I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- moved by Robberts, 2nd by Hatteberg.
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)-
V. Consent Agenda
4. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report and Gifts- moved by Vickstrom, 2nded by Robberts. Robberts- thank you to everyone for the gifts. Passed unanimously.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Amber Taeger/BHS Volleyball- majority of varsity here- paper in packet- accomplishments of team. Academic accomplishments- soph and seniors together- averaging only 1.25 tardies- only 3 recorded F’s. 9th graders- 1.3 tardies per player, only 2 F’s at midterm. 0 behavior referrals. Big change in some girls with behavior and attendance.
Season highlights- regular season 21-4. Only 4 games to go. Conference 8-0. Broken most wins in a season. Setter- broke record for most assists. Record for blocks in a season. 1st round bye in tournament. 28th 7pm at home.
Board- nice job. Clapping.
Coen- room can be stagnant. Wood that was on the bleachers- putting stuff up in board room to reflect the excellence in the district.
Taeger- have to win tomorrow night to be conference champs (I think they said).
VII. Student Representative Report- not present.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report- went to middle school sports. JV football. Visual arts event downtown Burlington. Cory and TQ on Friday went well. Hawkeye did well with school board candidates. Last two candidates were mixed up in the article. Coen worked with Keane on PR classes and club for HS. not going to SBRC at this time. Let the process develop. Met with Taylor and UNI advisor. He’s working on superintendency. Linn Co- transition process for juvenile detention students- open door meeting with a couple teachers. Concerns that were brought up. Bross and Kendell met with him. Attended public forum with gun violence. Well intended. Great outcomes will hopefully occur. Was not able to attend branding meeting. Went well, board- cell phones- people are cutting cords. Platform allows them to do school notification on apps. More efficient than radio and tvs. Gone friday. Got positive feedback on TQ day. Kesterke working on driveway at Aldo. trying to alleviate traffic issues over there. Start department of ed site visit tomorrow.
IX. Items for Discussion
5. Grimes Student Council/Fall Fest, Info Only- students and principal from grimes present- 10 of 13 3 and 4 grade students that went to Mrs. Schroeder- want to be on student council. Had to apply. Students were selected. Developing young leaders is important. Grimes Fun fest.
Nick Schroeder. Wants to help community and school. Camden. Wyatt. Raven. C. thompson i think- loves to help other people. Daly. wants to stop littering and stop bullies. Victoria. Wants to get rid of trash around the school. Want to help clean up the litter. Nora Harris. Want to plan things to help students. Naomi Lewis. Want to help people. Kenzie. Like to be helpful. Ariana. Want to help everyone in school.
Deb Schroeder- school social worker.
Bross- takes everyone to pitch in and help.
Coen get them organized for a picture.
Council has big ambitions. Excited - principal says. Fun Fest- students have invitations for board members. This friday. 5-730. Celebration of the Grimes family. No school work- just fun. Toilet paper toss. Bake sale concession stand raffles. Money is utilized in the building.
Students- thank you for always helping our school.
Principal- students put it together themselves.
Bross thanks them.
6. Red Ribbon Proclamation- Bross reads. Moved by Robberts, 2nded by Hatteberg. Grimes is having a Red Ribbon ceremony on Oct 23. Ends on halloween. Coen will email- he thought blackhawk.
7. Bus Crash Safety Simulator- students are home sick. Bus evacuation simulator. Fire marshalls interested in using it. Bus doesn’t have seat belts. It’s a used up bus. Case stpped up. Mehaffy?
Mehaffy- students presented to board. Each bus has a seat belt cutter on there. BILA kids.
Cory Johnson- BILA involved with GPAEA project based learning. Student driven idea. Month or 6 weeks.
Coen- allow district to use bus for this purpose. Mehaffy- staff will dismantle the bus.
Reynolds- the bus had been for sale. Low cost opportunity for educational purposes. Other towns would use as well. They have found the trailer.
Courtney moved, Vickstrom passed.
Kendell- show off at IASB conference.
8. Board Policy 905.1: Community Use of School District Buildings and Sites 2nd Reading- Laci Johnson. Moved by Hatteberg, 2nded by Robberts.
9. Board Policy 502.7: Tobacco Products-Alcoholic Beverages-Controlled Substances 1st Reading- Laci Johnson. Policy committee. Added verbiage. Approve 1st reading.
Moved by Robberts, 2nded by Hatteberg.
Vickstrom- hasn’t heard of snuz in a long time. Kind of chewing tobacco.
Johnson- IA dept of public health had reached out to have district have a strong policy in place. Clarification needed- dept of health will give free signage to district as a result. 13 or 14 signs. Clings as well.
