Friday, October 10, 2014

BEA is in need of a new Treasurer

The BEA is in need of a new treasurer. The term of office is to fulfill the remainder of the current vacant position and will go for the remainder of the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years. Duties as described.

The Treasurer shall receive and pay all bills as authorized by the Executive Board within the budget established by the Association. S/he shall bill the members for their annual dues and maintain a roll of the members. S/he shall keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, shall report to each meeting of the Representative Assembly, and shall prepare an annual financial statement for publication to members as directed by the Executive Board by the last regular meeting in April. S/he shall keep the President and Executive Board informed of the financial condition of the Association. S/he shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Membership Committee. 

The treasurer shall be partially reimbursed for the payment of their United Teaching Profession dues during their tenure. Fifty percent of the expense of these dues shall be assumed by the local Association in recognition of the time and effort expended in fulfilling their jobs. This payment shall in no way be interpreted as negating the efforts of other Association officers, committee chair people, or delegates. 

If you are interested in this position, please let Nancy Hoelzen at know by October 24th

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