June 24, 2019, BSCS Board of Directors Meeting
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:20 p.m.
Vicksrom, Robberts, Kendell, Bross, Courtney, Hatteberg in attendance
Brueck absent.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda
Motion to adopt by Robberts, second by Kendell. Motion carried.
IV. Public Comments
At student, Kemper Woodsmall spoke. He is a student in the summer school program and talked about free lunch and breakfast program. He explained what the program was about. He was doing this as a requirement of the Understanding Social Systems class he was taking this summer. He gave some stats of while we qualify for it. He said that all kids should get free breakfast and lunch. Kids who have food do better in school.
Keith (Didn’t get the last name) he spoke very, very briefly about school safety and discipline. He is running for school board.
V. Consent Agenda
4. Minutes, Bills, Financial Report, Human Resources Report and Gifts
Robberts moved, Hatteberg seconded. Vickstrom said something about a veteran teacher leaving (TAG teacher). Courtney asked about the transfer of Mrs. Ziegler. Mr. Sayre is going to stay at 4th grade in North HIl. Kendell commented about 2 million dollars in open enroll payment to WBHS. It’s about 600 students. Passed.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- BHS Science Fair Students
Abby Wittkamp and Sara Dodge spoke about how their project and how they were the overall grand champion of the State Science Fair. This qualified them for the International Science and Engineering Fair. At that fair they were invited to another international fair, invited to the Sigma Xi conference (a scientific research honor society), and also asked to publish their work. Since Kylie Wolf could not attend the meeting, Liz Sanning describe how Kylie qualified to go as an observer and what Kylie did at ISEF.
VII. Student Representative Report - none.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
GPAEA can do some program about listening. He worked on evaluations. He said Greg Reynolds was looking into kids eating free (thing the student brought up). ISBA legislative stuff is coming due. He gave the board copies of possible resolutions. Board members need to pick out their priorities from those given by the next board meeting. The ones picked by the board will be submitted to ISBA. He gave them a copy of his evaluation. It takes place in July during the July board meeting. He was an opening speaker at some leadership academy. He instructed the board to go the shared file to view the minutes of the administrative team meetings. He met with the vp, pres of the school board . There will be a wall of fame at Bracewell stadium. Purple and Gray are in charge. He talked to a bunch of different people. He is working on the RFP for the high school. He visited summer school this past week. Good stuff going on. He spoke with the city about Memorial Auditorium for start of school and it won’t be available. He reached out to Pzazz and Comfort Inn and Suites about it. There will be a speaker - Trevor Reagan. Courtney suggested Howard Johnson as a place to have it. Hatteberg asked about something that is July 29.
IX. Items for Discussion
5. RAGBRAI Update Information Only
Tim Kesterke started out. Aldo is being used by a special needs group. At the high school, all the ground are being used even the parking lots. The inside areas such as the cafeteria, gym, pool, music, and safe rooms are being used as well. ES will have 1500 people camping there. Some will camp inside. There will be two custodians for HS 24 hrs, ES will have 1 custodian on shift at all times. None at Aldo. This is a really great opportunity for the booster groups. Bross asked if any of the semis hauling stuff will make ruts in the grounds. Kesterke said that there is only one area where there might be some. Kendell - showers at HS? HS 2500 people. Kay Breuer gave background on RAGBRAI. It will bring about 20-30,000 people into the community. The theme is Rally to the Alley. There will be a pep rally and our cheerleaders will help with the welcome. Additional campgrounds about the community. Great working with Kesterke. Ragbrai has people that haul stuff in semis. There are about 2000 in that group. They will be staying on the north of the HS. There are charters that also do this. There are opportunities to charge for food and showers but not camping except for indoor camping. There is an event in the downtown area 2-11:30 PM. There are shuttles for this. Scott Zaiser,athletic booster club,said there will be a lot of hungry people. They are working with the music booster and hope to make a lot of money for both groups. They have a great crew ready to do this. Stephanie and Cheryl are leads on this? Stephanie said they have a contract with 1500 to serve in the cafeteria at ES. Kendell asked how to volunteer. The best is the Facebook page set up for this or the music booster page or the athletic page. They are having a free will donation bake sale. People needed to donate items. The groups planning this stuff meet every Wed at 6 PM. This week it is at Huck C, Pzazz. RAGRAI is here July 26, 27. They do need volunteers July 25 to set up and prepare. BHS will have about 2500-3000. The pool will be open. All lifeguards will be certified. They will use the school walkies because cell service will be spotty. They talked about the logistics and materials needed to pull this off. They asked to post stuff on district facebook page and webpage to get the information out. Kendell was blown away by the amount of work coming together community wide. He felt it was a fantastic way to show off community. Courtney asked how are we handling beer. Kesterke said alcohol can’t be sold. Our policy is just like any normal time. No alcohol. ND can and will have it. Bross asked if we are we taking care of neighbors. Breuer said the city is taking care of it. The board thanked them.
6. Handbooks: Clerical, Custodians, Food Service and Transportation
Lacy Johnson presented and said that minimal changes were made Salary info changed. Robberts moved to approve, Hatteberg seconded. Vickstrom asked if there was grievance procedure. Lacy said there was the open door policy. Courtney said he wasn’t happy about that but he had expressed that multiple times. All but Vicktrom and Courtney voted yes.
7. Meet & Confer Groups
Reynolds said typically salary increased follow the same wage as the teacher group. The exceptions were Butler and Hatten who got more than that. Hatteberg moved, Robberts seconded. No discussion or questions. All approved. Vickstrom and Kendell abstained.
8. Meet & Confer Groups Handbook
Johnson presented and said there were minimal changes. Insurance costs changed. Robberts moved, Kendell seconded. Vickstrom asked about a grievance policy again and Lacy said no. All in favor except Courtney and Vickstrom.
9. Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Levy
Bross read the resolution. Its for five years. Courtney moved July 15 public hearing on it, Hatteberg seconded. Then a roll call vote was done. All said yes. Courtney said this is vital for the district.
10. Piper Jaffray Engagement Letter
Asking to continue services with this group. Courtney moved, Robberts seconded. Courtney said they are a reputable firm. Robberts said they have used them for a long time. Bross said the fees are a set percentage of bonding. All agreed.
X. Board Communications
Courtney is looking forward to RAGBRAI. He is hosting 19 people in his yard. It's fun to be a pass through town. Hatteberg acknowledged the gifts of $99,000+ given this year. She thanked the community for supporting our programs. She also said the work session that occurred earlier in the month was very beneficial with great discussion. She looks forward to phase 2 of that same meeting.
Vickstrom said that summer school was a prison sentence when he was in school. He participated in a field trip with summer school and enjoyed it. He said that summer school was enjoyable and not a have to. He hoped it continues to have the creative people doing it.
Robberts gave a thank you to transitional alliance program. She thought it was a neat opportunity and is glad our district has it. Thanks to all volunteering for RAGBRAI.
Kendell thanked the guy who said something about school safety and that there are board elections this year. RAGBRAI is a big deal. It’s an opportunity to raise money. He congratulated the science fair participants. He said we should brag about the accomplishments of our students. He mentioned that the baseball team went to the college world series. He thought it would be great if the other sports could find something like this to do during their season.
Bross said everyone stole everything he had to say. He was impressed with science fair kids.
XI. Adjournment Courtney moved and Robberts seconded - 8:13.