Here are my notes from the meeting:
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)- none, the live stream started after this.
V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- Courtney moved for approval. Robberts 2nded. Courtney draws attention to open enrollment out. Kendell- problem with open enrollment money is that ⅓ is property tax dollars of Burlington residents leaving Burlington. Courtney points out he’d like to bring those kids back to our district. Passed with Brueck abstaining.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- 2019 Mentoring for Youth Impacted by Opioids in Rural Iowa Grant- Reynolds presented on behalf of Cassie Gerst. We are 1 of 6 districts- get 50,000 per year for 3 years. Provides 1 staff member and all training and staff. Including with pieces after school (club M). Mentors and volunteers. Grant was delayed with govt shutdown but should get soon.
Kendell- good news. Based out of BHS? Will continue to do after grant?
Reynolds- don’t have to.
VII. Student Representative Report- stayed home.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report- weather last week. Continuing this week. Non certified staff early retirements coming in. Head principals meeting- impressed with Butler’s schedule. Who is going to be teaching where next year? Cory has 99% done- senior teachers in each area- mentioned seniority. KCPS- most calls about weather. Wife and Coen attended senior night at BHS. end of 16 years of chasing kids around. Attended portion of grayhound way meeting- distributed hats and gloves to students. Working on parade of excellence on Friday- meetings at Central office. Attended MLK events- one at loft- Greater Burlington. Was able to take it all in. I have a dream speech given by a student.
Kendell- extra effort hats and coats - thanks for community donations.
Coen- items were on buses so drivers could distribute. Schools also have them.
Vickstrom- how we’re dealing with kids that don’t ride the bus. Keep them in our thoughts.
Coen- yep.
Courtney- lots getting rides.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. Teacher Leadership Realignment- Johnson- committee met jan 11- review and revise framework- changes bringing leadership in line with right sizing- and with amount per pupil.
Revised job descriptions- savings around 250k.
Robberts- original grant was a long drawn out process. Had to renew in last year or two. Do these positions fall into this?
Johnson- yes, plan has to be submitted for state approval. Changes are similar to what other districts have.
Robberts- won’t lose other dollars.
Reynolds- when TLC started it was a grant. We were one of the few that got it at first. It is now rolled in to the funding formula- open enrollment affects this as well.
Vickstrom- who picks up tech coaches?
Johnson- each building will have an instructional coach- generalist and be able to handle tech. Also a position for stem specialist- this person can help district wide.
Vickstrom- what’s happening with Carper?
Johnson- we have really strong coaches. All coaches have to reapply for new positions. Most of them are probable reapplying.
Kendell- losing elem tech coaches- 100s of thousands to go 1 to 1. Don’t think we fully utilize that- this concerns him.
Johnson- elem tech coaches were only there 1 day a month. General agreement on committee and staff that supports needed but weren’t really meeting the needs.
Kendell- hopes that works out.
Robberts moves for approval, Brueck 2nded. Passed unanimously, with Vickstrom abstained.
4. Bid letting for BHS Softball Field- Reynolds and Kesterke. Age of system- want to replace lights. Poles are 35 years old or older. Poles bow. 4 poles with a bunch of LED lights. Bidding out for new concrete base and metal poles and lights installed- and demo. BCSD will do the electrical portion.
Kendell- reducing electricity not quite half?
Kesterke- hoping to get a rebate from alliant. Lights have 25 year warranty. Can be remotely turned on. Good system with great warranty.
Kendell- was a problem at first at Bracewell?
Kesterke- Musco has stayed on top of it.
Courtney- what kind?
Concrete base with metal poles.
Courtney- from Musco?
Kesterke- has to go out for bids. Comes out of PPEL funds.
Coen- did the poles fail inspection?
Kesterke- no, poor lighting quality and poles bowing.
Kendell- LEDs are great. Timeline?
Kesterke- done for softball season. Pretty sure lights are around 40 years old.
Robberts approves bid letting, 2nd from Courtney- passed unanimously.
X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Courtney- nope
Vickstrom- none
Brueck- thanks to Gerst for getting grant.
Robberts- thanks to Gerst, bus drivers, maintenance workers- cold jobs to take care of students and facilities.
Kendell- thanks to Coen and Mehaffy for checking the roads. Never 2nd guesses superintendent decision.
Courtney- no win situation.
Kendell- don’t send students if you don’t think it’s safe.
Coen- parents- go over winter driving skills with students. Drive like roads are slick. Bus mechanics- didn’t have one bus gel up or airline freeze up- they did a great job challenging environment.
Motion to adjourn at 727.
XI. Adjournment