January 23, 2017
Board of Education Meeting
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:04 p.m.
IV. Public Comments
No one here for the public comment
V. Consent Agenda
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- North Hill
Mr. Wagner - PIECES program at North Hill they have expanded their program by a half hour in the morning and fifteen in the afternoon. Now all k-5 can participate. 32 regular attendees Monday thru Friday, some may only come a couple days a week, 90-105 in after school program. The academics have been impacted by a third of the attendees have become proficient if they attended 30 days or more in reading and math areas and these are part of the daily program. Also some enrichment activities have been done as well. Amazing dedicated staff that make this work!
VII. Student Representative Report
Anna - Career Fair last week a lot of people from the community came in and talk about opportunities and networking opportunities, felt it was a successful day. Started the second semester, strange because we have flip flopped our schedules and and teachers it seems to have gone smoothly. School year is going well, soon we will start to pick our classes for our new trimesters. We don’t have a ton of information as students yet on this and the new classes. Not all teachers can answer all of the questions so we want to see what will happen and what it will look like.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
Martin Luther King day one of buildings did a great job with an interpretive dance. It’s great to see our students overcome diversity. His midyear evaluation has been shared with board members. Sharon has done a great job of working with administrative team with a flow chart being shared, it’s a vision about of having a profoundly positive impact on the students lives. Started DDMP process for budgetary needs and courses of action with Greg Reynolds. Greater Burlington Chamber meeting gave an update. Grand opening of the second floor of the library. Burlington Chamber meeting about violent crime in Burlington. Round Table at Aldo Leopold - greatest concern budget, cuts, middle school electives and reductions over the years. Attended several games and swim meets. Des Moines county living well meeting at GRMC. Did visit career day at HS the only thing that was disheartening was that parents called in their kids. DE report card came out and we are up at the high school we are going in the right direction and this is a reflection of Mr. Keanes first year. Several of the Elementary schools are up in several areas over the previous school year. Hat is off to the teachers in the rooms everyday and to the admin in the building. Visited Club M, those kids are great it is just as good for the high school mentors as it is for the elementary mentees. Club M is on Wednesdays at 3:30 for an hour at the high school. Was at PD at Corse on Friday and it was good. Admin PD covered flowcharts and the VP of Monmouth College presented something on complex organization with synchronization and communication. Mailed letters to state representatives got a call from governor Branstad's office, may be going to speak with them about issues. Mailed out invites to the Great Prairie legislative meeting coming up.
IX. Items for Discussion
5. State/Condition of North Hill
Mr. Cradic - A great first half of the year, glad to be back at Elementary. Hound time is his favorite half hour of the day. The windert easyCBM scores show that there are fewer kids now who are showing up as at some/high risk. All teachers have now been trained on the Richardson & Battista diagnostic test (except for the ones who have been sick with the nasty bug going around). Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) pizza night with positive male in December. Program is to get positive male role models in the school as volunteers - recess duty, lunch duty, in the halls, in the classrooms, etc. They wear a shirt and they spend the day in the school and are there to participate in all activities. Background check is completed on all of them. Starting next week Man Club for 4th and 5th grade boys after school. Buddy bench donated by Girl Scouts - to have a spot for kids who are looking for kids to play with to go and meet a buddy. We have a 3rd grade little girl Lilly who was diagnosed with Leukemia on Christmas Eve, stop by and purchase your bracelet and order a t-shirt.
6. Early Retirement Discussion
Jeremy Tabor - gave the board a packet of information to reference to go through the three options. (see attachment). Could not hear Greg speak about the levy rate next year.
Marlis - What is the timeline? - if chosen tonight give to employees this week with a two week turn around. The word discussion on the agenda verses voting item. Coen said they could amend the agenda if they choose. Garwood - last discussion was if they were even going to offer something, but has a lot of information to make a decision tonight. Marlis - any data on the early retirement offering an incentive or would they retire anyway. Reynolds the biggest thing is insurance costs and the average of retires is 62. Marlis - we appreciate our teachers service but we can’t make this a bonus due to it coming from taxes. Hatteberg - the insurance is huge cost it has to be worth it otherwise it is not worth doing at all. Bross - don’t like they got this information tonight but don’t think waiting two weeks would make a difference. Marlis - low payout how long would that last ? For single coverage would cover a couple years. Tabor - low plan was the plan offered last year, medium has been the plan offered historically. Marlis - talking levy cents and possibly raising taxes (very likely this year general fund levy). I couldn’t follow all of the numbers talk, because it was very hard to hear and follow. Marlis - number eligible 57 some to non-certified . Bross - makes motion to change the agenda to vote Vickstrom second, vote Hatteberg opposed all other aye. Hatteberg - last year that the district did not save money by letting associate early retire. Marlis - are we going to restrict administrators, seniority and a cap on the number that can go. Coen - best interest to have a cap and to go with seniority. Reynolds - cap on the total amount which. Brueck motioned to not offer early retirement second Bross. Garwood - would this effect in making decision in budget. Coen - early retirement could save some jobs and or not have to rehire those positions. Brueck - are these people going to retire anyway? Hatteberg - will never know the decision. Coen - is up to the individual so we don’t age discriminate. Vote on no early retirement two aye, four no - defeated. Hatteberg - all of the average is a two year payout half the first year half the second year? Yes you are correct. Marlis - is their an opinion on the medium/high package - no response. Hatteberg makes a motion to offer the medium package by seniority capped at 10 people or $121,250 whichever comes first. Vickstrom 2nd - Marlis - how is this affecting the general fund if we do this? Reynolds. - give them another $.33 or something like that. Vote - Brueck no all others aye.
7. Job Descriptions for AmeriCorp Club M Support
Tabor - in the agenda posted to the school website. Marlis - Does this cost us any money? No
8. Board Policy 501.12 First Reading
This is a new policy. Brueck - question on the note. Coen - due to sports/PE or other activities so that the school knows to best sevice the students needs. Approved
9. Preliminary Budget Reductions and Deliberate Decision Making Process
Coen - begun visiting schools to explain the budgetary stance. Google survey - Coen feels this is a good thing. The process the cabinet and Coen take the information and present two or three options and information The board can choose some or none of each of the options. The dollar amount is the determining factor of what has to be decided.
X. Board Communications
Bross - Did not make it to the library got a sneak peek the Friday night before during the Girls basketball game. Glad they were able to make a decision on the early retirement.
Hatteberg - Thanks to the admin staff for the information so they can make decisions. Girls won and some are singers.
Vickstrom - tour the library at the basketball game aldo, career day was neat wish there was more people there, need to get out to the families to encourage the to have their kids stay. Send thank yous to the speakers.
Brueck - Pat thanks for the contact information for legislators and wishes it could be put on school website and encourage community members to contact legislators to properly fund education.
Garwood - State of the condition of school is her favorite part of the meetings. Thank you for having an open mind to adjust a program and to benefit the students.
Robberts - north hill lots of enthusiasm, thanks to the teachers that email the board about exciting things happening in the classrooms they really like to hear about those kind of things. Congrats to girls basketball team. Health fair coming up later in the year.
XI. Adjournment 8:43 p.m.
Betsy Wolf
Board Retirement Figures here
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