Closed Session-Expulsion Recommendation
6:30 p.m.
The mission of the Burlington Community School District is:
Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.- called to order at 720
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- kendall moved hatt seconded
IV. Public Comments- no one spoke
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)
V. Consent Agenda- slight revision to minutes- handed out to press- Bross moved to accept revised- Garwood 2nded
2. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, Travel and Gifts
VI. District Positive Accomplishments-Aldo Leopold After School Program- Mr. Yeoman, Mrs. Butler, and students-
Yeoman- students introduced themselves- Cree Gully director- talk about some of the things after school program has done this year. Took 19 kids to des moines 2 weeks ago- got introduced on house and senate floors to talk to lawmakers about program- got outstanding press in register- had students express importance of after school program- Students went to city council meeting- Harvestville trip on a Sat morning. Part of North Hill reading program. They do a little bit of reading a little bit of crafts. Got to tour Great River medical center. More pics from Des Moines trip. Students took STEM kits with them to show the lawmakers what they do. Students got to go to the Science center in Des Moines. Before school made some food- starts at 615 and runs until 740. Hours- 334 hours this year. 54 kids, morning and afternoon. 3rd year with the grant. Had a parent night tonight- had 14 attend. Student 1 likes the homework makeup- Student 3 liked how club gives opportunity for students to do what they want to do. How many days do you attend from Robberts- Monday-Friday. Students have to have no missing work to attend dances. 55 kids with no missing work attended last dance. Garwood says students are a great advertisement for after school program. Vickstrom- did you find out education can be fun. Bross excited about chess club. Garwood hopes the students are appreciative of teachers/club sponsors. Robberts thanks them for coming.
VII. Student Representative Report- student unable to attend.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report- Mrs. Dentlinger presented in Coen’s place. Congrats to Katherine Frevert for Speech and Debate. BILA for define me program- entertaining. Thanks to Sharon for filling in Coen’s spot.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. State of Condition of Grimes Elementary School Information Only- Joe Rector- thanks Liz Vanerstrom for putting together powerpoint. Rector is thankful for how nice the facility is. 407 kids. P-5th, 2-12. 34 staff, 17 support staff. 3rd grimes school that has been on the site. PBIS at Grimes- started in sept with a learning curve, Feb is looking good. Grimes is a banner school. Wall of Fame of students nominated for positive recognition- want to recognize positive behaviors. Recess times are spikes for behavior issues. Academic achievements- made growth on state report card- Grimes went from Needs improvement to acceptable. Teachers worked hard on instruction, Liz worked hard with teachers. FAST reading scores- showed significant growth in most areas. Saw a dip in 1st grade, felt that test in fall changed to winter and caused dip. CBM scores- use scores to put together interventions for students. PCL model- Beth Whetstone started the ball rolling. Whole group instruction, anchor charts, learning logs, small group instruction, Independent/One on One instruction, and sharing. Giving students a chance to share learning with others. Cooperative learning. Older grades helping lower grades. Supporting independent learning times. Pictures of lead team meetings and shakeout meetings. Bross- how do you feel 1 to 1 is going at lower grades- Grimes has 2 tech coaches in the building- helped the building and reluctant teachers. Garwood has 2 grandchildren at Grimes. It’s a remarkable building, Hatteberg likes the building as well.
4. Food Service Price Increase- we have to take a price increase- based on elementary and secondary paid lunches. Current rates 1.35 ele 1.55 sec breakfast, lunch 210 ele 220 for sec, adults 205 and 345. Hatteberg moves to approve, Garwood moves to 2nd. There isn’t really a choice. When we don’t use recommended tool they take away our funding, as Robberts stated.
5. 2017-18 Calendar- Ms. Mitchell- asking for discussion of calendar options- confusion about contracts for next year, will impact things like professional learning days. Samples of these are not on district fb page or district page. Calendars went to public, calendar committee, then back to the board. Don’t have more vetting from the community. Robberts- school calender causes a lot of contacts from public. We need to wait on teacher contracts to be able to decide.
Draft- in the box- parameters that all of the drafts- 176 day student calendar- trimester calendar- 8 days for professional learning. Had to have sept 1, same holidays as in the past. Flex days are in the calendar. Created most similar to this year’s calendar.
Draft 2- Aug 23- May 31- people didn’t want long spring break. Trimesters could end in middle of week and that’s ok. Seniors last day- don’t want graduation on Memorial Day- Make last day be May 23 and Memorial weekend be grad, or have June 5 be graduation. By ending on May 23 on draft 4, seniors would be missing 10 days on a trimester.
