Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Voluntary Early Retirement Program

Burlington Community School District
voluntary early retirement program
Teachers, Nurses, media specialists, Counselors, school social workers, administrators
A.        Purpose.
This voluntary early retirement program provides an incentive that allows an orderly means of attrition of employees and is an additional way, but not the only way, to recognize employees for service to the District.
B.        Eligibility.
This voluntary early retirement program applies to all full-time licensed (BOEE) professional employees (teachers, nurses, media specialists, counselors, school social workers, administrators) and to non-licensed supervisors on the administration team (director of human resources, supervisor of buildings and grounds, supervisor of technology, supervisor of transportation, supervisor of food services) employed on regular (not substitute) contracts during the during the 2014-2015 contract year who resign effective at the end of the 2014-2015 contract year, who are at least fifty-five (55) years of age on June 30, 2015, and who have been employed with the Burlington Community School District for at least ten (10) consecutive years immediately prior to June 30, 2015.  Time on extended unpaid leave is not counted towards the required ten years, but will not break years of service.  If an employee previously received voluntary early retirement payments or contributions from the District and then was rehired, the employee is not eligible to again receive payments under this program.  Eligibility to receive early retirement contributions under this program is contingent upon the employee having successfully fulfilled all contractual obligations.  Employees may aggregate years of part-time service with the Burlington Community School District to fulfill the full-time requirement, as long as the years are consecutive and were immediately prior to June 30, 2015.  An employee who has been on extended unpaid leave of absence for more than the calendar year immediately prior to retirement shall not be eligible for benefits.
C.        Application and Resignation.
An eligible employee must make application for the early retirement stipend no later than 4:00 p.m. January 16, 2015. The application shall be made on a form provided by the District and shall be submitted to the Superintendent.  The Board of Directors shall have the discretion to approve or disapprove any and all applications for early retirement stipends.   If the Board limits the number of applications to be approved, applications shall be considered in order of seniority with the most senior employees granted first opportunity to participate.  Seniority for purposes of this program shall be determined by the date of commencing duties with the Burlington Community School District from the most recent date of hire and if a tie exists, by random drawing.
The eligible employee shall submit a resignation from all contracts with the Burlington Community School District effective at the end of the 2014-2015 contract year, which resignation may be contingent upon the Board approving the application for the early retirement program.  Approval of the request for an early retirement benefit will be considered acceptance of the employee’s resignation and will constitute a voluntary termination of all of the employee’s contracts with the District.
D.        Voluntary Early Retirement Benefit.
For eligible employees whose applications are accepted by the Board of Directors under this program the District will provide an early retirement benefit (“Benefit”) of $200 for each year of service for years 1 through 19 plus $300 for each year of service for year 20 and subsequent years plus $75 per day for the employee’s number of unused but accrued sick leave days at the end of the 2014-2015 contract year (up to a maximum of 190 days). 
The Benefit will be two equal payments to the District-designated HRA with one-half of the Benefit remitted by August of 2015 and one-half by August of 2016.  The Benefit shall not be payable, in cash, to the employee as additional wages or compensation.

E.        Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).
An HRA is an employer funded “accident or health plan,” that (i) provides individual accounts for reimbursing employees, retirees and their dependents for eligible medical expenses and (ii) permits any unused portion of the account at the end of the year to be carried forward to the next year.  Amounts in the account may be used for “qualified medical expenses” (as defined in IRC Section 213(d)) and to reimburse health insurance premiums (including Medicare) or premiums for long term care insurance (subject to indexed IRS limits).  Employees are not taxed on employer contributions to the account nor on withdrawals from the account.
If an employee dies, is discharged, or resigns after the Board of Directors has approved the early retirement application but before the end of the contract year, the stipend shall not be paid. 
F.        Vesting.
The adoption of this voluntary early retirement program shall not vest any right in any employee whether or not the employee is currently eligible for early retirement.  The Board shall have the complete discretion to amend or repeal this program at any time and shall not be obligated to provide any stipends for any employee after the date of such amendment or repeal, except to those employees whose early retirement pursuant to this program has commenced prior to the amendment or repeal.

