I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.-
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- moved by Hattteberg 2nd by Kendell. approved.
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)-
V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report and Gifts- approval moved by Hatteberg, 2nded by Brueck. Hatteberg- gifts- really amazing. Bross- so blessed.
Passed unanimously.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Homecoming Activities- Molly Nelson- senior at BHS- StuCo. Theme once upon a time. Theme days for school. Today was Monsters University Day. Tomorrow is Jungle Book day- animal print. Wednesday Lilo and Stitch day. Thursday- Jinx Day- wear red and black for opposing team. Made jinx day shirts. Friday is BHS pride day. Wednesday StuCo will decorate field. Paw Prints painted. Thursday is parade day. Line up starts at 5. Parade starts at 6. Carnival in cafeteria after. Pep assembly at 8- king coronated. Bonfire- out by track. Friday- 5 am- pep assembly- game is at 7pm. Sat night is dance 8-11 in cafeteria.
Bross- lot of work, lot of planning.
Kendell- it’s early this year.
Courtney- why is it so early in the morning?
Coen- TV out of quad cities does the pep assembly for good morning show- it’s live.(Keane says)
Coen- it’s a long week.
Nelson- yesterday was powder puff and rough and tough. Good turnout.
Hatteberg- thanks for all your work.
VII. Student Representative Report- Bryn Cassady- homecoming week bringing everyone together- new rules was a big impact on BHS. good to see everyone is adjusting to them- everyone is wearing their IDs. no hats.
Bross- thanks for sharing that.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report- spoke with teachers and support staff- first week of 5 days was too much. Start early part day can run into stuff with Christmas and Spring break. Cabinet meeting tuesday afternoon. Building level after action review. Dept of ed review completed with Coen and Johnson. AEA- Steve Branch- supt learning session- generational consulting- getting the most out of working with people of different generations. SCC wants to have him come. So does greater burlington. Developing the work force. Millenials are making up most of the work force. Bross asked Coen to have PTO schedule to members, but they don’t have it yet. Assembly was great at BHS. Met with Kendell and Bross at 330- talked about key leaders- generational poverty- want admins to come to cabinet- issue with 9th graders at BHS- maturity- have to let it run it’s corse- busing issues. Have smoothed out. Will continue to work that issue. Corse is up and running. Talked a great deal about graduation requirements- could have people graduating early- will meet with BHS- came into this want to provide diverse opportunities for children- need to stay focused on this- how can we enrich their lives as adults. Will be a challenge. Talked about Chapter 20 and handbook- trimesters- kids get lot of credits quick- want to help teachers get master’s degrees. SCC needs instructors. Our teachers could retire and then work for SCC. tried it a couple years ago with TQ but got stuck. Maybe something we could trade for TQ money. Laci Johnson has to have a way to draw teachers here. We have to do things to attract teachers here. Money in a pot. Courtney- why is that an issue? Coen- it has to be agreed upon. Coen- other side isn’t necessarily agreeing to the plan. Coen- 60% of teachers not coming to PD. Money piles up. Reynolds- we have 1.5 mil in categorical funds. Courtney- why can’t we use it. Coen- wants to barter something. We are not a bank. If you exceed 20% you can’t levy cash. We need to manage things.
Bross- can we get a work session on this?
Coen- we have to educate our legislators. Rules that go with money. TQ money goes with TQ.
Bross- if we’re willing to pay for advanced education, why would people not take advantage of it.
Coen- it would help them with retirement.
Received request from Kesterke- raising gym fee to 10$ an hour. Haven’t raised the fees in a long time.
Spoke with Reynolds- Burlington is at 97% of districts in Iowa. more diverse than 98% of schools in iowa.
Graduation rate is going up when challenges are increasing.
Wants PD with generational training-
AEA 8 has an opening- Joyce Waters- is moving on.
Bross and Coen thank Joyce for her service.
Openings on AEA board and Greater Burlington board.
1 thing for Mr. Keane- speech will be read off district float in parade.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. Athletics Update - Info only- Shay at a game. 21% involved in fall activities. Boys golf, girls cross country, swimming, and volleyball. #2 golfer- Rascon- won in Colorado. Boys golf. Volleyball swept keokuk. Swimming is successful. Boys cross country- a student got 17th out of 109.
