Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 22nd Board Notes from B.E.A. President

Here are Mrs. Sanning's notes from the 8-22 School Board Meeting:
August 22, 2016

Board of Education Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comments
V. Consent Agenda
Modified human resources report - the agenda I had didn’t have the modification.

VI. District Positive Accomplishments - Online Registration
Will and Wanda explained the online registration.  According to Will they had been working on this for about one year and that they have learned a lot and will make a few changes.  It was closed August 18.  According to Will 95% (I’m not sure of this number, it might be 85%) of re enrolling students signed on.  This was a big improvement from 63% previously.  There was a messaging system used to remind parents to enroll students.  After message went out, there was a surge in students registering.  Will had few people that didn’t like it.  In person registration went to one day.  Only new enrollments were done on paper.  There were 35 computers during the one day registration.  Computers were located in buildings for “stragglers” and did two satellite registration areas.  Will feels this will be the toughest year in this process.  Maybe establish a dedicated call center or phone number for people to call with problem.  One big problem was getting phone numbers of parents.  Will not sure if satellite registration is necessary for next year.  Parents can choose how they want to be messaged via parent portal.

VII. Superintendent’s Report
He spent his time last week getting ready for the school year. BEF representative took his notes and Mr. Coen’s notes with him and that’s why Mr. Coen didn’t have any notes.  BEF rep told him about it later.  Mr. Coen said staff congratulated him on his message but it was not to the standard that he expects of himself.  Then he gave a coin to each of the school board members (the same one we received).  The school board’s were engraved with their names.   He then explained what the coins mean.
He met with Dr. Ash for SCC about freshmen exploratory, and dual enrollment classes, jr. building trades class, trimesters, TQ money - using it for content area master degrees.  Once the teachers reach rule of 88, these teachers then could go to SCC to be teachers there.  According to Coen, this is what SCC and he agreed to.  Keane and Dentlinger are giving the latitude to develop the exploratory in the way they want.  He wants to get the freshmen into the community.  Earlier in week Mr. Kendell texted Coen about mold issues at high school.  Maintenance told to bring professionals in and fix it.  Corse play equipment installed by Rotary including a bench to commemorate.  Coen coordinated with KBUR , met with same other people, and went to all buildings.  He couldn’t make the last NAACP meeting because it conflicted with open house.  Several board members complimented Mr. Coen on his presentation at the opening day at the auditorium.

VIII. Items for Discussion or Action
3. Designation of Equity Coordinator
We are getting audited for equity.  We have to have a coordinator.  Jeremy Tabor is it.
Motion passed.
4. Board Appointed School Improvement Advisory Committee
Dentlinger presented the people listed for the SIAC.  At the September meeting there will be new student members and may have different people than those on the list.  Coen said that Mr. Bross had spoken to Dentlinger about combining or recombining committees.  I’m not sure what they were talking about.  Motion passed.

Dentlinger - The roof leaked and the carpet was replaced with tile.  Three windows were added to rooms.  There were 26 graduates last year.  Muscatine had 7 graduates after three years of alt. School.  One period a day an English teacher will teach out there.  Mark Bishop teaches math but working on science endorsement.  There are 85 students currently more or less. They will try trimester.  They are going away from packets to online courses.  These online courses are not matched with what we do in regular courses.  According to Dentlinger, the online courses take more time than the high school.  They are extending options beyond online because it's not successful for all.  Students who left the program have to interview to get back in.  There is a group piloting community project based learning.  They learned about this from going to a conference in Florida.  They have added a classroom to BILA since last year.  We have had conversations with other schools about sending students to BILA.  Coen - They would have to open enroll or pay tuition.  Over the course of the entire year about 205 students went through BILA.  About 100 went back to the high school or quit, or went somewhere else.   They put the pictures of the graduates in BILA room.  Mr. Kendell said we have to try to reach these kids and commended her.  There were several students who were dual enrolled at BILA and at the high school.  This was one of the reasons it was moved back to the high school.  Dentlinger said the art teachers are excited about getting BILA students into their classes.  BILA didn’t do a good job last year preparing kids to go back into regular high school classes.  Garwood suggested a BILA graduate talk/encourage current students.  Dentlinger - they have speakers that come in on Fridays and speak to the BILA students.   Talk turned to construction classes and applied math skills.

IX. Board Communications
Mr. Bross - Mr. Coen losing his notes shows that he’s human.  Rufus T. Jones was the hero.  He will always cherish the challenge coin.  Then said some more complementary stuff.
Mrs. Garwood - Thanked Coen for the coin and special remarks.  She felt her goal was to make a safe environment where staff and students can enjoy learning.  Coen has done a fantastic job.
Mr. Vickstrom - Hard to the previous two.  The message was good at the auditorium.  
Mrs. Brueck - Excited for the school year for teachers and students
Mrs. Hatteberg - Kudos to teachers, custodians, associated their hard work before schools started.
Mr. Kendell - Thanked Rotary group for Corse playground and other service groups that give to the district.  Mentioned the Aldo outdoor classroom.  Everyone take an extra measure of safety as we adjust to greater traffic as the school year starts.
Ms. Robberts - Keep in mind school speed limits.  Great exciting beginning to school year.  Thanks to Mr. Coen for a great day at the auditorium.  Mr. Bross suggested the board work more with parent teacher organizations.  She suggested bring calendars in and try to go to PTO meetings.  The point is to get feedback from organizations and bring info back to the full board.  It should foster communication and get parents involved.  Many parents may not watch school board meetings or attend them.  Perhaps get more parents involved in school board as people leave the board.   Everyone have a great first day of school tomorrow.

They adjourned to closed session.

XI. Closed Session - Superintendent

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