Monday, July 29, 2019

7-29-19 BCSD Board Work Session notes

July 29, 2019 BCSD Board of Directors Work Session
Board members attending:  Bross, Kendell, Brueck, Vickstrom, Courtney, Hatteberg
Robberts arrived at 4:30.
Others:  Principals, vps, Greg Reynolds, Lacy Johnson, Cory Johnson, Pat Coen, Reggie Shipp

Coen started with thank you cards for the booster clubs that helped with RAGBRAI.  Board members were instructed to sign them. 
Courtney asked whether the booster clubs made as much money as they thought the would.  He heard that they had a lot of leftover food. Coen said that 4000 were served.
Nina Zaiser said that the crowd didn’t meet expectations.  But food wasn’t wasted, was sent back.
The meet was officially called to order at 4:04 PM.

Cory Johnson reviewed what happened June 10 (last work session). 
Bross appreciated the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) information.  He wanted to hear more about what are we doing this year. How are we going to work on?  He likes positive interventions for discipline issues.
Kendell agrees about ACES. This could be why different buildings have different problems.
Shipp said something about  the discipline expulsion rate and the services provided for said students. Bross thanked Shipp for the YouTube video on how to enter discipline referrals in Infinite Campus (IC)

CJ then reviewed  district wide efforts to support student learning. 
Attendance teams are working on developing a plan for home visits in June and July.
Coen then inserted that if students aren’t there, good curriculum doesn’t matter.
Behavior is taught and expectations taught at school.  We need to work on attendance.

CF referenced a handout that they in their folder.  CASTLE - defines social/emotional competencies. It's a framework adopted by the state of Iowa.  It’s relevantly new. Early in the year we looked deeper in social/emotional stuff. We need to try to be more consistent in this. There was a committee  that recommended the purchase of Positive Action curriculum K-8. Looking at a soft implementation because we don’t want to throw something else on teachers. Counselors and social workers know about it and can help if teachers need help.  Implementation not this year but the next. There are six units in the curriculum. Aligns with CASTLE.

CJ refernced a handout in the packet from DOE about suicide prevention and mitagting toxi stress responses.  We have to do new annual training on this. We are doing an online program for suicide. The mitigation program is called building stronger brains.  AEA supports it. Its free to us. Its face to face. Occurs during the PD before school starts. All teachers have to take it annually per Iowa code. 

CJ referenced a handout on professional development for creating a culture of mutual respect and learning.  It summarizes all the training that staff will have access to this year and some of the training that we have done in the past (Jenson).  

Coen then said that attendance for staff is important.  TQ was attended by 243 or about 75% of our staff. Then he called Bolander the old guy and asked him how many usually attend and Bolander said less than 50%.  Then Coen said that is the problem. Bross wanted to know if we measure if it is implemented. L. Johnson is working on an audit of different programs in place and how they are working.  More info to come about this. It will be done each trimester. 
CJ then said something about coaching and feedback to teachers.  Then he reference the drop in discipline referrals for the after school program.   Eduplanet learning modules another learning for staff. TQ wanted to offer a menu this spring 101 signed up, 88 finished.  About ⅓ of staff did this.  

There were learning opportunities for teacher summer 2019.  There was something in Ottumwa (3 staff) did it. Five teachers attended a  behavioral summitt. The third thing that came out in an email today (No Such Thing as a Bad Kid).  PLC institute training is being done. Admin is providing a lot of support for staff and a lot of learning.  It is focussed on trauma informed mindset. 

Joanie James did a Conscious Discipline presentation. I’m not sure what her job is with the district but she has worked with after school program. Its an evidence based trauma informed self-informed program.  It fosters self regulation.
A big piece relies on creating a healthy school family.  She showed a pyramid of how it works.
She gave some examples of things done during the day. 
PIECES chose this approach because of a survey they did and found a need for improvement for student behavior.  It was first used in Club M and then in PIECES. All PIECES staff were trained. She explained the timeline on this.  More training occurred this summer and more to come. This is done through a certified instructor. Year one was focused on structure and rituals.  In year 2 feelings will be focussed on. Year 3 will involve “I Love You Rituals”. Many positive results have come from this program she feels. Staff is more willing to calm and self reflect and work on a solution.  She feels that their students are more accountable for their behavior because of this program. There was a 89.5% reduction in after school program DRs.

