I. Call to Order- Welcome
Ms. Robberts welcomed all and opened the meeting at 7pm.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of the Agenda
Mr. Kendall moved and Mrs. Breck seconded this. It was approved.
IV. Public comments
Members of the transportation department came to speak about why no one was notified of the changes to administration before it was put in the paper. The board suggested that they speak to Mr. Coen or put it on the board agenda to talk about it, since they couldn't comment on it now.
V. Consent Agenda
Mrs. Hatterberg moved and Mr. Bross seconded that the minutes, bills, financial reports, human resources report and gifts be approved. It was approved. Mr. Vickstrom abstained from the vote.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- JMEC Program Overview
Reggie Shipp the director of JMEC spoke on the program. It is to help students build social and behavior skills to make them successful in school, home, work, community. The staff builds relationships with the students while building the students self esteems. They currently have 3 classes of 6-8th graders and 2 classes of high school 9-12 grade students. Each class room has a teacher and 2 or more associates for a small student to adult ratio. They meet weekly as a staff to analyze the data that they keep on each of the students and re-evaluate the program and help make the students successful. He works closely with Vida Long, Brenda Mitchell, Lacey Johnson, officer Stirn, and the principals of the students home schools. They bring in community members as guess speakers to talk to the students about what they can do in the community. This year they have had 5 successful transitions back to the home schools ( 4 to BHS, 1 to Grimes), they have 2 that are on half days at home schools getting ready to transition back, and 2 that are on the Level 4 of the program which is the level before they start transitioning back to home school. Most are in the BD program at their schools. He emails the students and the teachers to keep up on them. He also makes sure they have someone they trust to talk to if they have a bad day. They use a lot of positive reinforcement and do a lot in the community to give back.
Board asked about numbers and transition help. He said there are currently 12 students ( 4 in a class). They can have no more then 7 in a class. His staff is working on a transition support program as part of their PLC and hope to have it in place by next year. They are able to go to the home building and provide support now to the students. They are working on improving time out room/ chill out room. The board sent their praises to the staff and to the program.
VII. Student Representative Report-
No report. She was not in attendance.
VIII. Superintendent's Report
1- working on transportation issues, including having a HUB for pickups and drop offs
2- worked on administration restructuring
3- worked on the 505.5 graduation policy
4- IC training is going well and next year's scheduling is going well.
5- working with Mr. Johnson to re-structure the on-line registration process for school. Last year went well, but still had a lot that we had to hand key in. Trying to eliminate that for next year.
6- Coe College is bringing some nurses to Burlington. They will work with Jill Smith at Black Hawk, talk to him at Administration building, go to BHS, and go to Hope Haven. They are then going to another country to compare our nursing programs to theirs.
7- working on principal audits with Jeremy Tabor for middle schools and high school. Finshed with Aldo.
8- Attended the Greater Burlington Partnership meeting. The Cannonball/ Amazing Race contest that is coming to Burlington and our mayor is participating in will involve the schools with cheerleaders, band, and use of the schools. It will probably mean an early dismissal or no school for that day. More details later on this.
9- working with the Hawk Eye to co author an article for parents explaining the importance and why we do Houndtown Days, Health Day, Family Day.
10- attended the All city String Fling festival. It was great to see how the students progressed and how the teachers and parents encouraged them to continue with orchestra.
11- working with city on Bus Hubs
12- Lots of student, parent, communication issues going on. He tells parents that if child does these 3 things they will be successful and pass and graduate. ( be on time, respect teachers/ administration, turn in work) He is glad for the contact logs on IC for BHS and middle schools because he can look at them and see how many times the parent is contacted on these issues.
13- Had a potluck on Friday to work on things
14- working on the issues of the lock down at Aldo
15- The magic basketball game was wonderful. Glad the school district can assist our community and use the facility, because it was greatly needed.
16- The end of the year will be here soon, so be prepared.
17- Finally- there are many great things happening in the BCSD.
IX. Items for Discussion
3- Wellness Committee Policy Update- second reading of the policy changes that included names of committee, etc. Moved by Garwood, seconded by Hatteberg and approved.
4- Aid and Levy Budget Proposal- The proposed spending authority of $15.78691 tax rate, was discussed. It is the same as last year, but will result in a $9000 loss. Not sure how, didn't really explain it. They also need a public hearing on the proposal set for April 10. Garwood moved and Bross seconded the motion. It was approved.
5. Timberline Agreement- this is the company the district uses for billing of medicaid. Needed to approve the 3 year contract to continue with this company. The fees are 6% and will stay that for 3 years. District is pleased with this company. Garwood moved and Kendall seconded the motion. It was approved.
6. Approval of the New Frontier 21 contract. This is the contract to bring Dr. Muhammed to the elementary and middle schools for 2 days. Sharon was ill, so Mr. Coen presented it. Board asked about how he can get to all those buildings in 2 days. Mr. Coen said the middle schools and elementary don't have the issues that the high school had. Board asked if Dr. Muhammed would go back to BHS. Coen said- only out of the goodness of his heart, that the district wasn't paying for him to go back to BHS again. Board asked if Coen was pleased with results from BHS visit. Coen said he was pleased with it. He said that not all the persons had 100% love of Dr. Muhammed because he told them the issues and that made them uncomfortable. Board asked if we had enough money in PD fund to pay for the contract. Mr. Reynolds said yes. Garwood moved and Bross seconded that the contract be paid. It was approved. Mr. Vickstrom abstained.
7. Board Policy of Graduation Requirements- Jeremy Tabor presented to the board the recommendations made by the committee to the graduation requirements for BHS. They were changes to the wording, amount of PE classes required, and correspondent courses and how they will not figure into the grade point average, early graduation requirement that they attend their final trimester at BHS to graduate from BHS. ( See policy changes on board agenda- 3/27) Kendall moved and Hatteberg seconded. It was approved for the first reading.
8. Review of the board 600 policy series- This series is reviewed and updated every 5 years. Minor changes to 601.1, 601.3, 603.7. Taking out 604.3 so it can be updated with technology changes. Board was wondering how long is temporarily for 605. Superintendent will give the board an update from time to time on this issue. ( class size at elementary schools) Boss moved and Breck seconded the first reading of this. It was approved.
9. Trimester Update- Mr. Coen said that all is on track for the transition to trimesters next year. Board asked about glitches in the registration process. The board decided to add it to the April agenda. Mr. Kendall asked if there could be an information sheet for parents on trimesters for the conferences tomorrow night. Mr. Coen said that he would do that.
X. Board communications:
Mr. Vickstrom- pass
Mrs. Hatteberg- cut out article from today's Hawk Eye on Do We Fear Listening From the Other Side? She said to remember the 3 points when talking to others.
Mrs. Breck- Apologized for missing the last 2 meetings due to illness. Praised the BHS band on a wonderful concert.
Mr. Bross- Praised the BHS choir. Boys soccer starts this week. Communicate to the community that we want to hear all and educate all.
Mrs. Garwood- Thank you for the gifts and grants from the community.
Mr. Kendall- Thank you to the transportation group for coming tonight. Spring sports has started so show your support for all, Thank you to Sue Cahoon for coaching at ALMS with no help. If interested in coaching, let Zach Shay know. Great music. Great magic basketball game yesterday.
Mrs. Robberts- Thank you for the public comments. Congratulations to Reggie and his program. All City Band is April 6. Good Hawk Eye article on Kent Strabala today. Good things happening in the BCSD. Great magic basketball game yesterday.
XI. Adjournment-
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm
XII. Board went into an exempt session after the meeting