Friday, December 12, 2014

School Start Date?

The letter from Governor Branstad to Education Director Brad Buck about the Department of Education no longer automatically granting waiver's so Iowa school districts could start before September 1.

Monday, December 8, 2014

B.E.A. Survey

If you are a B.E.A. member, you should be receiving an email with a link to a survey. The survey is only open to members, so I am unable to post a link, but please watch your email and fill out the survey!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

November issue of Sentinel

Here's a link to the November issue of the Sentinel.

Fall General Membership Meeting

The Fall General Membership meeting was a great time last night! Mrs. Mary Smith's Culinary Arts students from the high school provided some great appetizers and treats, Jane Elerding from ISEA gave a presentation, and a number of members won gift certificates! Thanks to all who attended, and special thanks to Mary Smith and her students.
Donna Phipps giving Kelli Bonar her gift certificate

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall General Membership Meeting, Tuesday, October 21st

Fall General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, October 21st
Burlington Public Library, Meeting Room A
4-6 pm

All members are encouraged to attend the Fall General Membership meeting for BEA. This is a great opportunity to learn more about YOUR union and meet fellow members from other buildings. Jane Elerding, our Uniserve Director will be there for a meet and greet. 

Appetizers and desserts will be provided by the BHS Culinary Arts students. 

It is 4-6 p.m., you do not have to be there the entire time, stop by for ten minutes if that is what works for your schedule. 

Betsy Wolf

Friday, October 10, 2014

BEA is in need of a new Treasurer

The BEA is in need of a new treasurer. The term of office is to fulfill the remainder of the current vacant position and will go for the remainder of the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years. Duties as described.

The Treasurer shall receive and pay all bills as authorized by the Executive Board within the budget established by the Association. S/he shall bill the members for their annual dues and maintain a roll of the members. S/he shall keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, shall report to each meeting of the Representative Assembly, and shall prepare an annual financial statement for publication to members as directed by the Executive Board by the last regular meeting in April. S/he shall keep the President and Executive Board informed of the financial condition of the Association. S/he shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Membership Committee. 

The treasurer shall be partially reimbursed for the payment of their United Teaching Profession dues during their tenure. Fifty percent of the expense of these dues shall be assumed by the local Association in recognition of the time and effort expended in fulfilling their jobs. This payment shall in no way be interpreted as negating the efforts of other Association officers, committee chair people, or delegates. 

If you are interested in this position, please let Nancy Hoelzen at nhoelzen16@gapps.bcsds.org know by October 24th

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Saturday's Labor Walk

To All Council Affiliates and Fellow Unions Members,

The election is fast approaching and it is very clear to see that the anti- labor / pro- business community has its support out in this election. What will make the difference in this campaign is our members out knocking fellow labor members doors and reminding them to get out and support our candidate by voting. We are still planning on staging out of the IBEW Local 13 Hall on North Central Ave from 10 am to 1 pm. With a good turnout we should be able to run through our walk lists in no time.  Our hope is to get everyone there a little early so we can do a very brief training and then head out to hit the doors. We will have everyone back by 1pm for pizza and a short rally with Senator Hatch.

If each local offers up a few volunteers this should be a very easy task with each local covering about 30 households.

Currently we have the following committed:

UAW- Tom and Nancy Courtney

I.U.O.E.- Ryan Drew
                 Parrish Blow
                 Dillon Long
Ironworkers- 34 members (Apprenticeship class)

Please let me know if you can provide some volunteers from your local so we can plan accordingly, and thank you for your help


Ryan Drew
President, DHCLC
16452 Highway 34
West Burlington, IA 52655

Mandatory Reporting Re-certification

From: Donna Phipps
What: Mandatory Reporter DVD viewing
When: Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014 (yes it is the same night as elementary conferences)
Where: Edward Stone Middle School Rm 2119 - art room second floor
Time: 4:15-7:15; enter door #2 on the south side of the building; it is not the main building entrance.

