Monday, January 14, 2019

BEA notes from 1-14-19 BCSD Board Meeting

BCSD Board of Directors Meeting January 14, 2019

I. Call to Order - Welcome. 7:25 PM Robberts, Brueck absent.  Courtney on phone.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda
Motion to adopt - Hatteberg, Kendell seconded.  Passed
IV. Public Comments
Dave Ziller spoke about early retirement for non certified employees.  He mentioned that a board member said that they don’t offer a cost savings with this.  He then explained why they would be a cost savings if allowed to retire early particularly in the maintenance department.
Fred Starling spoke about concern about a statement made from a teacher towards student about shooting.  He questioned what progress had been made about the teacher. As a pastor he has been asked about it. Others with children there have concerns about it.  He didn’t quite understand about why the teacher added the standing the ground law statement. He wondered whether the statement came from the teacher or from the newspaper.  He gave an example about himself He was parked over on Madison near a housing complex. He was on a cell phone so he pulled over. Two police came to see what he was doing.  He doesn’t know who called and he doesn’t know why they felt the need to call about him. He then explained how someone who follows the stand my ground law might view him as a threat.  He is very concerned and wanted to know why the stand the ground law was added to this issue.
Victoria (?) had a concern about children in school.  She wanted to know why they aren’t being taught to write in cursive and to read in cursive.  She feels it will limit them in the future.

V. Consent Agenda
Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report, and Gifts
Motion to accept Kendell and second by Hatteberg seconded.  Kendell noticed there was $10,000 for Amazon. He advocates using local sources.  Bross asked to pull head varsity girls tennis coach for consideration. The applicant withdrew the application.  Passed.

VI. District Positive Accomplishments - PAW Backpack Program
Bryan Johnson presented the Paw Backpack Program with Craig Fenton from Transitions DMC.  It started by Craig contacting him about moving this to the District because the District can food from the Iowa Food Bank.  JMEC cafeteria has become a food bank. There is a food bag program and a pantry. Most comes from the Iowa Food Bank. He explained how the process works to get food.  There have been food drives to support the program. There have been some monetary donations from organizations. The backpack program goes directly to students. They started in November.  This week they will send food bags to about 290 kids. Students get on the list by school referral. There is a core group of volunteers that come every other Sunday to pack the bags. The Eagles Club is a big supporter of the program.  This year they gathered and wrapped gifts for all kids in the program. About 300 packages were delivered for Christmas. The food program is similar to other pantries. They aren’t trying to compete with other pantries so they picked days and hours when other pantries aren’t open.  They helped about 120 families. They average about 18-20 families when open at night. Both programs require some paperwork to participate in the programs. Bross asked if it was new. The food bag program has been around for three years. All the donations are going through the school district and not through DMC Transitions.  They don’t keep student information and can’t identify the students. The school doesn’t have to pay for anything while when this was done at St. Vincent de Paul, it cost $5000/month. (I don’t know why). Craig Fenton thanked them for letting them into the schools. Vickstrom asked if they were going to move? Johnson said yes and it wouldn’t be as good as the setup at JMEC.  Bross asked if they any stories from the people who benefit from it. Johnson gave an example. Fenton talked about the generous guidelines for this. Bross suggested student clubs might want to volunteer. Fenton gave kudos to the Leo Club for their participation over three years.

VII. Student Representative Report
Kaely Lawler talked about Leo Club having 10 members meeting a goal.  They were awarded something. On January 26 Dream Catcher is doing pancake thing for Hospice House.  She mentioned the boys basketball team. Through Angel Tree clubs adopted 20 homeless students and provided gifts.

VIII. Superintendent’s Report
Happy New Year.  Right sizing has had a great deal of work.  Cory collected data. He mentioned the survey of teachers.  In his report he talked about the survey speaking for itself.  He then had it projected. It was limited to the people that are actually moving.  It doesn’t include someone's’ opinion that is not moving. Most teachers want to follow their job.  Over 90 % of Corse teachers wanted this. Fifth and 6th grade teachers said 68.2% wanted this. The 7th and 8th 85% said follow their jobs.  Friday morning admin met before normal business hours at Wake and Bake on how they are going to use Hound Town Day to help move these teachers via high school students.  Lacy Johnson is making a right sizing document to get information. Holiday greeting cards were sent to students that are moving. Lacy is gone this week getting training. He attached a short article from the New York Times about question (?).  Something about the “why” questions. I’m not sure where he going with this or what it has to do with this.
Coen did receive email from a teacher  wanting to apply for early retirement but isn’t 55 until November.  However, the money would have to come out of general funds. For this reason she had to be denied.  Attended to normal student, parent, faculty issues. Attended a noon Kiwanis meeting. Wrote a scholarship recommendation.  Did something else. He and Kesterke communicated about the snow removal and got it cleaned up.

