editor's note- I know i misspelled grey a bunch of times. I'm sorry.
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.- Brueck absent, Bross coming late
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- moved by Kendell, 2nded by Hatteberg- passed unanimously
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)-
V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- moved by Vickstrom- 2nded by Courtney. Passed unanimously.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Edward Stone Leadership Club- group from stone- CBC wants to help school become more welcoming. Make impact on school personally and professionally. Opportunity to make diff in community. Students attesting it has made difference in their lives. Wants to help other students see ways they can be leaders. Kindness box- students put notes in box of acts that they see. Creativity box- allows students to be creative and share their creations with the building. Creativity box has winners that are drawn and shown on a bulletin board. Worked with salvation army. Penny wars for a family- raised over 1600 dollars. Walmart donated 100. Next project I couldn’t hear (sorry i went in hall due to crowd).
Butler- want to build up leaders, and want to work on culture in the building. Group will grow as it goes along. All 7th grade right now. Courtney- could a whole class be in it? Butler- want leaders in the group- there is responsibility that goes along with it- Courtney- are you trying to increase membership- Butler- they are, but seems they’re building slowly.
Butler wanted them to see how other leadership groups work.
Group meets every Friday during homeroom. Teachers recommended members.
Kindness box is dwindling.
VII. Student Representative Report- Rowland- thank you again. HS has a lot of clubs that can continue like CBC. week off to a slow start with late start. State wrestling, swimming, and bb coming up. Two freshmen starting on varsity. Program is on the upswing. Wrestling- Preston Terry 4th in state, Duncan Delzell ranked 8, Mason Hartman ranked 9th.
Swimming- 3 events ranked in top 24, so will hopefully go to state. Past Friday had bb game where students wore red to honor Michael Davis, who passed away.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report- Matt Rowland is ranked in swimming. He’s showing leadership Butler’s group is working on.
Coen reviewed engage website- may not be something we want to do at this time. Wrestling meet. Illinois buses pulling across highway. Coen can’t substantiate. It would be illegal- getting calls from public- we won’t let our busses do that. Continuing to make sure we handle stop arm violations swiftly. Hopefully weather will be behind us. Friday morning Alan Mehaffy and Coen handed out hats and gloves. Bus drivers have hats and gloves to give to kids- thanks to groups for donations.
Hs is doing a nice job. Round table positive.
Windchill with -20- Coen will meet with Dr. Ash- wants to maintain relationship with SCC. 9th graders by 11th grade will have a lot of credits- could reduce students college debt.
Supt discussion about bonuses- more discussion will occur. Very legal. (this came from cabinet, so we don’t know).
Kiwanis had a CPA present- discussion on numbers- negotiations 101- agree on numbers first- base of understanding. May have muddied things up a little bit. Kiwanis mission statement- time will tell if this fit.
Funeral and visitation was challenging. Community came out. Showed what burlington is made of.
Copy of slides from ISEA financial analysis- numbers different from what Greg will give. If board members have questions please ask.
Coen- data is accurate. Not same measurements that district may use. We are required to provide data- ISEA had data himself.
Harter- very active- excited about building trades.
Robberts- glad district was able to assist with funeral.
XIV. Items for Discussion
3. Early Retirement Applications- had 5 applications. Total 113k over 2 years. Cost of .06 per year. Moved by Hatteberg, 2nded by Kendell.
Robberts- had approved more, if there had been more applications. We could have had more applicants, but didnt.
Vickstrom- are these hard to replace?
Reynolds- yes. Coen- yes.
Courtney- is it a smart thing to offer this?
Coen- we talked about it- parity of paying experienced teachers to leave is not lost on cabinet.
Robberts- are we hoping we have more luck getting college applicants?
Tabor- yes, good to know what positions we will have at career fairs.
Courtney wasn’t clear on cost. Thought it was 500k.
Hatteberg- we could have had 10 or 12.
Robberts- years we haven’t offered it we have had considerable feedback that we should offer it.
Courtney- teachers love it.
Reynolds- average age is 64 years old of applicants.
Hatteberg- not sure these will be hard to fill. Teachers could apply to fill them.
Robberts filling Courtney in on what was discussed at a previous meeting.
Courtney- is there an estimated savings?
Coen- we don’t realize that until we hire a replacement.
Coen- math is hard to fill. We often don’t save. Right out of college we save more. District estimates but it has error. Estimate savings at 20k per person who retires.
Vickstrom- part time sharing positions?
Coen- no
Vickstrom- a teacher brought up going half time to him.
Coen- those discussion are often heard at round table.
Coen- days in contract- talking about teachers bringing up taking 2 days away? 250k savings.- (this isn’t true- we talked about it last year- they never offered it)
Coen hasn’t heard of anyone going to half time. Unsure if it would work for district.
