Tuesday, December 10, 2019

BEA Notes 12-9-19 BCSD Board meeting

BCSD Board of Directors Meeting December 9, 2019

I. Call to Order – Welcome 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
LIz Sanning spoke about sub issues and how teachers were being assigned students from other teacher’s classes because there was no sub for that teacher. She asked that teachers be paid a stipend for doing this and that this not become a permanent solution.  She also spoke about behavior management issues and suggested that the upcoming early out and PD day be used to work on a plan for this. 
V. Consent Agenda - Hoelzen moved, Hatteberg seconded.  Passed.
5. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report and Gifts
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- $30,000 Employer Innovation Grant - 
Pat Coen presented this.  Something about CTE and accolades for our district.  There is now $60,000 in grants. Kendell asked about lack of student and superintendent reports.  It was just an oversite and won’t happen again.
VII. Items for Discussion
6. Nurses Update
Laci Johnson opened this and Esther Murphy and Carrie Kroll presented information.  Murphy thanked the board for a full time clinic clerk that is shared between ES and Aldo.  She explained how the clerk rotated between the two buildings. Their collaboration group developed a hub for the district website that has information for parents and others.  She also talked about Hetta Gilbert foundation and what it provides for students. They also talked about a dental program used at the elementary level and an immunization clinic for middle school students. Coen then referenced right sizing and said it was not about saving money but using it differently.  He did this to explain how they hired a person back after reducing the position last year. Vickstrom asked if the public understood how many brittle kids they deal with. Kroll said there are more sick kids now than in previous years.
7. Bloodborne Exposure Control Plan
Laci Johnson presented this.  Sieren asked if there was anything that the nurses wanted that wasn’t in this policy.  Esther Murphy said they added a few things to it and made some parts more clear. Courtney moved, Hatteberg seconded. Passed first reading.
8. Board Policy 200 Series (Partial) 2nd Reading
Laci Johnson presented this.  It was a review of what they looked at before.  The small change that they had recommended the last time was done.  Courtney moved, McVey seconded. Passed.
9. Discussion of Board Policy 218, Board Member Badges
Coen said that badges had been discussed earlier in the year.  Courtney gave a recap of the badge issues. McVey said that if the teachers are required to wear them, then board members should have to wear them. She is in favor of them.  Courtney asked if they are required at the high school. That is the only place that students have to wear them. Kendell thinks the board should have them. Sieren asked about the process to get a badge.  Coen explained how to do it. They talked about when board members should wear them. Courtney asked that the high school badge situation should be on another agenda.
10. SBRC Request for Allowable Growth-Open Enrollment/LEP Instruction
Greg Reynolds presented this.  He explained how we get money for open enrollment and LEP students.? Someone moved, someone seconded.  Passed
11. Aurora University Affiliation Agreement
Cory Johson presented this.  It was about placing student teachers, counseling, etc. in our district. Cory said we host quite a few practicum and other teachers in our district.  We actually have hired some. Moved, seconded and passed.
Board communications.
Sieren -  Congratulations for  the $60,000 for CTE. It’s been fun going to the Christmas concerts. 
Kendell - The high school concert on Sunday afternoon.  Monday there is a jazz concert at ES. Bel Canto was last weekend.  The Players Workshop presentation was very good. A lot of kids in the production from all over the area.  Lions Club peace poster from ES has made it to the State level of competition. Concerned about BEA bringing something during public comment and not agenda item.  He couldn’t ask questions about it. Merry Christmas.
Hoelzen - She went to the friend feast at Aldo and was amazed how many children fit on one floor.  Kids were well behaved. She is going to the Player’s Workshop production.
Kendell - added to his statement and had some stickers and handouts about mental health brochures that he gave to Coen.
McVey - Bring the BEA item to an agenda item.  She went to the Black Hawk Concert and enjoyed it but it was during the day which is inconvenient for parents.  She suggested using Aldo or ES auditorium. Merry Christmas.
Hatteberg - She referenced the donations that the community has given over $100,000 thus far this year.  She thanked the community. She had personal example of teachers working all the time. Her granddaughter emailed her teacher about a homework question and her teacher responded in less than an hour on a Sunday.
Vickstrom - He hopes mental health for students continues to be important.  Vickstrom highlighted the STEM steering committee work.
Courtney had no comments.
6:48 In to Closed Session
VIII. Closed Sessions
12. Expulsion Recommendation
13. Expulsion Recommendation
14. Legal Issue
IX. Adjournment

BEA notes 11-18-19 BCSD Board meeting

I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.- Hatteberg absent- attending by phone.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Adoption of Agenda- robberts moved, brueck 2nded. passed.

IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)- Joel Sieren- thanking board members for their service as they are coming off.

V. Consent Agenda
5. Minutes, Bills, Financial Report, Human Resources Report and Gifts- moved approval by Brueck, 2nded by Robberts. No discussion. Passed.

VI. Items for Discussion
6. Board Policy 603.1 2nd Reading- Cory Johnson- change in home school assistance to be in accordance with state law. Moved by Courtney, 2nded by Robberts. Passed.

7. Commission of Election Report- Greg Reynolds presented. Results of the November 5th vote. 7,176 voted. Hatteberg, Hoelzen, McVey, and Sieren elected for 4 years. Moved for acceptance by Brueck, 2nded by Robberts. Passed unanimously.
Coen- presenting plaques to retiring board members- didn’t get one for Bross since he was still running (didn’t want to presume an outcome or ask his retirement plans.) Board members receive lifetime pass to events. Bross poses with Brueck’s plaque. Round of applause for board.

VII. Adjournment- Robberts moved, Brueck 2nded. Passed.
Marliss wished the new board members good luck on her way out. Bross congratulated them. 

Hatteberg was sworn in earlier- her husband is in the hospital- she was sworn in in the ER. She’s attending by phone. 

VIII. Call to Order- 7:09
(Board Secretary, as president pro tem, will preside)
IX. Oath of Office to all new Board Members-  Anika McVey, Nancy Hoelzen, Joel Sieren. Deb Hatteberg by phone.
Sworn in.
Nominations for President- Hatteberg- nominates Kendell. Courtney nominates Vickstrom. Courtney for Dean, Hatteberg for Kendell, Hoelzen- Dean, Kendell- himself, McVey- Vickstrom- Sieren- Kendell. Vickstrom- Himself. Dean is board president.
X. Election of President- Dean Vickstrom. “Oh boy”. 

XI. Election of Vice-President- nominations- McVey nominates Courtney- Kendell nominates Hatteberg- roll call vote- Courtney- himself- Hatteberg- herself- Hoelzen- Courtney- Kendell- Hatteberg, McVey- Courtney, Sieren- Courtney, Vickstrom- Courtney. 5 for Courtney 2 for Hatteberg. 
Bross left at this point.

XII. Administer Oath of Office to Officers- Greg Reynolds administered. Tom gets to sit by his granddaughter.

XIII. District Positive Accomplishments – BHS Volleyball, SEC All-Conference- Coach Amber Taeger- asks student rep to join her. Missing a few- some are on basketball and working. Taeger- congrats to board members. Thanks for support from district and board. Alyssa Dameron and Bryn Casaday present. Alyssa’s first year playing volleyball. Support was amazing. She went to WB before. Team wanted to go to state. Bryn- lot of team goals this year. Fought hardest to get them accomplished. Next year hoping to get to state. Love support from community- thank you to board for that.
Taeger- thanks to booster club. Won first place in ottumwa and holy trinity. Took a game from bettendorf. Won all conference- got player of the year- Angel Baylark. Named other players i couldn’t keep up. Sorry. Lots of success from individual team members. Proud of their academics. Best record of wins in school history. No teams in conference won against them all season. Madison Bunton won a record. Has another season to maybe break more. Angel Baylark broke career blocking record. Baylee Wiemann broke a record as well. Proud of athletes. Have great players coming back next year. Working on building middle school programs. 
Vickstrom glad they’re going to keep it going.
Coach checks their attendance, tardies, and grades. Players volunteer in community and do a lot to help out. Very proud of them.
Courtney- thanks Coach for taking time away from her young family to give to the team. Coach thanks her other coaches for all that they do. 
Lost Deb Hatteberg on the call.

XIV. Student Representative Report- Bryn Casaday- today was first day of trimester 2. Classes going well. BHS musical Fiddler on the roof. Winter Sports and winterfest. Band practicing for Holiday parade- cool story- BP on Mt. pleasant street- 2 pumps that give portion of sales to the district. 