Football- JV 1-0. Varsity 0-2. Young team. 45% underclassmen. Hard to win in 4A. Going to be competitive Friday night.
4. ID Update & Discussion – Info only- Bross- one of elementaries was ill prepared for visitors. Was asked by a parent- who are you? Wants board members to sign in when visiting buildings. Coen put together a program to do that. Bross- wants board members to wear a badge when visiting buildings. Does the board have thoughts on that?
Kendell- good idea. He doesn’t have his yet. Agree it’s a good idea. Diligent and proper that we do it
Courtney- he asked for it to be on the agenda. He’s 1000% in favor. Half the board said they didn’t need them. Courtney was surprised by it because he didn’t think the board was in favor of it. Coen- thinks the board was in favor of IDs vote.
Bross- didn’t vote that board had to wear them.
Brueck- it was after the meeting.
Bross- if i’d have thought there’d have been controversy he would have had the discussion first.
Courtney- letter says has to get badge. He’s in favor of it. He didn’t like the letter- he felt board should have voted on it.
Coen- lawyer says when board members go into building they aren’t board members. Attorney would like you to wear an ID.
Coen- he doesn’t want them to wear a visitor letter.
Bross- the word required is ambiguous decision. (this is confusing.)
Keane- staff handbook says we have to have IDs. Keane was instructed to have no backpacks and wear an ID.
Bross- how’s it going?
Keane- i don’t know- i’m preoccupied with other thngs at beginning of the year. I’m not the most observant person i guess.
Brueck- staff members like that the stickers are being used. Better than sending the kids out to get an id. Heard it works well.
Kendell- hasn’t heard anything negative. It’s been quiet. Bryn- new rules have been smoothly?
Bryn- backpacks are an issue. That’s the main thing kids don’t like. Phones are always going to be an issue- teachers say it is the board’s rule- put it away.
Courtney- family dinner- talked about rules.
Coen- welcome back- school employees- on phones while guys was presenting. Encourage board to put IDs for board members on agenda so they can vote on it.
Courtney- that’s fine with me. He heard from other people that IDs were a big problem. He likes what pat has done with it.
Bross- identification- as greyhounds- need to identify with our school system. Pride in wearing the ID.
Kendell- i like your point.
Bross- pump up the id as i am a greyhound.
Courtney- important to check.
Keane- only high school kids wear them.
Courtney- i’m good to go.
5. Building & Grounds Update- Kesterke- issues around a drain. Issues this summer with concrete- creating a lift at entrance doors. Has a business grinding the lip down. Working out good and saving money. Door at aldo. 2 cracks. Keeping ADA accessibility.
Has been touring buildings- room temperatures- looks for fire code compliance- doors propped open, drop cords- stacking storage too high to ceiling- things like that. Door wedges are only thing- they keep showing up- they keep taking them. Still are working on storage shed at ed stone- “she shed”- for athletics. Fell behind on work orders. Going to hopefully get finished on the 20th. Got called over to ed stone for locker room issues- didn’t have enough space- everyone solved it. Helping with bus issues at ed stone. Aldo have a good plan in place. Changes will occur at stone. Wasn’t made to pull in 20 buses at once. Aldo- have some plan in place to improve traffic for summer- too much of a hindrance for now. Aldo needs to add something for an accessible classroom. Behind on work orders. Carpenter- only 1 and only 1 electrician. Hired a part time electrician- got 28 new electrical work orders last friday.
Things like moving cords, projectors- what makes the most of the instructional time- what is a wish vs a need. They are still moving projectors. Worked on laser project for Buckman- took a lot of time. Transformer was bad. Took a lot of troubleshooting time. Low on custodial subs- would be a great part time job for somebody.
Madison- moved JMEC to corse. Doing great for last minute move. Very preliminary with moving head start, bakery, and school to work program. Have gotten started- want to be out of madison by 2020.
Hatteberg- is corse a student school? Tree covering up a stop sign. On leebrick side. Kesterke took note of it.