CJ referenced a handout that had pictures of the different parts of  the program.  

Courtney asked if they leave the classroom and get help.  James said the goal is to keep them in the classroom in calming zones.  
CJ then said adults can relate to getting away from aggravation.  
James then sometimes it involves taking a walk or running.
Courtney - who teaches the kids when this goes on?
James - there are always two staff members in the classroom.  Or office people handle it or she comes.  
Courtney asked if it was done last year.
Bross clarified that it was only in the PIECES program.  CJ said a few teachers were using it.
She referenced Diana Reed ( music teacher) as a teacher that uses it.  Two kindergarten teachers did the training. (PIECES is an after school program.)
CJ then referenced the PD for this school year.  (This is going to be in our PD?)
There is training on this during the first week back and free to staff.  
TQ day will be about this stuff - Donna Porter and someone named D.J.  This is specific for secondary. James was describing an elementary program.  
Courtney asked if there are  some students that this doesn’t work on.   James said that she does it differently than the staff members and not all were trained and so it wasn’t implemented well. James said her mindset is different than the teachers mindset.  She said she really listens to the child and gives them the time to calm. Courtney asked if everybody got the training, would it work? James - yes. She is having a problem hiring staff and getting them trained in time for school year.  James has 7 more people to interview to fill vacancies is the PIECES program. Courtney hopes it works since he is the biggest complainer about discipline. She uses this policy at home. Bross thanked her for sharing a personal story. Bross asked if there was an opportunity for parental training. James said there is a parent book and seminar.

Christina Larken and Nina Zaiser asked admin to do a presentation about something they learned when they took to classes this summer.  They then did a Powerpoint presentation that addressed the following question: How can we make a positive impact on behavior program? Larkin said there were discipline problems in the District but that Sunnyside didn’t have a problem.  She asked if everyone could think about a time that a teacher made them feel negative about something? And changed the question to positive. Then they instructed everyone to turn and talk with someone about the positive experience.
They said that empathy and relationships are what happens in the positive experience.  They said it is about being proactive and not reactive. It is about consciousness not consequences.  It’s all about building relationships.  
A House is Not A Home was the course they took. Larkin then described some stuff in the course.  They learned that more kids are hungry than in the past. They met with Coen to talk about this issue and he is working on it.  Reynolds is going looking at everyone in our district eating free because our district is so poor. Zaiser talked about a sharing table for left over packaged food.  Larkin and Zaiser are working on writing a plan to do this. Chris Roberts said that someone else in the district is working on it. Robberts asked about how big a program they were thinking of and whether they would form a nonprofit.  They weren’t sure.
They learned that relationships are important.  
Zaiser then read a slide titled  Breaking the Cycle: School to Prison Pipeline (This was the second class they took).  It stressed the importance of relationships and knowing what is going on with the child.  Courtney said that some teachers will say I’m not a social worker. They just want to teach. Conversation then broke out about whether those teachers should be in the classroom.

Larkin talked about the zero tolerance policy and that SROs should only be used for police stuff and not piddly stuff.  

Shipp said the SRO at the high school tried to build relationships with students.  Referenced John Stern as an example of a good SRO. Larkin was excited to know we are using SROs correctly in our district. 

Then they went to a presentation on PBIS.  Stressed the importance of talking to students.   Larkin modeled how to talk to a student. Zaiser modeled a negative teacher.  Larkin then said even what she did was not correct and she could modify it to make it better.  
Larkin then talked about restorative practices and conscious discipline.  She suggested morning meetings, talking circles, and dialogue circles with students. 
Then they had everyone watch a video called Talking Circles with Edwina Smith. This was in Oakland California. They ended with a slide on positive intention - it was a quote from a principal Washington D.C. Zaiser invited them to visit the kindergarten classrooms.  Larkin concurred. 
Bross called them superstars for doing this.