XV. Superintendent’s Report- Greg has reviewed numbers- Open enrollment is at a 12 year low. It went down. Cabinet talked about why- trimesters. Consistent messaging- positive things in district. Grad rate and ACT scores- 50% lower than DE decline enrollment. Iowa after school alliance- program of excellence. Get a lot of attention with Gerst- will have a political person touring the facility. Won’t get into who it is. Tour of program- rap up. Photos. Testament to how strong Gerst is as a leader- got state level recognition. Thankful she’s on our staff. Nov 11- Veteran’s Day. Aldo Leopold hosted. Got positive feedback on how well students were behaved. Students greeted Veteran’s and guests outside. Nurses completed a review of stress in the workplace. Good ideas. Document Cory Johnswon will share with building level leaders. Nov 12 Hawkeye article- many youth say high school diploma is enough. It’s not. Reflect on Mr. Keane’s efforts bringing Unions SCC together - 2 weeks ago employment pyramid. Great leadership academy- i don’t know what it is- coen went to it. Quick meeting with new city councilman- Robert Critser- citizen’s academy part of high school- how city government works. Asked McVey if she knew. Extension of hound town day. Very supportive of that. Critser reached out right away. Nice. Coen- cold snap- have winter wear forward- has hats and gloves to give out to students if they don’t have. Coen stopped by Harmony Bible church meeting with principals and leadership of faith. Principals felt needed attention. Published end of first trimester- white house ramblings. Downtick in number of student parent staff community issues- HR addressing issues that do occur. Re-integration plan- cradic has used. Can’t say enough about the musical. Coen enjoys the plays- it was incredible. Gobble, Flaherty, and Parris- Parris built the set. All good. Any questions?
Sieren- when is the after school meeting?
Cory- Wednesday- Coen won’t be there- he’ll be at the IASB conference. Won’t let it turn into a campaign event.
Vickstrom- good luck. laughed.

XVI. Items for Discussion
8. Milk Vendor 2019-20- Greg- only bid. Sieren- how regular is it to only get one bid? Reynolds- only two around. Coen- dairies are folding. Deans went bankrupt. Passed. 
9. Single Vendors 2019-20- food bids- extension of last year- Passed. 

10. Shared Documents- Info Only- Laci Johnson- instructions for board members to access cabinet meeting notes. They meet Mondays at 830. Go until 1030-11. Put into file at around noon. 
Also instructions for how to use google documents and files.
Coen- keeps you up to date on internal workings of the cabinet. Reynolds- board got a copy of board members handbooks. Roles and responsibilities. Good information. Open meeting laws. Board members can’t send emails back and forth. Board members could be fined. 
Coen- every sunday he writes a report that covers the previous week and things that are coming up. 
Sieren- group text? Is it alright to text an individual member? Reynolds- yes, it’s ok. Reynolds is cautioning them. 
Anything that could be related to board business. 
Coen- death in community- board president- Coen- if you say we think- we should. Coen- if someone is trying to influence you or the board.

11. Board Policy 200 Series (Partial) 1st Reading- Laci Johnson- there were questions presented. HR communicated with attorney. Answers are in the board packet. Recommended passing. Courtney moved, Sieren 2nd. 
Sieren- 202.1- qualifications for board? Do we need that if it matters if someone wins the election? Someone could run on an anti-public school stance and win. 
Sieren moves amendment- first sentence to read “should” before believe. Kendell approves amendment. Hoelzen 2nds. Amendment passes.
206.3- board’s role in supervising secretary treasurer- 4 papers Johnson gave to members. Members are looking for it. Our district has the secretary as Greg, so Coen supervises him because he is Financial person. 
Courtney- are you happy with this?
Sieren- yes. 
Courtney- some boards make it someone different, like a board member.
Motion to approve the rest of it- passed. 

12. Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress- Info Only- Cory Johnson- welcome to new board members. 
Set up presentation
ISASP results- students took last spring. Data just came in earlier this month. Background on the test. We take it by law. Replaced ITBS ITEDS. Cory talks fast.
The test is very different from previous tests. Took 5 months to get results.  Math, ELA, and Science. Most schools used an online option. Paper Pencil options- Sunnyside, BH, Grimes. This year the plan is full online.
How were cut scores determined? Proficient vs. non-proficient in iowa core standards.
This is a “fundamental shift in how we measure proficiency”.
This test is about how each student compares to the standard.
Slides include:
Performance level descriptors
Detailed performance level descriptors
Sieren- they did the testing and then figured out how to grade it
Cory- yes.
English Language Arts Cut Scores- performance ladder
Mathematics Cut Scores, Science Cut Scores.
Setting a “Higher Bar”
Johnson- statewide fewer students proficient than before. It’s different from previous tests.
-parent letter to go home- there will be students who were advanced, but may not be as advanced on this test. 
Statewide Achievement gaps- Race and Socioeconomic Status-
Published report types- will be printed locally- hopefully sent home before thanksgiving. New test and learning as we go.
Summary of district results- we expected to see some gaps. 
Grimes and BHS performed well. Other buildings did see a decline. 
Will entertain questions.
Cory reviews 3 big rocks.
Evidence that these are areas we need to work on. ESSA site visit. New set of mathematics materials. Making changes in core instruction. Instructional coaches are amazing. 
Collaboration- common assessments- driving toward common assessments
Hattie info. Collective efficacy.
Vickstrom- any anomolies that are showing up?
Cory- performance at Grimes. Don’t know why- it’s accurate. They did the best of the 5 last year. Kudos to those kids and staff and parents. Didn’t see a lot didn’t expect.
Kendell- checks and balances throughout district. Is there anything in particular that you have learned is going really well like PIECES Freshmen team- intermediate school. Is there something that stands out that contributed.
Cory- BHS- other data. Major improvements in HS. collective teacher efficacy. Hear from them that over time it is noticable we are more on the same page than in previous years. More Silo-ing before. We are all pushing the ball in the same direction. 
Team and johnson- permission to subtract- trying to focus efforts on things that appear to be high impact things. Tools to be successful- core instruction, collaboration, empower principals and teacher leaders. Have to have consistency in practices.
Vickstrom- what can we eliminate from the past. 
Cory- yes we are.
Sometimes we aren’t as explicit as we can be that we can remove things that aren’t as successful.
Sieren- quick fixes on timing of curriculum- science at 5th grade- 
Cory- we don’t like bad test scores. We have adopted k-5 Foss kits. 6-8 open sci-ed. Still is a new system. Now we all test in the spring. 

13. Great Prairie AEA Board Election- one candidate- Rhonda Frevert. Kendell moved to support, passed. 

14. 2019-20 Board Meeting Dates- and time of day. 6 pm meeting? Dean doesn’t have an opinion. Coen- board meeting at 530- can put kids to bed after meeting.  Most constituents would prefer 530. Motion to accept dates and time change to 530- Courtney- moves. I don’t know who 2nded.
Kendell- performances and sports?
Coen- most sports and concerts are at 7. May conflict with middle school.
Kendell- very few meetings less than 90 minutes.
Vickstrom- I can do it.
Kendell- we can change it.
Sieren- when would closed session?
Coen- Diana would poll the board when they would have them. Probably after the meeting.
Kendell- could present a challenge for work session.
Courtney- most people would like 530. 
Sieren- 6 seems acceptable. 
McVey- 6 seems more feasible. She likes 6. 
Sieren prefers 6.
Courtney- amends motion to 6. 
McVey 2nds amendment.
Amendment passes. 
Voting on motion as amended. Dean needs a little help. Courtney helped him. :)

15. Board Committee Assignments- curriculum committee- dean says never met. He would like to stay on. :)
Policy was Kendell and Robberts- McVey will volunteer with Kendell.
Transportation- was Bross- now it’s Vickstrom.
Facilities- Kendell- Sieren would like to be on it with him. 1 cent sales tax. There will be a lot of action in next 6 months to year.
Buisness and finance- bross and robberts- Sieren volunteers. Coen recommends Hoelzen. She agrees.
HR and legislature. Courtney- Hatteberg
School and Community relations- courtney and McVey.
AEA liaison- was Robberts- Hoelzen will do it. Would like to know what it is. 
SCC liaison- Vickstrom and Kendell.
Suggest that if Hatteberg wants to be on something- she asked to be on HR- they’re hoping she will be on curriculum too.
Courtney- does everyone have at least 2? Yes.
Courtney moves- Sieren 2nds. Passed.

XVII. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
McVey- went to Fiddler on the Roof. great play. Amazing job.
Kendell- Hatteberg has a statement. Thanks former board members. Looks forward to working with new board members.
Kendell- thanks to Kesterke and crew- response to winter weather. Coen’s decision not envious. Missed fiddler. Looking forward to new energy and faces.
Hoelzen- glad to be here. Looking forward to next 4 years.
Sieren- love to have a focus on expanding- having more people involved.
Courtney- thanks to board members who departed. Board can move forward. Thanks for trusting him to be VP.
Vickstrom- play was great. Thank community that had the number of people that ran. Hope people continue to stay interested in helping the board. Encourage all the board members to take a bus ride. How effective the bus drivers are in the education system. It’s a neat experience. Don’t need to bring a sap with you. They’re good kids for the most part. Associates need to know we support them. Kids need our support. 

Went into closed session at 834.
XVIII. Closed Session 21.5 1c Legal Issues
XIX. Adjournment