The mission of the Burlington Community School District is:
Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance- 658 pm
III. Adoption of Agenda- moving positive accomplishments up front- moved by Garwood- 2nded by Brueck
District Positive accomplishments- 1st 5th grade field day since 1986- it was important because will build participation in different events because kids will do better in school- Maureen Heath and Rachel Cameron- Tonya George and Todd Blythe- 300 5th graders- 7 running events- shot put- 1st exposure to track and field- great day for students. Good learning experience. 2nd best was volunteers, had BPD, retired teachers, subs, coaches helping that day. Parents and people from the community. It was a great day. Went better than we thought it would.
Garwood- grandsons had a good time.
Heath- had something for everyone to do.
Hatteberg- really well organized. Kids love the event. Kudos to all the people who made that happen.
Heath- Tim Bolander roped us together.
Robberts- thank you.
Coen- share what happened in Des Moines.
Heath- K. Williams inducted into hall of fame. Great for school and community. Ribbons will be handed out at awards ceremony.
Coen- you don’t know where the next hall of famer will be. You lived the mission statement for the district.
IV. Public Comments- state name and address- limit to 5 minutes. Board will not take action on items that come up on open meetings.
Coen- will attempt to not be rude and let you know when 5 minutes come up.
Cohoon- address the issue of collective bargaining- 1974- 43 years ago. Bipartisan manner- took days and hours of negotiation to pass. Cohoon as former teacher and school board members would like to see on collective bargaining. None of us would have thought it would be repealed totally. His concern is that we have the opportunity of losing quality teachers over the next few years- state of Minnesota- Wisconsin lost 10% of teachers. Difficulty of hiring new teachers. Concerned as retired teacher that we won’t have the brightest and best in our classrooms. This bill took a step backwards. Concerned about all school employees. Cooks, school bus drivers, you get what you pay for. Has had associates that could have taught the class- had others that weren’t cut out for it. Lastly, concern for morale in districts around our state. People upset by legislature. Urge board to continue to work with employees of the district, you don’t have to follow the law 100%. Stay open minded and make this one of the best districts in the state.
Tom Courtney- here to echo what cohoon said. Courtney would have voted against this legislation- did things no one wanted done. We are in great danger of losing our qualified teachers to surrounding states- When he sat on school board- we wanted more local control- they have it now. Hopes they come up with a good contract for kids.
Laura Blanchard- former mediapolis teacher- her district was one of last to settle contracts last year. It was hard to go back each year- it split the district- she student taught in Wisconsin in 2010- Minnesota wants iowa teachers- we don’t have to grant bargaining rights to teachers, it’s in local hands. Hope district does what’s best for teachers and students. Hopes her daughter is a future student. Hopes we don’t end up like Wisconsin.
Mary Masher from Iowa City- show support for teachers, parents, and kids. Taught for a number of years. We have advocated for best and brightest to come to Iowa and teach. Wanted to recruit and maintain staff that they have. Why do people care about this- our students are so important. Clear Creek amana negotiated with all items because they valued, and knew iowa city could take some teachers. Loves that we are in an old school building- board knows where it started. Community supports them wholeheartedly. How do we keep and attract new teachers. Complimented board members again. Others are paying attention to what you’re doing with how you move forward with bargaining. 33 year teacher.
Robberts- please do contact state legislatures, if we have money and aren’t in a negative balance. It’s important to fund education.
Courtney- what’s gonna happen next year- legislation will push for vouchers. Vouchers will go to homeschool. Beginning of end for public schools if we don’t speak out. Homeschooling will be more attractive if vouchers are paid out.
Tom Peterson- kids are enrolled in school. BlackHawk. Look at what happened in Wisconsin- is that what we want to happen here. Don’t want what happened there to happen here- teachers are leaving that state. Good performing teachers aren’t valued there. Encourage board to look at what other states have done.
Lindsay Paull- current first grade teacher, and BHS grad. Chose to come back to burlington and teach. Had some awesome teachers who inspired her to come back. Would hate to see favorite teachers leave the district- knows that is in discussion among colleagues- has been welcomed by friends in other states to come live there. Consider to negotiate in power to keep great teachers in our district.
V. Consent Agenda- Bross moved. 2nded by Hatteberg.
2. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, Travel and Gifts
VI. District Positive Accomplishments-5
th Grade Field Day (PE teachers)- moved to top.