CJ then pointed out a handout about health services.  A full time counselor was added to the district. He went through the list of people who help with stuff like this.  He referenced TLC positions that help with this. Coen then complimented Monica Mundt on what she does. 

The PBIS Handbook was presented by Tim Bolander.  The bottom line was inconsistency in using this. Teams were trained separately and so different building developed different plans.  In 2016 a district team was created and discrepancy were found in all levels. He referenced a handout. The most critical part is instruction.  He said that some people thought there were no consequences but that is incorrect. There were also lesson plans attached in the handout. This is for elementary.  Bross asked why the classroom was not listed on the sheet. Bolander said it may not have printed on the handout. He referenced the posters that are used. Teacher turn in a checklist after they teach the lessons on PBIS.  Different building plans resulted in different forms to be used such as minors and majors. The list he referenced was very specific to Sunnyside. When the program went forward as a district, the problem solving matrix was introduced.  He then referenced a story where a Sunnyside student hugely misbehaved as told by Tom Courtney at the last work session. It really made him mad. But he wanted to let the board know that they used this matrix on that student. Then he held up what was used by Mark Taylor at Corse.  Bross asked if the matrix will be explained to the teachers. Bolander said yes. He also said that they were inconsistent on what goes into IC. Only majors will go into IC. He said the ODR form is all consistent but Chris Richards has a full sheet instead of a half sheet. Both versions are three-ply so that teacher, office, and parent get a copy. These are used for majors only.  Minors are managed by the teacher and not the office. He then talked about recognition for good behavior being a part of PBIS. He gave examples of prizes. He talked about how this works with bus drivers. Shipp said that transportation does a good job of letting the high school know about issues on the bus.
Hatteberg asked him about training students and teachers on this so its consistent.  Bolander and Richards then gave examples of what they do. Mark Taylor explained how he did it.  
Coen asked Lacy to check teacher attendance against the audit.  He thought that maybe teachers missed the training. Hatteberg asked about new students.  Richards said he used a video for new students but it needs to be updated to work for all elementary buildings.  Bolander said they use data to determine if parts of PBIS need to be retaught based on the behaviors. Bolander talked about bus behavior.  He said the key is teaching correct behavior. Bolander explain the pyramid of MTSS and how it is used. Bolander said there is a need of a district team.  I left at 6:00 PM and the meeting was still going on.

Monday, July 15, 2019

BEA notes 7-15-19 BCSDS Board Meeting

I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.- Brueck and Hatteberg absent.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- moved robberts, 2nd courtney. passed.
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)

V. Public Hearing
2. Instructional Support Program- If anyone wants to address continued participation, they can do so. 

VI. Consent Agenda
3. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report and Gifts- Moved for approval by Courtney, 2nded by Robberts. Kendell pulling Hr report for one question.
HR assistant- was cut- adding back in. does the budget support this? Reynolds- reduced 4 in central office- they are falling behind in the work- want to expand HR- need additional support. 
Bross- certified staff- English teacher BA/O3- how did that work
Keane in the audience- Kehoe was being paid for a position - he moved in to co-teach with math- the English teacher applied. Luke Johnson- he applied. Aron still wants to teach an adult ed at BILA- he wants to help get the special ed math program back where it needs to be. Want to move back to the co-teaching model. 5 staff in chicago now for training. Spec ed teacher with gen ed teacher. Too hard to differentiate without additional help. 
Person hired going through RAPIL program (?)- go through a series of courses over the course of a year- 1st year teaching is like an internship. Keane is comfortable with it. M. Bishop has gone through that. 
Vickstrom- has sat in on Kehoe-
Robberts- why are we hiring him at a BA/03?- Coen- he taught 5 years at a JUCO. 
Keane- English is a highly sought after position
Kendell- the report says this is due to Hayes moving over.
Keane- we have a Science opening- that’s why he moved her over- he said that may have been an error on Johnson’s part. We are reducing FTE’s at hs- didn’t replace a math teacher. Bross- is it harder to find teachers?
Keane- lack of teachers statewide in areas. Had a hard time hiring english last year. Young kids are looking at urban areas- or go back to home towns. Teacher shortage is a big deal.
Coen- right sizing- IWU about tanking. Small colleges on verge of going under. Causing less teachers. 
Keane- lucky that we found a spanish teacher again- called a person and interviewed him. Everyone super interested. Keane still needs a science teacher- something about another position at BILA.
Shifting some staff around. Reducing costs at BHS- hiring less expensive teachers to replace exiting staff.
Kendell opposed, seemed to be over the ELA teacher hiring. passed.