What you need to do: email Shelley at sbettis@isea.org to register

This satisfies your mandatory reporter requirements that you need to take once every five years for your licensure.

You will watch the DVD for three hours; fill out a survey and receive your certificate that evening. Please bring food/beverages to snack on. I will try to move more comfortable chairs to the classroom for the night.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

ISEA Professional Development Offerings

To view this page in a separate webpage (where the links work), click here.

We still have space for these upcoming
Online 2- and 3-hour classes!

We cancel courses 5 days before the class begins if they do not have enough participants.
October 1 - December 8, 2014
3 credit hours each

October 1 - December 8, 2014
2 credit hours

To Register: Click on the specific class or click here to go to the Academy's website:

Fee does not include book.

3 credit hours:
Iowa Licensure Renewal:     Members         $240.00
                                                            Non-member   $360.00

Drake Graduate Credit:       Members         $420.00
                                                            Non-members  $630.00

2 credit hours:
            Iowa Licensure Renewal:
     Members         $160.00
                                                            Non-members  $240.00

            Drake Graduate Credit:       Members         $280.00
                                                            Non-members  $420.00          

Instructor: Candice Benjamin
Questions: rplimmer@isea.org
ISEA Academy Bottom Banner

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mandatory Reporter re-certification

Hi all members,
I'm looking to schedule a night to show the Mandatory Reporter video. Participants will view a three hour video, fill in a survey and receive their certificate that night.

I'm looking at the following three dates: Oct. 23Oct. 30 or Nov. 13 to host the video viewing at Edward Stone Middle School starting around 4 p.m.

I'm trying to avoid conference nights and various scheduled events.

Please email your preference if you need to renew your Mandatory Reporter certificate.

I will try to schedule night(s) again next spring. This is a member benefits. Non - members will be charged $25.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Weingarten Rights

Your BEA Presidents want you to know your:
Requesting Union Representation
If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or may affect my personal working conditions a letter in my file or terminated,  I respectfully request that my Association Representative be present at the meeting.
 Without representation, I choose not to answer any questions. 
You also have the right to request the representative of your choice to be present, and to request a postponement until your chosen reprehensive may attend.

Nancy, Tom  & Donna

Monday, September 8, 2014

General Membership Meeting October 21st 4-6 pm

All members are invited to attend the Fall General Membership meeting for the BEA. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your union and meet people. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Betsy Wolf

WHEN:Tuesday, October 21

WHERE: Burlington Public Library

 Meeting Room A

SPEAKER: Jane Elerding, Geode Uniserv Director 

topics - current contract, member benefits, 

Ethics for Educators class

Refreshments provided

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sick Days, 2014-2015

As you know under the old contract, prior to July 1, 2014, you could only have 190 days available at any time. If you already had 190 days at year end, you would not get any additional personal illness days added for the next school year.
The new contract recognizes those employees that have been fortunate enough not to use much personal illness and who have 176 or more in their bank at year-end.  Under the new contract they will receive the full 15 days, up to a maximum of 205 days.  If you had 176 you will get 191; if you had 190, you will get 205.  205 will be the maximum carry over; next year you will receive whatever number of your 15 days that will put you at the 205 maximum.
The district will be making the necessary adjustments as warranted and you will see them on your next pay stub.  They should be updated in AESOP by September 5.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

New E-mail Address

B.E.A. members- If you have questions, concerns, or information that you would like to pass on to the presidents of our association, you can contact them directly through a new email address: beapresidents@yahoo.com

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

2014-2015 Geode Executive Board Schedule

September 15, 2014    5 pm
Executive Board Meeting- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

October 20, 2014         5 pm
40th Anniversary
Executive Board Meeting- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

November 17, 2014      5 pm
Executive Board Meeting- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

February 9, 2015          5 pm
Executive Board Meeting- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

March 16, 2015            5 pm
Executive Board Meeting- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

April 20, 2015               5 pm
Spring UniServ Assembly- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

May 18, 2015                5 pm
Executive Board Meeting- Pizza Ranch, Mt. Pleasant

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Upcoming Events

Ethics for Educators Class June 12 and 138 AM-4 PM at AEA in Burlingon.  Go to ISEA website and click on teaching and learning button.  Cost is $100 for re- licensure credit.  Can also be taken for graduate credit.  Hurry...time is running out to register and the class will be capped at 30 people.

