Tuesday, May 22, 2018

BEA notes 5-21-18 BCSD Board Meeting

BCSD Board of Directors Meeting May 21, 2018

I. Call to order - 7:00 P.M.

II. Pledge of allegiance

Robberts had a moment of silence for victims of Santa Fe, Texas shooting.

III. Adoption of agenda - Motion Hatteberg, second Bross. Passed.

IV. Public Comments - Andrea Walz Hartman,PTO President and parent, spoke about Corse closing. She knows her opinion will not sway anyone on the board. Her daughter said she should tell them about her, Kaylie, and what she wants to do and then they won’t close the school. She asked that they think about whether this is a short term fix to a long term problem. Is repositioning these students and closing down a building putting a bandage on a gaping wound? What have we done to avoid this? It’s a traumatic event for students. Will the receiving schools of the Corse students be overwhelmed?

Robberts - Please give appreciation to your mother who taught for 44 years and is the longest tenured teacher we have.

Kelly Mason spoke about the Corse closing. She taught at Corse and her kids go there. They love the neighborhood school. It’s a shame to close it.

V. Consent Agenda - Kendell moved to approve. Bross second. Vickstrom wanted to ask a question about the HR report about the nurse position going from a nurse to a science teacher. Tabor addressed. The old salary schedule was used and the $1200 was not added to the salary. It will be added at the next board meeting. Approved.

VI. District Positive Accomplishments - Hound Town Day VAAP Video

Coen presented a video of Hound Town Day. This was produced by the Aldo Leopold Visual Arts Achievement Program. It showed a variety of drawings about police done by students. Coen spoke about the BPD moving into the new building. These drawing are all shown in the new building. Tony Onesto is responsible for this program. Robberts was struck that half of the police officers were depicted as female probably because we have a female SRO. Someone asked to put this on our Facebook page.

VII. Student Representative Report - Matt Rowland wasn’t in attendance.

VII. Superintendent’s Report - Coen started by saying he was bearing gifts. He gave them the packet for the work session tomorrow and asked them to review it for tomorrow. He also gave them a copy of their October 22 update. In it there was a legal opinion about conflict of interest for the board. He didn’t expand on what it was about. Ramping up for graduation and some students are taking it down to the wire. Cabinet meeting was held. He spoke to Greater Burlington Leadership class. He met with a student about school safety and a Senate file. He attended the Maurice Wright music show and commented on problems with the microphones. There are kids going on into music in college. Working through issues in social media and has an article he can use with parents. No reason to give the training document and revamp the 400 series until negotiations were completed. These should be written so that these policies can work in the handbook or in the master contract. He had an opportunity to talk to a dad about teachers not contacting him about bad grades. He checked the contact log and saw that multiple teachers had contacted him and he addressed the situation differently. It was nice to go to the high school and thank the teachers that made the contact and show how important the contact log is. Teachers are reaching out to parents. He watched jv softball practice and attended the SCC steps to success thing. He went to the track send off and worked on evaluations. There are some questions about the effectiveness of the local screeners. There are some local screeners that do good, but a discrepancy when compared to standardized tests. Bross - Were local screeners developed by us? Sharon - The other thing that we moved was the testing window and the test is normed. Next year all schools will test in the late March and May window. We found a week in April to do this (one year early). Coen usually the scores go up in the spring. Sharon - But they are normed for the length of time that has elapsed. Sharon - We did the local screener and the tiered system from the state. 92% of Sunnyside kindergarten teachers were successful (I dont’ know what it was). The state has incorporated multiple data points not just the Iowa Assessment. Bross - No time to fix anything when we do IA so late. Sharon - It’s not to be used to fix things. It’s to be used for the big picture. One test doesn’t define us. Bross - Do this help to align curriculum and decide what happens next year? Sharon - It’s one piece of the puzzle. Coen said don’t be shocked when we get the scores and they are low. The retirement ceremony went well and he messed up his piece of the ceremony a little bit. He didn’t go to the state track meet. Many people were gone Friday and so he needed to be here. He went to Blackhawk field day. Teachers were awesome. He talked to a kid that had broken his leg three weeks earlier. He talked the kid about following the doctors advice. The kid was getting kicked out of the Y because he kept sneaking in, He got some things set up for the kid in terms of mentoring the kid. There is a lot of stuff to wrap up at the end of the year.

IX. Items For Discussion

4. Juvenile Court Services Agreement - Coen said they provide social workers for students that have been adjudicated. It’s a positive impact on students. Motion to approve - Courtney and second Hatteberg. The duration is one year. It’s one or more social workers. It depends on the need. Brueck abstained. Passed.

5. Labor Management Committee Memorandum of Understanding - For information

Only - Sharon presented the MOU. It was developed by the BEA and some of the administrative team. One thing changed from the original document was the second to last bullet was to change from side to any member can call a meeting. This will be attached to the contract. It can be looked at every year and see it works. The LMC portion in the handbook will come out instead of having it in two different places. It will be attached to the Master agreement. Hatteberg - Every year new people? Sharon - It can vary. Four are appointed by the BEA and four from District.