VII. District Positive Accomplishments- Club M and Pieces Afterschool Program Highlights- Cassie Gerst- district got an award. After school alliance awarded the honor. Implementation and innovative practice- conscious discipline. Emotions and stress. How can they better understand what is going on. Reduced after school office referrals. By 89.5%. Hired about 85-100 staff for after school. Bross or Kendell asked her to describe conscious discipline. 
There will be a board discussion time later this month so board can learn more about it.
Highlights of report- served over 1000 students. Broken down by grades and buildings. Pleased to say next year will over 5 days a week. Activities will also take place on weekends. 
Club M mentoring. Place to have a positive relationship with students. Seeing continuation of student mentors. Mentoring seems to be having positive outcomes due to survey results. Had 5 GR Christian students come over and mentor. Had 92 HS students mentor, but dropped down to around 72 students. 
Coen- it will grow once kids who have been mentored can mentor. Kendell thinks it’s fantastic. So many good things. Gets the 5th graders to the hs so they don’t see it as scary. Small things we do are gigantic in scope- he says. Pieces, too. Really pumped by these 2 things.
Gerst- we love what we do. 
Pieces had 45 partners this school year. Supported 266 students through a special act- for homeless students. I don’t know if this means we had 266 homeless students- it was unclear. Bross asked- these students fit the definition of homeless youth. So if they live with a grandparent- “doubled up”. Courtney- do we have any really truly homeless? Gerst- we had 8. Courtney- what do they do in the winter? Gerst- working with transitions DMC. finding places for these kids. Don’t have a lot of place just for the youth.
Bross- fully funded with grants- Gerst- yes. Bross- if you had more homeless? Gerst- always wants to cover what is going to happen in the next year. Some cuts occurred- some sponsors step up. Try to make things last. Staffing is the most expensive portion.
Courtney- why doesn’t DHS get involved with homeless students?
Gerst- will talk to you about it outside of the meeting. Lots of reasons. Too much to go into. 
Coen- homeless- some people trade food for drugs. Choose to be homeless even if offered a place to live. Robberts is going to mentor. Other board members could do so, too, she points out. 
Gerst- need more mentors.
Bross- great news. So important to our mission.

VIII. Student Representative Report- absent.

IX. Superintendent’s Report- spent time getting ready for school year. Went to NH for summer school. Sat in on classes. Lot of reading writing connectivity. Sat through a ready classroom mathematics training. This does a lot of prep for you. Cory Johnson went to a meeting- HS File 2456 (?). Cory thinks will become a good thing, but a lot to sort through. Attended Kiwanis meeting. IASB teacher shortage Keane talked about. Coen foresaw that issue. Attended to a couple staff issues. Exciting- GMA brought in grandaughter- got her enrolled in summer school- will most likely come in with 3 credits already done. Summer school is directly correlated with increased hs graduation. 
Annual campaign notice- YMCA- if any board member wishes to contribute. Coen gives to United Way. consider that.

