Wednesday, March 25, 2015


from Nancy Hoelzen and Tom Buckman:

Sharon Dentlinger’s update e-mail wrote;
As recommended by the calendar committee and approved by the Board, we will have the opportunity for teachers to collaborate outside the contract day.  As recommended by the calendar committee this will be structured by the Iowa Core teacher leaders.  More information will be sent to everyone, once these teachers generate the specifics of the plan.  Just a reminder that if you cannot or choose not to work the collaboration time in during the week, you will have the option of collaborating on the Fridayafternoons on professional development days.  

The B.E.A. position on Collaboration and Peer Review, 2284 / Iowa code. Section 284.6 (8)
It is the B.E.A.’s position that of this law that collaboration time will be within the confines of the teachers’ contract day, but beyond the minimum state definition of 5.5 hours of instructional time.  This Law was created to give teacher the need time during the work day.  It was intended to give ease the work load for teachers to collaborate.   We also agree with the state that this collaboration time can be “one on one” or “many to many” directed activities and must focus on improving teaching and student learning.   Data team meetings, Iowa Core meetings, PLC meetings Parent teach Conferences, and Tap meetings all are valuable forms of collaboration geared toward student learning and improving teaching.
We look forward to creating a frame work where teachers can openly share their strengths, experiences and assist other teachers, then self-examine their weaknesses in a non-evaluation like setting to improve student learning. We see this ownership of Collaboration and Peer Review completely void of administrative restraints to foster discussion, analyzing, reflecting and enhancing each other’s classrooms without fear of any formal evaluation framework.  We feel that it is completely inappropriate for the B.E.A. to negotiate or even suggest what it’s members will do on their non-contract time. We also strongly feel that administrator’s guidance, observations and opinions in collaboration and peer review will taint the well, bringing us all back to leading staff to water but most will  not drink.  
 Therefore we suggest for the 2015-2016 school year that all teachers will spend thirty six (36) hours of the time collaborating and reviewing with their peers and parents of their students in the effort to improve student learning and foster teacher growth. 
Proposed: All teachers will complete (36) hours collaboration time provided by the district during the contractual work day. Included in the total collaboration will be Data Team meetings, Teaming Time, Iowa Core meetings, PLC meetings, Parent Teach Conferences, Staff meetings and Tap meetings all are valuable forms of collaboration geared toward student learning and improving teaching students in the effort to improve student learning and foster teacher growth.  The collaboration time will be the sole responsibility of each staff member to complete the minimum (36) hours during the school year on the honor system. Administration will allow the staff to work together without guidance or control of said collaboration and at NO time will the staff need to account for time spent or subject of collaboration.  The individual collaboration time will be organized by teachers and can be as small as one on one, or small groups, when teachers feel that they have benefited from this collaboration they can move freely to another group or form a new group.  

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