Passed unanimously.
4. Tap Assistant Job Description- Tabor- transitional alliance program- position paid for out of grant- no cost to general fund. Increases helping students transition from school to after school. How long is grant?
Tabor doesn’t know.
It’s state money.
2nd year we have had a coordinator.
Courtney- if money goes away, position goes away.
Coen- I tell people that.
Kendell- does this start this year? Yes.
Reynolds- it’s a fed grant.
35k for the assistant.
Vickstrom- is this off site or on site? This person helps facilitate supervisor doing that.
Coen- office area at James Madison- has been converted for vocational training.
Robberts- motion to approve?
Courtney moved, Bross 2nded. Bross- how have we been doing these services before? Coen- not well. Are we required to? Coen- no, but it’s better to do it with grant money.
Kendell- happy we found a grant.
Passed unanimously.
5. OCR Policy 2nd Reading- 604.3 R1- board policy number. Robberts- we are required to do this. Policy was drafted with legal council in DM.
Bross moved, Hatteberg 2nded.
Coen- Office of civil rights- have to make sure district is making website avail to blind and deaf.
Passed unanimously.
6. Facilities Update Information Only- Kesterke- maintenace team installed 5 preschool playgrounds. Remodeled and created 21st century classrooms. Computer labs remodeled. Remodeled and freshened up office area at James Madison. It’s a neat addition.
Art room at James Madison remodeled for Foss kits storage for Dentlinger.
Chiller project- going smoothly- all demo is complete. Pictures included. Chillers will be here in mid feb. electrical portion is waiting. 750k- 478k- 606k- moving along smoothly- want done by april 1st. Any questions? None.
Concrete projects- end of jan- transportation- engineering almost complete- installed concrete around buses- helps keep buses clean- need to expand out- goal is to do east portion as base bid, and west as alternate.
Budget is light- concrete and labor has gone up- 225k is budget- he thinks will be over that. Whole area will be concrete- nothing else to do. PPEL funds.
James Madison- looking at bidding Jan 25. Concrete poured out there will try to save.
HS RR remodel- west end of cafeteria- used during sports events. Very inadequate. Expansion will move into booster club and swimming office- 5 WC in womens, 4 urinals and 2 WC in mens. Will include ADAs. Concession stand will move by director office.
Courntey- HS built for 1500 students- we only have 1100- why do we need more rr?
Kesterke- he’s always gotten complaints about those RRs.
Coen- we were under #s when it was built.
Robberts- not ADA accessible.
Want more space?
Courntey- HS parking lot is in bad shape.
Kesterke- it’s on 5 year plan.
Kendell- booster club involved?
Kesterke- not really involved. Shay has talked to them about it.
Fridge and freezer will be saved. Coen has talked to Zaiser about it. Not beyond Zaiser.
Robberts- do we need to wait before we do it?
Coen- they will probably like not being right outside rr.
Kesterke- will attend meeting.
Kendell- just wanted to make sure doing it together.
Kesterke- any other questions?
Bross- smart reuse of space.
Robberts- main projects through end of year.
Kesterke- trying to be proactive with bid process.
Kesterke- tennis courts- some came to light after janet needed for agenda. Tennis courts are in bad shape. 4 court repair would be 152,500- premiere fix- 25 year warranty.. 3 court would be 35000. Band aid fix. Reason we haven’t done much is because rumors of another gym. Didn’t want to do repairs and then put the 2nd gym there. Greg and Kesterke have had meetings with city about tennis courts. Maybe a partnership with city- city has 7 courts. If we help city with this 50k- we would have priority for games to be played on courts- if they have games would practice on our courts. City asked if we would share tennis with ND. would have to be co-op like swimming.
700k budgeted for new tennis courts- could do 6 new courts.
Robberts- what about mid level repair-
Kesterke- if we don’t do premier-
Kendell- is there a budget for repairs?
Reynolds- no.
Kendell- if we have 200k in concrete in transportation area- some of that could go towards students and community. Questions that expense.
Is the court at Perkins usable? Kesterke- it’s in good shape- it has premiere.
Bross- likes partnering with city. Tennis courts may not be in best location. Partnering for mutual benefits makes sense.
5 at dankwardt are in good shape- 2 at crapo are weathered. The district would pay 50k to use those courts- helping city paying the court upkeep.
Robberts- we would want priority.
Reynolds- we would draft a usage agreement.
Coen- other districts could pay for usage too.
Hatteberg- do we use the ones at the park? No. The courts at the hs are in poor shape. Want to do something for this spring.
Board has put it off and put it off.
Coen- mentioned youngest daughter- track thing- lots of new facilities have indoor tennis. If we do building another gym, could build it into floor.
