Monday, February 10, 2020

BEA notes from 2-10-20 BCSD Board Meeting

fI. Call to Order – Welcome 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- swapping a couple things out- item 9- taking 4 and doing it last- moved by Kendell, 2nded by Hoelzen

IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)- 
Jessica Irish- daughter goes to BH- talking about Richards passing. Friends w staff at BH- found out before her child did. Proud of district’s quick response- daughter’s teacher said didn’t know why they didn’t let school out on day he passed. Staff held crying children- following day she went to school as PTO member- Richards’ dad spoke to the school. School cancelled- was grateful. Had to get childcare. Glad BH staff had day off to mourn. Glad family let us all attend the funeral. Jan 13- Chris’s funeral would have to be made up- can’t lose $110,000. Staff shouldn’t have to make up that day. Students shouldn’t have to make up that day. This is not inclement weather- this was a death of a highly respected community member. Asking board not to have students and staff make up the day.

Jessica King- English teacher at BHS- she , Dan Kopping, and Thomas Boyd- took 18 students to WIU today. WIU had an opportunity for students to attend- had a writing contest- capture the essence of love in 100 words or less. BHS student Rebecca Armstrong won 1st, another student took 2nd, and another took 3rd. Also got an honorable mention. (I couldn’t keep up with the names.) Excited for the achievement

V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report and Gifts- McVay- Hatteberg 2nd. Kendell making note of gifts- 700 gift from NL district- for buddy bench at BH in memory of Chris Richards. Passed.

VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Art Awards, Ed Stone Middle School- Tony Onesto- art teacher at Ed Stone. Adam Johnson and David King- a number of Onesto’s students are ill. Ed Stone now has the VAAP program- allows students to take their art to the next level. 7th and 8th graders get a whole day with a focus project once a month. Lion’s Club Peace poster project- Burlington has dominated- this is winner- Adam Johnson- response has been amazing- grateful for talent that Burlington has- student’s work has blown him away- Alana Yeager- goes to National next- doesn’t know when hear results. 4 pieces accepted at Juried art show. 3 were accepted - David King has one accepted for that. Art and writing competition- top 15% in order to be eligible- top 7% gets a silver key- 4 award winners- Adam johnson got 2nd last year, and 2nd this year- David King honorable mention last year and this year- but got a silver key. Still have one more art competition in the spring. Invite community to see his art room- with funding from BEF and grants- Hound town days 5 years ago- his group uses talent to enrich the community-  80 wooden paw prints- raisted 4800 2 years ago. May 14th silent auction 6-830- concert at 7. Art is at a high level. Onesto proud of the students. Thinks with grade levels students will produce a lot more. Courtney- you did a good job considering you said you were shy.
Kendell- what do you enjoy about this?
King- get to make art for everyone to see- nice to work with professional grade equipment.

VII. Student Representative Report- Bryn Casady- can’t top what Mrs. King presented. Boys swim qualified for state. Vice versa coming up at end of month. Prom is in april- starting to work on that. End of trimester is coming up- lots of people in library and cafeteria getting homework done. Boys and Girls basketball both doing well. NHS Klein Center tonight - senior prom. 
Courtney- she does a good job. 

VIII. Superintendent’s Report- Coen- another full week- two of relays in swimming going to state. Boys BB 2nd in conference. Having a lot more success now that we changed conferences. 3A school playing 3 A conference. We were a small 4A school. Pandemic response plan- worked with nurses. Will present to board next meeting. Cabinet has wrapped up building audits. April- need to move board meeting to the 6th- Greg has to certify the budget on the 15th. Want to get it on agenda. PE waiver- doesn’t have to come back to board they approved last year. Butler continues to work to assure good things that happen at aldo happen at ed stone. Reviewed work with teachers- wellness- johnson talking to admins. Contacted by mt p- want to do what we’re doing. (?) email- mother talked about make up day. If youre inclined to support- let Mr. Vickstrom know- he can let Coen and Reynolds know. Aldo leopold compensation for teachers- Mrs. Johnson on the radio- trying to recruit subs. Radio has higher effect than paper. Once we saturate that market it will no longer work. Bad news aldo leopold structural issues- we signed off on what was done. We will be holding a portion of the bag. Reserve that can be used for these types of the issues. We need to fix it- courtney asked. Will end up in court- 100ks of thousands or millions- we do hold obligation for that. Coen went in schools a lot this week. Highlight was Mr. McKee- kids reading in the library. Hoelzen told him to slow down. (it wasn’t my class- was Mrs. Zieglers). Coen went and sat in with Kehoe. Vickstrom and Sat Schools.
 Negotiations- district opened- 300 on base and all language taken out (permissables) back in. 
IASB- training on board- orientation (work session) . Grant Hank is coming. Memorial auditorium- placard at area- STEM- future jobs. Keane and Butler got students ready to go. Coens went to a remembrance thing for Richards.
Special Olympics held over weekend- family member wanted to recognize outstanding students who worked all day for the event.
Kids will learn if they are at school consistently.
?s- none.

