Thursday, January 5, 2017

T.Q. Master's Discussion survey results

118 people responded to the recent B.E.A. survey about T.Q. money and master's degrees. Here were the questions and how people responded.

Question 1: Are you in favor of  using TQ funds to pay for select master’s degrees so they can teach college-credit classes at the high school?

Yes, if it is open to all teachers in the district and the lane change is allowed.- 41 respondents (35%)
Yes, if it is open to all teachers in the district, even if lane change is not allowed. - 9 (7.7%)
No, it should not be restricted to only certain master degrees. - 46 (39.3%)
Other- 28 (23.9%)
Other responses included-

  • It should not be used for master degrees, 
  • It is not fair to all teachers in the district, TQ money should not be used to pay teachers to go back to school to get their Masters! 
  • Let's higher teachers, pay for them to get their Masters and then they leave our district. Will these teachers be required to sign a contract and stay in our district for so many years? How is that fair that we would pay for only high school teachers? 
  • People pay for these themselves
  • NO because I think it's crap for those of us who worked hard for ours and had to pay for it.
  • No, this should be a training to support district intiatives
  • No, people that hold Master degrees have paid for it out of their own pockets
  • I don't understand. We don't pay for master's degrees. they just get lane changes. Not fair to those that have master's degrees already.
  • not used at all - unless reimbursing teachers who have already paid for and gotten their Master degrees.
  • what about paying for classes to complete an endorsement to teach in the district?
  • No. A lot of teachers already have Master's Degrees which we paid for ourselves, and not everyone is available or cares to teach at high school and/or college level.
  • No, this is not a fair and equitable use of distributing the TQ funds. What about elementary/MS level teachers?hers
  • No, pay us our extra days pay.
  • Only if they sign and agree to stay at teach in Burlington for a certain amount of time.
  • I dont think the district should pay for teachers to get their masters degree
  • I am not sure how I feel about this... I am on the fence.
  • It should be open to anyone wanting to take a credit in anything that will make them a better teacher. I don't want a masters, but I would like the same opportunity if I wanted to attend a conference or take classes to get an endorsement.
  • How will this affect Elementary teachers? Will they be allowed to take content area classes if they so choose? And, will they be allowed to do this during the work day? Will they get paid to take these classes? Will the credits earned go toward their lane changes? My list can go on and on.
  • NO, other teachers with masters paid out of pocket.
  •  Not fair to those that already have their masters.
  • limiting to certain masters degrees is okay, but open it up to everyone with the lane change allowed.
  • It shouldn't be used for classes and lane changes that is double dipping.

Question 2: Are you in favor of using TQ funds to pay for ANY college credit teachers take that help improve instruction or obtain re-licensure?

Yes, if it open to all teachers in the district and the lane change is allowed.- 58 respondents (49.2%)
Yes, if it is open to all teachers in the district, even if lane change is not allowed- 17 (14.4%)
No, this money should not be used for this.- 34 (28.8%)
Other- 9 (7.6%)-
Other responses included-

  • If it is a class to obtain your masters.
  • TQ money needs to be spent for professional development!
  • No. I feel like it will favor only certain teachers/degrees even if it officially says it will not.
  • We need more time within our own buildings. Each should pay for their own schooling (as most of us did), receive the lane change, and use the monies for current updating!!!!
  • No, unless I am reimbursed for the monies I paid to get my college credits; and if we extend lane changes because I am at the top of mine.
  • I think it should be based on an area that could help them with their jobs.
  • Again, I am on the fence. It would be beneficial for many teachers, but what about the teachers that are topped out? What is in it for them? Especially if they do not use the money to assist with further education.
  • Looking at the question below, and reading more into the plan...It seems that this is geared toward the High School staff. Again, we are disseminating the differences between Secondary and Elementary.

Question 3- In order for elementary people to take advantage of the Coen Plan, they would have to bid into open positions at the high school. You would also need to make sure you are certified to teach at the high school level. If you are an elementary teacher, would you be interested in teaching at the high school?

Very likely- 1 respondent (0.9%)
Somewhat likely-  3 (2.7%)
Not likely- 23 (20.4%)
Never- 30 (26.5%)
I am not an elementary teacher- 56 (49.6%)

Question 4- Were you aware that TQ funds were available for conference attendance and other training opportunities?

Yes, and I have used this.- 50 respondents (42.7%)
Yes, but I have never used this.- 25 (21.4%)
No, I was not aware of this. - 42 (35.9%)

Question 4- Have you asked to attend training and been turned down by an administrator or someone at the admin building?

Yes- 11 respondents (9.3%)
No- 107 (90.7%)

Question 5- Are you in favor of people receiving a district-paid degree and changing lanes on the salary schedule?

Yes, if the opportunity is open to all teachers and open to all advanced educational degrees.- 52 (44.1%)
Yes, if the opportunity is open to all teachers and restricted to selected degrees. - 7 (5.9%)
No, it is unfair to those teachers who have already paid for their degrees. - 46 (39%)
No - 9 (7.6%)
Other - 4 (3.4%)
Other responses included-

  • The district should not be spending their money to assist teacher's going back to college. If I go to the high school, take advantage of getting more education, do I have to commit to staying in this district? I hope the BEA is 100% against this idea. TQ money should be for PD not someone's PHD!
  • mixed feeling, i could go either way.
  • I don't like it because it is not fair to all teachers. However, if it went through, I would like it to include endorsements.

Question 5- In the past all teachers in the district received a day of pay by attending a district-wide workshop. Would you be in favor of using the money that way?

Yes- 96 respondents (82.1%)
No- 9 (7.7%)
Other- 12 (10.3%)
Other responses included-

  • Only if it's relevant and not redundant.
  • I don't want mandatory group training.
  • If the training was something beneficial.
  • Try to do grade level meetings, department meetings, and other types of building things.
  • Depends on what the workshop is and whether it was beneficial.
  • Not whole group. Too distracting. Smaller group sessions appropriate. Elementary, Middle, HS 
  • I think the money could be used to help teachers pay for a PD course(s) and also for district-wide workshops. It would be nice if the TQ money isn't limited to just one option. District-wide PD is also important.
  • Yes, as long as the PD is top notch. Last year was a waste of money for the district. However, it was an easy day of pay for the teachers. 
  • If we do that again, I would like it to be valuable and not a waste of time.
  • A day of pay if it's per-idiom or compensation time since this has been offered to the high school staff just recently. This would be the choice of the employee at that time.
  • if we are already gettting paid for it why use TQ funds?
  • Yes, but if it came to how I would prefer money to be spent I would most like to be able to get a research based curriculum for elementary special education.

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