10. Board Policy 800.1: Tobacco-Free Environment 1st Reading- Johnson- same clarification needed in this policy. - moved by Hatteberg and Robberts- passed
11. Board Policy 403.4 & 403.4R1: Travel & Expense Reimbursement; Use of School Vehicle 1st Reading- Johnson- policy committee- increase meal allotment for out of town. We currently allow 27.50 per day. Compared to like sized district. Want to change it to 40. Reynolds was asked if ok.
Approval moved by Robberts, 2nded by Kendell. Courtney- do people from other schools eat more than us? (they are higher) Ft. Madison and Ottumwa are in 40.
Robberts- some of districts itemize by meals. We don’t want to micromanage our employees. We hadn’t changed in years.
Kendell- could eat less expensively depending on where you are in the country.
Bross- struggled with room service part of this. We pay for taxis and Ubers. Might be cheaper if they use room service.
Johnson- when you go different places, you don’t often know where you are. Arrival time can be very late.
Kendell- greg pointed out most of our travel comes out of PD funds- not general fund.
12. University of Iowa College of Nursing Affiliation Agreement- Cory Johnson- like student teaching. Host clinical practicums- lasts 3 years. Our last one expired. Moved by Hatteberg- 2nd by Robberts. Vickstrom- how implemented? Cory- nothing pending- just if we need to do it- have to have agreement in place. Protects both parties.
13. Walden University Site Affiliation Agreement- repeat for social workers counselors and mental health professionals. Do have one requesting. Moved by Robberts, 2nded by Hatteberg. Bross- this could come from any number of universities. Not unusual.
14. ESSA Site Visit, Info Only- Cory- dept of ed shared an agenda friday. ESSA site visit starts tomorrow- 3 days. SCC hosting. Different from previous site visits. First 2 days are facilitated work session with building leaders. Focusing on K-6 literacy. Each of 5 k6 buildings will be present. 3-5 teachers per building. Requires subbing- covered by student improvement funds. Requires around 30 subs for those 2 days. Bross- no thanks is not an option. Coen- IASB- we do a lot to ourselves. We could cut down on number of subs. We could find millions of dollars. Kendell- loss of instructional time. Hatteberg- who is going to sub for the admins? Cory- HS and MS admins will help cover.
Laci will be flying around on her broom (she says).
Full teams only present on first 2 days.
Bross- helps us with our literacy plan.
Cory- agenda shared with board how it will help the district. Analysis of needs and root causes.
Bross- is this a peer review?
Cory- sort of. We volunteered to pilot this process. We are doing it in fall instead of spring. 25-30 people will be observing.
Bross- what will they gain from this? (the observers)
Cory- state wide school improvement team- DE and AEA- group in charge of site visits. Once they do this state wide modeling they can facilitate the visits in other districts.
We come out at the end with a co-developed plan.
Bross- we are getting the best help we can get?
Hattberg- how often does this happen?
Cory- once every 3 years.
Vickstrom- suggestions or mandates?
Cory- sort of both. Suggestions from them for best practice.
Coen- nothing Tuesday night- Wed night- at Coen’s house- social with these people there. Board can also stop through when it’s going on at SCC. Wed Oct 16th at Coen’s house.
Bross- I appreciate Cory’s expertise.
Coen- when Laci talked about riding broom- she dressed up as snow white at homecoming. Little girl loved her costume. She was a hit.
15. CNH In-Kind Donation Agreement- Reynolds- CNH donated- i don’t know how much it is- couldn’t hear him. Approved. Technology.
X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Vickstrom- surprised with number of board candidates. Hope they appreciate that we are economic development in education. Without the products we turn out we have problems with employment.
Schmidt- Coen- agrees- greater burlington partnership
Robberts- Thursday night is BHS fall vocal concert. Friday night last home football game.
Had Aldo 2 teachers and 1 parent tell how happy they are with the building. It’s a different school- great this year. BHS- 2 diff teachers stopped her to show some of developments in health science room. Another stopped to tell about brilliant students. That’s how we get word out about district. Thanks to staff.
Courtney- don’t have any
Hatteberg- Kiwanis- dream catchers presented. Students were so articulate genuine and caring. She was so impressed. Want to prove that BHS students are caring and want to make an impact.
Kendell- heard from a few staff that TQ was excellent. Congratulate volleyball team and coaches. Freshmen boot camp. Turning something around.
Bragging about LEO club and Oktoberfest. Over 80 people signed up for group. Sat Nov 2- 2nd LEO club convention. At Aldo Leopold. Amazing group. Week from tonight school board forum. 5 pm.
Coen-will that be YouTubed?
Tech doesn’t know yet.
Kendell- great to have a group. 4 spots open. Nice to have fresh faces. He will miss robberts.
Bross- pleased to see Grimes students. All good things in district. Things need to work on with behavior issues and so on. Keep working on those. Celebrate positives. Thank you for teachers. Encourage everyone to get out to forum and vote Nov 2.
XI. Adjournment- 806.