X. Items for Discussion
4. Branding Information Only- David Ruehs- gave a preview in March. We don’t have a clear brand. A banner club M made. We have a bridge, a grayhound, and it’s not very cohesive. Want everything to be cohesive- want to attract more families. Marketing and branding. Process has already started. Moved all elem schools to grayhound. We are all purple and gray. Kind of a sales pitch- plethora of classes that the hs offers that other schools don’t. TAP program recognized nationally. We have all of those things, but we don’t have a unified symbol that brings them all together. Type Font and image- color scheme. 
Right sizing process. Wants to tighten it up. Many districts hire PR directors. Our district has tried that- Ruehs is recommending someone do this process with us. Collective ownership. Gives community a voice. 
3 schools he has presented on before- Charles City, Okoboji, West Des Moines Valley. He called them and asked them why they did it and what they thought of it. Okoboji got a letter for Oregon- they were using the same type font and logo as Oregon. It wasn’t a fun process for them, at first. Now they are happier. Valley- Clemson tiger paw and Virginia Tech VT. wanted to fix their logos before in legal trouble. Super pleased with Lettermen creative. Showed an example of a style guide from Charles City. went into a sales pitch for why we need this. 
Gave an example of Solon- Mrs. Tabor. All of our schools have different letterhead. Gave another example from Dubuque. 
Won’t vote until next time. This is for information only. Ruehs is recommending Lettermen creative. Some of the companies had worked with schools, but was short term. All 3 schools that he talked to that had worked with that company were pleased with the results. Ruehs has found them easy to work with. 7500- not the most expensive, not the cheapest. This would come out of the general fund. Dr. Mohammad- talked about culture- symbols are powerful. 
Outlined the proposal that the company will work through. Not advocating to replace everything- just as we replace, we update.
Questions- Courtney- 7500 for the company? How much would it be to do it all through? No big hurry to change over. 
Kendell- likes it. Very important that we do it. It is a brand. Don’t have to change over all at once. Wants one logo district wide. Appreciates Ruehs’ work with it. Firmly believes in it. 
Keane- we have a vinyl cutter at the hs- several of our images aren’t good quality. They aren’t professional symbols. Any of our logos aren’t easy to manipulate digitally. 
Put up for vote on next meeting.

5. Ft. Madison Swimming 28E- Reynolds- same as we have with WB and other districts. Same for other districts. Notre dame pays taxes, so their cost is diff. Robberts motions for approval, Courtney 2nd. Passes.

6. Shoquoquon Choir 28E Agreement with Notre Dame- same thing- continuation. Moved by Robberts, 2nded by Courtney. Cost hasn’t changed in the next 10 years. Maybe we should look at an increase for next year. Passed.

7. IASB Legislative Priorities- working from a list- go around room and lay out top 4. Bross- drop out and mental health. Sharing and reorganization. Franchise fees- opposes. 
Kendell- mental health, special education, school funding, franchise fees. 
Robberts- mental health, special ed, funding formula, supp state aid.
Vickstrom- 3, 7, 18, 19. He didn’t say what they were.
Hatteberg’s- 7,8, 19, 20.
Courtney- agreed with Bross. They’re all good, but won’t get acted on. 
School funding policy, 24 was in 3. 8 and 9 relatively the same. 
Board ranks them. 
Robberts moved, Courtney 2nded. Courtney offered to stand up and talk. Robberts- push for mental health. Need to give more than lip service. 

8. Resolution to Participate in the Instructional Support Program- Courtney moved to waive the reading. Courtney moved passing, Robberts 2nded. Greg called a roll call vote. Passed.

9. Superintendent Evaluation – Closed Session- went to closed session at 8:19.
XI. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Vickstrom- commend coach Webb- orientation for track. Neat situation. Article- What’s going on in our school classrooms. Recommended read. 
Robberts- congrats to Gerst. Registration happening. She’s already emailing teachers.
Courtney- none.
Kendell- echoes Robberts congrats to Gerst. Ragbrai is coming. Week from Friday- lots of ways to sign up to help. Drop off tomorrow with supplies that they need. 
Bross- doubling the population in one evening. Glad to hear more details on branding- great thing. Part of making sure we are establishing good culture and identity. Janet wrote a card- thanking board for their retirement gift and card. 
XII. Adjournment