Garwood- are you asking that next month board meeting we would vote on calendars. We are still asking for information from the state. (I don’t know what information they are waiting on). Bross likes that finals isn’t as close to christmas. Kendell thinks staff likes Friday PDs. Many people want us to have those Fridays according to Mitchell.
No action taken on Calendar.
6. Cell Tower Contract- Proposed contract- have Kesterke and reps from US Cellular. Julie Scheebeck does site acquisition, Kevin Hanes from CR- Cell tower will be next to admin building (to the S of building between here and park). What are the dimensions of tower- 25 x 35 area, with fence around it, tower and equipment, tower will be 69’ tall. FAA dictates height. Was there attendance at community meeting- 4 attended from neighborhood- 2 were ok with it, 2 weren’t. Typical lease would be 30 year lease, board has no right to keep it from being sold to a different company. Lease doesn’t increase until after a 5 year period. Board hasn’t incurred very many costs with this yet, other than legal fees for reviewing contract. All other testing will be at US Cellular expense. 2000 option paid to board, then 1500 a month for the lease. For example, June 1st commencement of lease. Approximate distance from wall to tower would be what? Asked Kendell. They aren’t sure. 25 year lease- 5 years from now if Board wants to sell white house, could impact value of the property. Fence would be 20-25 feet from building. Robberts- with our current budget condition, a new admin building isn’t in the near future. Robberts sees this as a source of revenue that will help us fund an associate, or one less cut they’ll have to make. Robberts like financial support from any source. Could provide over 600,000 income to district. Kesterke wants it to look nice. Hatteberg- want it to look nice, but we really need the money. Goes to general fund. Garwood, financial straits. Hard to turn it down. Robberts- motion to accept lease- Garwood moved- Hatteberg 2nd. Kendell voted against, but said Aye.
7. Middle School Administrators on Opportunities for Students (Trimesters) Information Only- I couldn’t keep up with this- I don’t know what the schedule is like now. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Yeoman- want to give info about Trimesters at MS. Core classes, applied arts, Rotation. Core classes will remain mostly unchanged. Will remain year long. Applied arts- share ind tech and fcs teacher between two buildings. Dividing two people over 3- personel at both ms the same- 8th grade will have art health and ind tech, 7th will have fcs, art and ind tech. Snyder is going to do PLW for 7th grade,8th grade at aldo Sparrow has PE will help with the Health situation. FCS teacher and Sparrow can coordinate what they do. Sparrow and FCS teacher can trade off. Snyder- Thompson can parallel teach
Stone- 8th- Art Health- Ind Tech
7th- FCS, Ind Tech, Art
6th- Computers, Art, Computers
Aldos- 8th- Ind Tech, Health, Art
7th- Art, Ind Tech, FCS
Computers, Art, Computers in 6th
Music will be on a 3 day schedule
Ind Tech gains 30 days, Computers loses 60 days
Students don’t need as much with computers because they get it all day.
Academic Focus and Tech Lab will be changed to Life Skills. Will look at using teacher librarian to teach that class- smart use of the library staff
Having public library come to do book talks with students
Library science 80% of the year, 20% will be by guidance counselor
Examples- Leadership, Choices, Goal Setting, Financial Literacy
Best thing is that 2 buildings are working together says Garwood.
Bross- you see transient populations between buildings.
X. Board Communications- Bross had something, but can’t remember. Heard a lot of good things about trimesters. Hope that it continues on a smooth landing. Can’t wait to see that.
Vickstrom- Hope is eternal. Thinks things are working well right now. Change- people feel threatened- that’s life, folks. We all have to deal with it. Upward and onward.
Garwood- When trimesters was first introduced to me, hesitation because of lack of information- more and more excited about it.
Hatteberg- banners promoting kids outside buildings. March is music in our schools month.
Kendell- Banners are outstanding. Put alumni of buildings on those banners. Sad to see Krieger Coen’s resignation at HS. Had a chance to go to Corse PTO meeting- what a great group of people. Jealous of their energy. Good mix of admin and staff and parents. Have gone through struggles with leadership of PTO. Got an interesting fundraising to buy coffee. Only 2 of them knew about the calendar survey. I wonder if PTO presidents should be invited to Board meetings to be recognized.
Robberts- great meeting tonight, Grimes and Middle Schools, great to have students here. Congrats to Katherine Frevert. Getting into spring. Opportunity to have students come to office for career day.
Will have a brief exec session after this.
Bross moved to adjourn, Kendell 2nded.
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
XI. Adjournment
XII. Exempt Session-Negotiations