IX. Items for Discussion
3. Early Childhood Center Principal Job Description & Proposed Project Overview-
Cory and Tasha Begtal- Early Childhood Iowa- job description - couple items- article from Dr. Wise- early childhood initiatives in the state- planning to undertake- early childhood at Corse- discussion has taken place # of years. Focusing on families birth to 5. Talked to Sieren and Kendell- facilities committee- job description is what’s on the agenda. That’s what’s in the packet. Large project- hope to open fall of 2021. Community Action Headstart- 4 year old preschools. Want to expand to 3 year olds. Provide a child care center of some sort. After school day care. Estimated at this point. All 4 year old preschools would be in one location. 60 students in half day programs. Draft of language of child care center. 
Coen- this is what our community needs for businesses, young families. 
Cory- had a meeting in november- some community members, SCC, - vision- is there a need for this? Agreement there is. Push down to infants- whole different licensing- to make this happen for fall of 2021- lots of leg work- its hard to make it not cost prohibitive- additional cost for staffing for 3 year olds- child care would be an additional piece- want to hire the principal for next year even though the building wouldn’t open until a year later. Grant writing and hoop jumping would need to happen a year early.
Cost sharing piece. Tasha Bechtel- early childhood board serves 4 county area. Doesn’t have anything specific to share. Funding opportunities- ECI Board- fund indirectly child care system- professional development- DHS regs- no cost. 3 year old scholarship for preschool- ECI cannot help out with 4 year old preschool. Have supported Danville in the past- ECI said yes to that- but they eventually stepped down after 50k in first year- salary support- 
Vickstrom- how solid is the funding- would this be cost effective for us-
Cory- we’ve looked at this a lot- partnerships and writing grants- many of our families can’t afford the tuition we would need to make this work- would need scholarships for families- have annual carryover in pre-school right now- over 573,000 carryover total in preschool volunteer fund. Sustaining costs become the issue.
Sieren- principal position would be paid for out of that money- if after 6-9 months- can we decide not to do it- yes- 
EIC- RFP- 19 renewal contracts- high quality childcare- hot topic- (this is Tasha again)- lots of projects- board 75-125k set aside for that- allowable growth isn’t there. It’s stagnant- they aren’t getting allowable growth for EIC
Vickstrom- success rate of other organizations- Tasha- there are many ways of doing it- are we going to have someone else run it for us? Non profit vs for profit- in our area- various models- Mediapolis, New London, Danville, Ottumwa, Council Bluffs, Marshalltown- all run differently- we have a lot of exploration to do if we want to make this a reality
Tasha- des moines is passing a lot of bills right now. Child care is a hot issue. 
Talking about pay for staff of different ways to be funded from the organization.
If you dive into childcare, it’s really about the director. Takes all of those factors to make it work. Hardest part of child care is that you can’t keep the staff- we don’t pay them well- child care needs to be about developing amazing early childhood staff.
Cory- moving it all to Corse- great opportunity for staff. Better opportunities for collaboration. 
Coen- college will be there. SCC has been at the table on this. Expanding education program. Wants to add early childhood education- dedicated classroom space- lab school at corse.
Tasha- the whole point- if you do it right at that age- it’s a ripple effect- 
Hatteberg- no problem with a non profit making income with tuition for daycare- Greg- depends on how it’s structured- it’s another proprietary fund. New programs.
Courtney- we’re not going to get rich. It would be a win if we break even.
Cory- lots of districts- might make money, might lose money- might save money by having to do less interventions. We lose some families because other districts offer day care. Coen- new london broadcasts to mount pleasant- having to buy building- now we have open rooms in other buildings. Systemic issues this corrects.
Cory- logistical dominoes- can’t move a program until space is empty- portables for some of those programs. Likely some logistical dominoes. Might have to move them out of Corse.
Sieren- carryover- can use for anything else? Flexibility fund- can transfer funds
Sieren- went through a couple years hearing Corse was in bad shape- now we’re hearing we’re going to build it up- 
Coen- had more to do with running schools at less capacity
BLDD- facilities assessment- was rated lowest- and size wise- it wasn’t lowest in quality
Coen- it’s in better shape than Aldo Leopold
Cory- building is still impressive.
Courtney- every penny that we spend here would be dollars saved when they’re older.
Kendell- philosophy is strong.  Will attract employees because of child care. Going to have to be patient- few years of bumps. Not going to be easy. 
McVay- looking at salary- 125k- is that highest of building principals- in line with other elementary principals- average for them- looked at where associate principals are at- need to be careful- Coen- African American female running building- making less than a white guy running the building- don’t want to say she’s worth less than an associate principal- this is more than an associate principal- it’s a tough job. 
Kendell- entry level principal 93k- salary is like 70 according to Greg- 
Cory- this may be a lowball- may be where we end up at-
Board approving job description- can go ahead and search for a person- salary would depend on their experience and so on
Job description will also be a sign of board’s commitment to the project- 
Courtney moves approval- beat Dean to it
Hatteberg- thinks need to make motion they are in favor of doing it- she doesn’t recall ever passing that
Sieren- that’s a vote we take 9 months from now
Hiring a principal- in 9-12 months- they then approve the project at that time- they can cancel it at that time
Kendell- only reason he knows about it is facilities board- haven’t talked about it- delaying it to meeting in march- 
Does motion include 125k- 
Reynolds- job description at this point
Cory- dollar amount is an estimate
Sieren 2nded- passed.

4. Closed Session- Expulsion Hearing
X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Sieren- great things going on in district. Thrilled getting started on it. Thrilled reading article about 9th 10th BB in hawkeye. 
Kendell- echoes what Sieren said. Liked the news from Mrs. King and Onesto. 
Hoelzen- text from friend at Aldo- Coen is spending more time there- excited to go see STEM thing tomorrow.
McVay- buddy bench- NL money- 3 parents donated 1100 from cookie sales- Altemus and others, congrats to sports teams. McVay went to basketball game- energy JV and V team gave 9th graders was awesome. 3 teams- it was one group- recommend keeping up that energy. Work to do but making progress.
Kendell- musical coming up- dates? Play coming up soon. Pops concert Thursday friday night. 2 one act plays. Mr. Keane doesn’t remember. Pops concert at Ed Stone.
Courtney- remind people to get kids vaccinated. 
Vickstrom- nothing to add.
5 min recess before closed session.
XI. Adjournment

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