May 8, 2017
Board of Education Meeting
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7: p.m.
Bross absent
IV. Public Comments
No one for the public comment.
V. Consent Agenda
Moved and approved
Hatteberg Abstained
VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Sunnyside Future Problem Solvers (FPS) team
Sue Weinbeck and four kids - rigor and relevance is what ELP is all about, challenging for the students and challenging to teach. “That was really hard, my brain hurts but that was really fun”. A college student wrote back to sue about how she has utilized the FPS model in some engineering classes. Team of four and a team of three that qualified for state. The students presented about the six step to solve the problems utilizing the FPS model. The two elementary teams placed 5th and 6th at state. The middle school alo had a team at the state level.
VII. Student Representative Report
Anna - Not present
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
Board Recognition week presentation of certificates. End of the school year. Banner situation taken care of with 5th grade field day with the help of the Purple and Gray Foundation. Tim Kesterke - summer projects continue replacement hc/av units in IA building, replace balcony bleachers to match the lower one, painting including some outside of the white house, concrete, chiller replacement, replace lower level roof of clark fieldhouse, ceiling tiles and light replacement cafe to music room (five year of budget), bus hub, high school lower level plumbing, repairs to baseball and softball, door repairs, one room convert to control room at Aldo, parking lot and playground painting, equity compliance plan stuff, track painted, bracewell NE corner contractor roll it back. He has not gotten Mrs. Dentlingers requests yet which could through it all for a loop. Discussion to form a conference with local schools to reduce distance to travel. Mrs Gerst DCAT meeting youthnet to Elementary and middle schools. Working on the staff handbook may have to do something with personal days to avoid too many gone on the same day. Graduation is getting close dealing with this. Follow up with key educational people about the Dr. Ryan Weiss to house and senate education chairs and governor. Complement Jeremy Tabor about getting a lot done in a short amount of time. STEPS class and gentlemens club at North hill. Fairfield deputy directory of education with legislation that has passed without funding and what's backing. Title 9 handle of sexual assault on campus training, guidance counter with what we do with the police department (pending police department investigation - they need to figure out which way they are going to be doing this). Shay language to support longevity and appreciation. Evaluation and closing that loop for this year. Principal audit to close in June. Team building event coming up. Community Action thanks the district for space at JMEC.
Vickstrom - likes that they are looking into a different conference with competition.
IX. Items for Discussion
3. Recognition of School Board
Thank you and they want to recognize Mr. Coen
4. Drivers Education Contract
Through August with Drive Tek, sent to 4 regional proposals and looked at, three are very similar recommendations. Motion to accept RRR (Triple R?) Driving School. They also provide to West Burlington and Notre Dame so our students have an easier chance to be able to make up a class. Did speak with those schools and at least one is renewing their contract with no complaints.
Pricing and recommendation - 3 year contract. No complaints with the other two schools.
5. Broken Centrifuge Contract
Runs the cameras on the jumbotron at Bracewell.
What happens if it rains, - it is inside.
Same company as used before
Just inhouse video not on the internet. - always assume you are being recorded
6. Juvenile Court Services Agreement
Hired a person from them, we still need these services
Robberts - They do a very good job and they have long hours and have made a difference in kids live
Robberts - They do a very good job and they have long hours and have made a difference in kids live
Brueck abstain
7. Board Policies 800 Series - 1st Reading
No major changes - improve a review to stay in line with the 5 year requirements
X. Board Communications
Garwood - Thank you to Mr. Coen and cabinet teachers and staff getting ready for the ed of the school year. FPS have probably accomplished more than some adults, thank you to everyone who spends times with our students. Contribution from Case is greatly appreciated. 24 years on the board.
Vickstrom - Good week. Teacher of the year and some runner ups. Awards assembly on Monday, awards going to all walks of life students (military, trade school, four year schools, etc.).
Hatteberg - Awards night one of the speaker all these students achieved so much, not the immediate attention these accomplishments need to be recognized too and how hard these students and teacher have worked.
Brueck - Good job to all students and staff for Dragon Boats, kids had a great time with teachers on their own time and a beautiful day.
Robberts - Congratulations to Heidi Springer seen her in action and level of energy is unbelievable congratulations well deserved, several were nominated. REtirement dinner to honor our teachers who are retiring Thursday evening. Congrats for the two new associate principals at middle school. Shout out to our sports teams both boys and girls soccer, girls golf got 3rd at regionals today. A lot of concerts coming up . Thank you to purple and gray foundation with the field day. Good luck seniors with the final days of schoolsa and best of luck wht graduation.
XI. Adjournment 7:38 p.m.
Going into exempt session?
Betsy Wolf
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