Robberts- explore working with city on partnership. Bids on concrete at bus barn will go forward.
Coen- subject brought up how we are spending- 225k- how much of a science room could you remodel. Then we are spending money closer to kids.
Kendell- not meaning to be disrespectful to transport- just wanted to think of students first.
Robberts- wants to see what bids are on concrete- general direction on partnership with city.
Vickstrom- science rooms- good to bring up
Courtney brought up age of building.
Courtney- 15 or 20 people on team? Can’t forget those people.
Kendell- attractive facilities attract students to teams and school.
Hatteberg doesn’t want to let it go.
Kesterke- Clark field house- Purple and Gray- locker rooms are going to be redone. Before that we have to separate storm and sewer separation- price is around 48k. Another meeting to talk to city engineer. Purple and Gray wants to discuss. Jerry Sherwood presenting.
Jerry Sherwood- mission statement of Purple and Gray. Reynolds presentation from P and G. Clark Field House. Completed field and stands. Phase 1 fall of 14, fall of 15- clark field house is only thing left. Renovations got expensive quick. Adding a facility for visitors to dress and shower. Room for officials to congregate and shower after game. It’s a skeleton building right now. Locker rooms are same as when Mr. Sherwood went to school. This needs to be done. Purple and Gray is proposing that they do the work. It’s long overdue- completes their initial mission.
Talk about sewer and water separation.
Fed government violations were in building. Clark field house was built as a WPA process- in the 30s.
Kendell- visitors rave about our facilities. This will make it even better.
Courtney- money?
Sherwood- 46,500 for sewer separation.
800k for building.
Purple and Gray would like approval- want to grant naming rights to building.
Bross- new building will be cement block.
Robberts- why do we call it clark field house? Would need to google it?
It was a superintendent at the time.
Bross- end of 2018- good facility for years to come.
Robberts- wants approval to move forward, naming rights for field house. Sewer separation done. Would come from PPEL fund. Got a little out of hand about the naming rights. Isn’t clarification about if board could say no to a name. Like if a business wanted to put their name.
Jerry Sherwood-
Robberts- thank you very much for your dedication to it.
Everything is paid for so far. Wanted to give rights to for example Millard.
7. Superintendent Evaluation Information Only- Coen- front document is a differentiation- doesn’t work. Intro to evaluation- editorial from the Hawkeye. I’m going to keep being wrong in 2018. Iowa teaching standards and criteria. Cabinet has had this and given Coen feedback. Take it home and digest it. This will be time consuming. Need to discuss work session. Mondays work best. 15th or 29th for budget work session.
22nd board meeting start at 6pm?
Bross and Courtney can’t meet on 15th.
29th work session will be budget at 6pm.
22nd start at 6pm for superintendent eval then reg session at 7.
Coen has 2 more years on his contract.
X. Board Communications-
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Kendell- had a great crowd- leadership class is fantastic- was great families were with them. Really enjoyed seeing that. Congrats to athletes. Things moving in right direction in athletics. Kesterke did great. Staff members who have been enjoying iowa winter. Clearing sidewalks and so on. Thanks to retirees for all the years and hours they have given us.
Often hear BCSD is big- funeral was an example of small district feel to BCSD. way we responded ws humbling and admirable.
Hatteberg- darven covered it all.
Vickstrom- state legislature meeting today- dean has served over 45 years- worst year in education- spend money and time on education- we need money. Racing to the bottom. Have to decide if we are going to have employers come here if we have people come here. We need to create educated people. We have to create a workforce- we need to spend money on education. Legislation needs to recognize that school is economic development. Not shelling for anybody.
Courtney- my understanding- closing Corse- thinks we should invite public about why our enrollment is declining. Work session to get feedback on the system- why they think we have lost enrollment. Wants public feeback. Wants public input before we talk more about closing building.
Robberts- encourages public to email directors about that topic. Wants it before the 29th. Wants public input.
Bross- thankful good discussion and questions. Excited to see partnership with city and foundations like purple and grey. Lots of great things going on in our district- some things get all the headlines. Great students, staff, and administrators. Tough decisions regarding budget- all of our facilities need attention- that doesn’t reflect on the quality of the education we offer. We aren’t a small school, but we have a big heart. Looking forward to hearing public input.
Robberts- thanks to leadership class from ed stone. Few students now, but show great potential. Congrats to wrestlers and swimmers. Purple and Gray appreciate all their support. Has been wonderful for us. Thanks to all of our staff- Mr. Coen- other admins and teachers for help with the funeral- lots of people stepped up. Deepest sympathy on loss of Michael Davis.
XI. Adjournment
XII. Exempt Session-Negotiations
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