IX. Items for Discussion
4. Early Retirement Applications
Greg Reynold presented.  Nine were submitted. Total cost $270,000 over two years.  Hatteberg moved to accept. Second by Tom Courtney. Kendell was disappointed with only nine.  Courtney said something but I couldn’t understand. Coen then talked about the incredible cost of health insurance.   He said we need to do something with health insurance costs. Kendell, Bross, Courtney agreed. Vickstrom said many were concerned with IPERS.  Courtney agreed. Passed.

5. Support Staff Early Retirement
Greg said they looked at this.  This would include anyone who works 30 hours per week and ten years, 55.  There would be 51 staff members that would meet this. This would include two administrators.   He referenced two different plans we used in the past. It’s based on sick leave left. The board had examples of what an average would be and it would be paid out over two years.  The total cost would be $389,000 if all took it. This would come out of the management fund. Vickstrom asked how many would be replaced. Administrators always get replaced at higher prices according to Vicktrom. Kendell asked if  administrator contracts get something. They get a 401b. No one else gets this. According to Kendell the administrators already have a retirement plan funded by the district. Hatteberg asked how much was allocated for the teacher early retirement.  Greg said how much was still left. Courtney then interjected that this was done to save money and asked if it does work. Greg said on general it works with certified staff it works. Courtney wanted to make sure it saves money. Greg said the savings depends on the type of employee.  Courtney motioned that the board offer something to support staff. Bross asked for more definition. $25 year of service and $50 sick day. Vickstrom seconded. Kendell asked if included all categories and Courtney said yes. Hatteberg didn’t think they would save giving anything to administrators.  Kendell asked Greg if administrators were included the last time and they weren’t. Bross said we would be paying associates about ⅓ of what they currently work for. Greg said food service payment would be $9000. Bross appreciates the service of all but early retirement is not a golden parachute and something to line nest with.  If it doesn’t save the District, it isn’t good policy. Hatteberg referenced the changes of right sizing and this would be the year to offer these because of this. Then she talked about the transportation/maintenance people. She said maybe maintenance could save money Kendell said he was uncomfortable start debating on who was more or less deserving.  Hatteberg said she wasn’t saying who was deserving but what the cost saving was. Kendell didn’t want administrators in this. Kendell asked if there was a cap set for certified staff. He suggested the set a cap on non certified staff like 20-25. Bross asked if Kendell wants to amend the motion. Hatteberg then suggested changing it to 15 years instead of 10 years with the district.  Greg then checked his spreadsheet. Then there would only be 41 eligible. Kendell amended to exclude administrators and take 25. Vickstrom seconded. Based on seniority. Amendment passed. Kendell asked for savings for this from Greg. It was $233,000. Between certified and non it would be $500,000+. Bross voted against. Motion passed.

6. Transportation Bus Bids
Allen Mehaffy presented bus bids on two new busses to replace a  2001 and 2003 busses. There were three companies and he said to take the low bid.  Hatteberg motioned to accept and someone seconded. Kendell asked about problems with diesel engines.  Vickstrom as if we have good diesel mechanics and Mehaffy said yes. Motion carried.

7. Certified Staff Handbook Job Classification Change for July 1, 2019
Cory Johnson presented a proposal to change classification of teachers due to building realignments.  This was approved by LMC at December meeting. Kendell moved, Hatteberg seconded. Hatteberg asked about special teachers.  Will they be elementary K-6? Etc. Johnson said it depended on the building they went to. Ed Stone and high school are in the high school classification and the specials at these buildings will be this classification.  Passed.

8. Facilities Committee
Something about temporary committees can be board appointed.  Mr. Kendell is the only on this so far. Coen then added Keane and Kesterke.  Bross asked for board members (no more than 2) to join. Coen asked for Hatteberg because the push for the auditorium.  Hatteberg agreed to do it. Kendell nominated someone (couldn’t hear who it was). Hatteberg seconded. Passed.

9. Closed Session - Expulsion Recommendation JM011419 - done before meeting

X. Board Communications
Courtney is in Arizona and happy to be there.  Nice and warm.
Vickstrom nothing
Hatteberg said we have been getting quite a few emails and encourage people to continue to do so.
Kendell was going to congratulate music booster and Mrs. Cook starting the auditorium fund.  Thanks to MR. Kesterke and crew for clearing snow
Bross appreciates public comments and values public input and emails. Sometimes they can respond and sometimes they can’t.  He attended a Grimes. PTO meeting where Corse parents attended. Purple Aires caroled at WalMart. Vickstrom then said we need to do academic stuff such as the science department.  Bross said we value all employees - students first, staff always. We can’t do anything without them. Encourage teachers and all to continue on. Thank you all.
10. Superintendent Evaluations - Closed Session 8:42

XI. Adjournment

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