Sharon then listed who was in the committee. Kendell - Non Certified staff in here? Sharon - No. Theirs is addressed in their handbook. This is for information. Bross - Does this require action on our part? Sharon - No. Coen - Doing so opens the contract? Sharon - No. But we can check with the District lawyer. Robberts asked when feedback was needed (June 13th).

6. Certified Staff Handbook - For information only Sharon presented this. An errata sheet was created and attached to the handbook. It’s a document that is kept over the course of the year about suggestions. The result and communication on that is included. She included a sample of it. She gave the full sheet to the school board. She took that and went through the handbook and created the new handbook. She gave the board a crosswalk sheet of these changes. They will approve the changes at the June 18th meeting. There are some things that haven’t been finalized. Leave of absences - Funeral leave was accidently left out but will be in the final one. Rules of work section - It is something given to all staff members. It has been several years since any updates have been done (2010 last). Asked the board to make any changes to that. The 400 series is being looked at by the lawyers. Some technology terms were updated. She would like any suggestions by June 13th. Bross - There is a lot of redundancy. Coen - We only need one binder and can go full digital. Sharon - It’s all online now. Bross was glad Sharon provided the changes. Hatteberg asked about change on page 50 in reference to vacancies. If it as hard to fill position, the position will be posted on Tuesday of each week, so teachers know when updates are posted. It’s different than having a bid day. Voluntary transfer - a group met to work on how this would be handled. It lists the criteria for getting to transfer. Interview is worth 50 pts and years of seniority is added to complete the score. Bross asked about when on Tuesday it is posted. Sharon said we don’t notify staff because it is posted for five days. Coen mentioned that there are two days board meetings are on Tuesday. Sharon said wanted to get a routine so teachers don’t have to guess when it is posted. Hatteberg - voluntary can’t change more than once every two years. But what about involuntary transfers? Why can’t it be the same for both? Sharon - Involuntary transfers are usually lowest seniority. Then Sharon explained the difference between voluntary and involuntary transfers. Coen - said something about a pull out(?). Robberts said they are to give feedback by June 13th to Sharon. Bross - The process with the errata sheet….something about living document.

7. Handbooks: Clerical, custodians, food service, and transportation - for

Information only - Tabor presented. The same process that was used for certified staff used with these groups. The most significant change was the pay structure for transportation. Trying to encourage them to work more hours. Bross - moved most of the contract language to the handbook. Is the bonus program working? Tabor - It is now. Everyone is hitting the minimum hours. The will use the errata sheet process for next year. This is the first handbook. Robberts looking for approval for the June 18 meeting. They are to provide feedback by June 13th. Robberts - All groups received a draft? Tabor - All groups have received a draft and are comfortable with it.

8. Board Policy 903.5 - Second reading - Tabor presented this. Motion to approve second reading Bross, second Brueck. This policy is about distributing non curricular materials at schools and who approves it. Approved.

9. Notre Dame Meals Agreement 2018-19 - Brian Johnson presented. Robberts - why are these meals cheaper than ours? Johnson - That is not what they charge the students. This price doesn’t include milk. We don’t provide milk. Notre Dame does most of the preparation of meals. Bross asked about the costing. They are 45 cents less than ours. Bross moved, Hatteberg seconded. Courtney - questioned it. Johnson explained how Notre Dame has to do some preparatory work and so we give them food cost. Coen are you hearing anything about the farm bill be vetoed? Johnson hadn’t hear anything. Courtney - Impact? Coen said it could cause produce to go up. Johnson explained where we get our produce. It comes from a Dept. of Defense program so farm bill probably won’t impact. Courtney will it impact free and reduced? Coen said that it will. Passed.

10. 2018-19 Meals Prices - We can only raise prices so much per the federal government. He explained how the increases are calculated. Courtney moved, Bross seconded, approved.

X. Board Communications Brueck - none. Courtney - none. Vickstrom - Nice to go to the retirement dinner and we are seeing all kinds of openings statewide and having problem retaining people. Platitudes will not feed people. Coen - article on doing away with early retirements and trying to keep people around. Vickstrom - talked to retirees wouldn’t do it again if they had to do it over again. Kendell - Congratulate track participants. It will lead to more success at state. Congratulate the retirees. Bid farewell to class of 2018. The last day is Friday. Asks for handicap seating at concerts. It is the 4th time he has asked for this. Hatteberg - Echo Mr. Kendell’s comment. Wish Brenda Mitchell well in her retirement. Bross - Thank to Andrea Walz for speaking on behalf of Corse. They will get the best information they can to make the best decisions. Maurice Wright concert was very warm. Longs for an auditorium. Vickstrom - story about Maurice Wright and his inability to stay still on the stage at the old high school. Robberts - Congrats to retirees and thanks to Vickstrom for attending the dinner with her. Thanks to Sandy Walz. Thanks to Janet John for making a good retirement dinner and for your work behind the scenes. There is a band concert at Aldo, one at Stone, and vocal concerts. The last day of school is June 1. There is a 8th grade promotion ceremony at BHS at 10 AM that day. A final reminder, thanks to all that came and there is a work session tomorrow. It is information gathering and not an outright vote.

XI. Recess at 8:13.