VII. Student Representative Report- not able to attend.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report-
Busy week. Attended Emma’s signing- playing tennis at Monmouth. Visit from WQAD on improved district report card. Attended IAAP command change. July 4 working with BPD and Hawkeye 4th of July on Maple Street. Can contact BPD for more info. Planning meeting tomorrow at 3 at BPD. concert- Maury Wright- phenomenal. Conducted last radio call in show of year. No call ins this time. Chad Recliger? Early childhood commission. Going to work together. Tabor principal audit report- know what they need to do for principals PD. teamster union rep- restructuring moving forward. Hub will get done in time. YMCA board members. 20 grads from BILA this year. State track meet. Watched niece run mile. K. Williams inducted into hall of fame- ties into 5th grade field day. Bumped into director of education for state-looks forward to working with us in the future. June 3- BFD and red cross will state at Sunnyside- just practice- don’t call him. Graduation- culmination of k12 system. Exciting to see kids succeed. All the work our teachers put into those children. Some real success stories walked across the stage. BHS summer learning experience opportunities are out. Not remedial, not for kids that are behind. For kids that want to get ahead. For graduating 8th graders and high schoolers.
Robberts thanks him.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. J & M Displays, Inc. Contract- Reynolds- after the fact. Fire cannon at grad. Hatteberg moved to approve, Bross 2nded. unanimous.
4. Burlington High School Chiller Information- Kesterke- thanks for setup for grad from Robberts. Eric Meyer from AC company. Run a model for best ways district should go. Equest software evaluates chiller situation. Steam absorption chillers- running boilers all the time- we use a lot of natural gas. This project is sensitive to that cost. Cost to replace cooling tower. Replace piping that goes to the tower in next 5 years. We get an incredible price on natural gas. What’s the gas price going to do?
I’m sorry- I zoned out during this part- he was explaining chillers and noise.
Want to go out to bid on project.
PPEL dollars- it’s only for those things.
This project was in Kesterke’s 5 year plan. Estimated cost is in 5 year plan. 800k estimated cost.
Garwood moved, Vickstrom 2nded. Passed unanimously.
5. 2017-18 Calendar Revision- 2 days- had talked about saving 220k if cut 2 days. We have decided to be at 187 day teaching contract. Start day of August 18, TQ 17, and adding on 27th. Doesn’t impact student days at all. Hatteberg moved, Bross 2nded. No discussion. Passed unanimously.
6. Notre Dame Meals for 2017-18- what we’ve been doing the last several years. Should notice be changed to johnson? Yes. with revision, is there a motion? Bross- Brueck 2nded. Passed unanimously.
7. Milk and Single Vendor for 2017-18- renewal.- Garwood moved approval, Hatteberg 2nded with name change to Johnson. Approved unanimously.
8. Winfield Agreement for Bread- price has gone up .02. We make a little bit off this. Bross moved, Vickstrom 2nd. Unanimously approved.
9. Board Policies 800 Series 2nd Reading- Tabor- review. Brueck moved- Garwood 2nded. Passed unanimously.
10. Re-Admission Hearing CLOSED SESSION
11. Expulsion Recommendation CLOSED SESSION
X. Board Communications-
Bross- BHS boys soccer- pleased with graduation ceremony- sound was good.Proud to see kids cross the stage who he didn’t think would make it. Great time for celebration for our schools.
Garwood- huge thank you to community for gifts and grants. What a great day to show off Bracewell stadium. Great venue. Graduation is a day of success to anyone and everyone who is involved in that student. Well done for everybody.
Vickstrom- problem with dichotomy in state right now- we cut taxes- had an education system that was great, but now we have cheapest. We can’t produce quality employees- property poor- we need to get them up by having good skills. Has a problem with cheaping out on education in the state. We have to get to the legislature and get our message across.
Hatteberg- thank all the staff spent with students during tornado warnings- board appreciates their professionalism. End of the year assemblies- how much impact staff have on young lives. Contact your congressmen if you are upset about what’s happening.
Brueck- people have to get politically active- write letters, vouchers will be devastating.
Kendell is absent because of soccer.- thank you to kesterke and grad crew. Thank you to band and choir. Concerts coming up.
Robberts- Thank you to all of you who came to our meeting. We want to work together with teachers and staff to make the system better. Funding is a big issue for us- contact legislatures and governors- we would love to have the best district in the state, but we’re operating with our hands tied behind our backs.
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
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