Hatteberg- teacher pleased with facilities. Was sad that hallway is a mess. Kesterke hopes it’s fixed in the month.
Coen- need to get rid of some stuff.
Courtney- who’s there?
Coen- behavioral from James Madison. 12 students.
Courtney- what is a part time janitorial job?
Kesterke- no set hours, no benefits. Pays 10.75 an hour.
Bross- do you reach out to temp agencies?
Reynolds- bus took an ad out on radio. Did find bus drivers that way (coen)
Kendell- you’re very busy
Hatteberg- busing- are we going to have to add cement? Stone not going to add much- going to take out dirt and curbing. Going to create some diagonal parking for buses. Hoping it takes 5-10 minutes tops for bus loading.
Coen- hub that that mt pleasant middle school uses.
Kesterke- aldo buses pull in randomly. Will add a lane for parents. Won’t be until next year at aldo. Coen says maybe thnksgiving.
6. Financial Reports (June & July)- reynolds- getting close- have to submit to DoE by 15th. Have to keep books open until end of year. Statements are accurate. June ended with a balance of 13 mil. Increase of 595k from previous year. Includes categorical funds. Discussion earlier about pd- we have 380k for pd. Preschool has 573k. TAG 132k. 1.5mil is categorical.
Bross asked something before meeting. Do we have 6 mil more money at the end of the year? Our operating funds- investments- have to combine the two. Our balance- 400k diff.
Bross- so i didn’t catch you in something? Lol funny joke.
Page 54 of pdf-
Reynolds- trying to build up balances.
I can’t keep up with or hear greg very well. I’m sorry.
Greg says any questions?
Bross- page 63 of pdf- date on 1st column is wrong. #s are right.
Any ?s
Courtney moved approval, hatteberg 2nded.
7. Annual Settlement of Books- ties in with financial reports. Courtney motioned- Brueck 2nded.
Bross- page 76- insufficient funds- someone stiffed them on checks.
8. School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)- Cory Johnson- members listed- parent, staff, community partner rep.
Moved by Courtney- 2nded by Kendell- Kendell- how do we obtain these individuals?- we have the same names through the years.
Cory- it’s an invitation process- could make more public. A lot of them are continuing members. People on the list are self-selected, more people were invited than ended up on the list.
Bross- appreciates people who do it.
Passed unanimously.
9. School Improvement Advisory Committee Goals 2019-20- code requires SIAC set goals. Goals are around elem literacy. K-6 goal instead of k-5 goal.
Approval moved by ? and 2nded by Courtney.
Bross- literacy is the focus? CJ- yes.
10. Broken Centrifuge Contract for 2020 Graduation Ceremony- approval motioned by hatteberg and courtney. passed.
11. Depository Resolution- moved by Courtney, passed by Brueck.
X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Hatteberg- visited Aldo and talked to a couple of staff members- had positive things to say. Staff is buying in. hallways quiet. Teachers walking to and from specials.
Coen- hatteberg is wearing Iowa.
Hatteberg- went to SCC, IWC, and got more hours elsewhere.
Courtney- remind public and students that vaping is dangerous. It’s killing people.
Get kids vaccinated.
He gets educated everyday.
Brueck- i missed her thanks- was looking at notes of TQ meetings. attended SD state. Univ of Iowa PhD in psychology. Son is a freshman at Iowa State.
Kendell- gifts- big thanks to friends and family of Chris Courtney- speaks to what a fine individual he was. Appreciative of that.
Greater Burlington partnership reception- great event. Keane and Coen attended. Teachers from all over. Like Xmas morning for teachers. Lots of fun. In that room people share ideas and aren’t stuck in districts.
Kendell- he went to SCC. WIU, son goes to Coe.
Bross- appreciates staff as he visited schools. Rough edges to sort out. Right sizing is going well. Hopes it continues. Bross did research on vaping. It’s usually rare. It is dangerous.
Bross went to Hannibal Lagrange for 2 years, tranferred to University of Missouri Raleigh- geological engineering- master engineering- Missouri science and technology. His kids wanted to see him walk across stage with master’s degree. His kids are both going there.
Thanks all school employees- need to identify as grayhounds.
XI. Adjournment- ended at 817.