:12 shared and BHS kids. This year were 17 BHS kids and 8 shared kids.   He feels the shared program helped build the program. Kendell asked about going to different district. Christianson said MAC school will keep us on the schedules.  They will basically swim a MAC schedule because the smaller schools don’t have swim programs. Coen then talked about picking up duals with Iowa City. Courtney asked if other sports would be impacted this way.  Coen said no because there is only one swim class in Iowa.
VII. Student Representative Report   Student representative not present.  No report.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
It’s black history month.  He was in Atlanta GA, last week and visited the center for human rights.  He asked for everyone to be respectful of black history month. He talked about snow days.  He has contacted the State Dept to get digital days. We are fine hours wise because of the way we built our schedule.  Not a fan of going into June and people have vacations planned. Feb 2 South Hill Association dinner was very positive. Summer reading program coming up.  Support of pre-k programs. Normal flow of student parent community issues. The Pell Grant cannot be used for concurrent enrollment. Expand extra duties at the high school for a PR club.  I don’t know what this is. Moved forward with plan to promote PEPL . Reached out to the LMC about errata process. Started talk with Des Moines County Conservation Director Chris Lee about summer school programs, Hound Town Day, shared adventures there.  Big Hollow great assessment to community. Facility meeting for the high school coming up. RFP is being written to bring actual facility planner. Preparing with Burlington for RAGBRAI. Marilyn Sullivan passed away (teacher). Courtney said she and husband were long time community people in Burlington.   Hatteberg also spoke fondly of her. Coen said someone else passed away but I didn’t catch the name. Coen sent a letter to house/Senate committee about doing something with tech (?). Courtney asked if we could use Saturday to make up days. Coen said it could be possible and do two ½ Saturdays. Coen also suggested  adding 15 minute in morning and 15 more in the afternoon. Courtney thought it was a good idea. Cory Johnson is tasked with surveying staff and parents about it. Coen referenced Estherville. Courtney asked about students who don’t have Chromebooks. Coen said he could explain it later. Coen said little guys don’t use computers.  Coen then said we are spending lots of money on chromebooks and may be able to use them more effectively. But he said there are 5000 kids in Iowa doing online stuff for entire classes. Courtney seemed ok with digital makeup. Coen talked to college students and how they used computers a lot. Hatteberg suggested a combination of both.  Coen said the board doesn’t have to decide this issue. He wanted to try something digitally in the middle of April to plan for instruction. We have extra hours built. Hatteberg said with trimester the concern that there is not enough time built as it in. Kendell said he admires that Coen isn’t afraid to fire off a memo to Des Moines. Kendell is in favor of the digital thing too.  Coen sent the letter to the DE too, not just the legislators. Kendell commended Cory Johnson for taking care of calling school off for weather while Mr. Coen was gone.
IX. Items for Discussion
Early retirements recommended to be accepted.  Courtney motioned, Hatteberg seconded. Hatteberg congratulated and thanked the retirees.   Kendell thanked them and wished them a good retirement. Passed.

Cory Johnson presented the PE waiver to DE due to trimester schedule.  Courtney, moved Hatteberg seconded. Hatteberg aked how often is PE. Johnson said  the kids have to take it two trimesters and not a full year. Coen then said that kids can get an exemption not to take PE. Passed.

Cory Johnson presented the behavior intervention specialist position.  This is to address the concerns in challenging behaviors in special educational and throughout the curriculum.  It will be two positions paid out of SPED. TLC needs assessment suggested staff needed more assistance in this.  Hatteberg moved, Brueck seconded. Courtney asked about salary. Salary and benefits of $90,000 per position. Reynolds said we are running a positive balance in our SPED account so we can pay for this.  Coen contends kids do great if in class, ontime, and respectful. This is will help. Kendell asked about the $5000. Johnson - its a stipend and training necessary for it. Kendell - $500/day. Kendell said the salary is close to administrative pay.  Johnson said master’s in counseling and behavioral science. Johnson then defended the salary. Coen then said it is a teacher leader. Johnson said we have 14 TLC. Johnson said their average salary and benefits $85,000. Johnson reminded the board approved job descriptions for the TLC positions from the last meeting.  Kendell asked if the funds will continue. Reynolds said it can vary from year to year. He said our special ed funds keep up. Kendell said the position is administrative pay. Hatteberg said it would be at the same level as TLC. Johnson said it is similar. Hatteberg said it should take tasks away from principals. Johnson said yes and supports SPED teachers.  Hatteberg was all for it. Brueck also agreed. Courtney asked how many years this person will have when we hire them. Johnson said he didn’t know. Hatteberg will this be open to our staff first? Johnson said it would be posted internally and externally. Kendell wants us to be prudent in what we are paying. He thought it was too high. But he thinks it will yield benefits.  Courtney is in favor of it. Bross agreed. Passed.

Kendell handed meeting over to Bross at 7:40.  

Grey Reynolds presented the amendment to SEC rates for classes.  It slight reduction for next few years. Courtney moved, Hatteberg seconded.  Passed

Broken Centrifuge contract was presented for graduation ceremony.  Hatteberg moved, Courtney seconded. Passed.

BHS yearbook agreement with Josten’s for a three year contract that is better than the past vendor.  Yearbooks not sold don’t cost us. Courtney moved, Hatteberg seconded. Kendell said something about $18,200 per year.  Passed.

Americorp Substance abuse program presented by Reynolds.  We get two full time positions at no cost to the district.  Courtney moved, Hatteberg seconded. Passed.

Resolution to continue the PEPL.  Coen moved that the ballot be made for election.  Courtney moved, Hatteberg seconded. Courtney asked if this was no additional taxes but a continuation.  Reynolds agreed that it was not additional tax. Coen also agreed that taxes are not going up. Bross said it supports ongoing maintenance of our buildings.  Reynolds agreed and said we are levying less than the maximum allowed by law. Reynolds said it is critical that it is renewed.
Roll Call Vote:  All said aye.

X. Board Communications
Brueck - none.  Hatteberg thanked all those doing stuff during snow days and keeping everyone safe.  Courtney talked about measles epidemics in a number of states because parents aren’t vaccinating and vaccines don’t cause autism.  Kids are being exposed to a disease. Iowa parents can opt out and its ridiculous. He said the law should be changed. Parents are wrong doing this.  Scientists are right. It's ridiculous to not vaccinate. Parents need to vaccinate. Herd protection is important but as less parents vaccinate the kids, it’s being reduced.  Kendell said there was a seven minute video about our district and touts some of the great things our district does. It’s well done and people should watch it and get it out everywhere.  Asked to get something out about the PEPL election coming up. Bross thanked Courtney and Kendell for their comments. Commented about vaccines and their effectiveness. We have a YouTube channel and people need to use it.  He complimented the boys basketball team. He encouraged people to attend the basketball games. Two boys are going to state wrestling on Thursday. Brueck - The pops concert has been moved and asked to have the meeting moved an hour early so board members can attend.
XI. Adjournment  - 7:57  

XII. Closed sessions.