ISEA Summer Conference is July 28,29 at Prairie Meadows in Altoona.  No cost for ISEA members but,  you do need to reserve a hotel room.  If you choose not to share a room, there is a charge of $46.  Info can be found on ISEA website.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Insurance ?s

QUESTION:  Why are my insurance costs incorrect? Why am I agreeing to numbers that are going to be change?
ANSWER: In order to get all employees signed up the district says they need to start, at the time of the printing of the insurance pages the B.E.A. and the School Board had not yet settled in negotiations.
There was an increase in our insurance costs but the percentage of what is covered by the school district has not changed. The district has explained that the Affordable Care Act forced Wellmark to increase or rates.

LTD is based on your salary so that has to be recalculated.
Married/Family 2 district employees will go to:  $1602.23 / Month
Family will go to: $ 1,442.00 / Month
Grand-Fathered 2 person to: $1,532.00 / Month
Single coverage: $639.32/ Month
Dental to $37.58/ Month


5-7 Updates

The bylaws have been attached to the Contract Page, and meeting dates have been added to the calendar page.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Different Logo?

The BEA is considering a new logo and we would like to have members/students submit logos for us to consider. To submit a logo, please email the logo to matthew.mckee@bcsds.org. Thanks!

Negotiations Q & A

Negotiations  Q &A .

Q: Why doesn’t $926 add up to 4.05%?

Answer: The 4.05 % represents the total package including Lane and Step advancements, insurance increase and new money on the base.

Q In the TLS Grant is made reference to the base of  $33,500  So why isn’t out new base $33,500 ?

Answer: In order to qualify for the TLC Grant all school district had to agree that some of the TLC grant money will be used to boost all teachers’ salaries that are below $ 33,500 up to $33,500.  The grant money is only used to boost all to $33,500 some districts that are above $33,500 didn’t have too, and some had to use a lot more than us, of course the rest of the grant will go toward leadership positions.  So those new teachers that are below $33,500 will get $33,500 until they reach it by lane and step.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Tentative Agreement

Negotiations Update : We have a Tentative Agreement, Please vote by Tuesday.

Tentative Agreement with BCSD and BEA Negotiations Team
April 30, 2014.
4.05% increase on the base = $926 raising the Base to $ 33,063
Personal Leave Language – Beginning 2014-2015 school year, current employees will be able to carry over three (3) personal days to a total of five (5).  There are some limitations on using them all at once. When an employee desires to use (5) consecutive personal days he or she must notify his or her building principal and human resources director electronically (AESOP).   The total number of employees requesting the same exact days will not exceed (10%) of the specific building’s certified staff.  Principals will keep an advanced leave request calendar and will grant leaves on a first request basis.  

Personal Illness or Injury  An employee shall be entitled to allowance of full salary for reason of illness or personal injury not to exceed in the aggregate of fifteen (15)  days for each school year, with the unused leave cumulative to a maximum of 190 days. The employee will start the with the new year’s allowance of 15 days added to their balance not to exceed (205) days.   Summer school staff shall be entitled to an allowance of two (2) days personal illness or injury leave (non-cumulative).
Illness in Family.  Up to five (5) days of leave per year shall be granted in the event of a serious illness of an employee’s father, mother, brother, sister, child, foster parent, step parent, foster child, step child, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, or grandchild and may be granted in the case of any other member of the immediate household.  (“Serious illness” does not mean medical attention of a physician.)
            If the need arises for more Illness in Family leave an employee may use up to five (5) of their own Personal Illness and Injury days.
Preparation Time :  all schools fifty minutes (50)

School sponsored events and functions : All certified staff will be able to use their ID badge for their own single admittance to Burlington School sponsored events and functions.
Absences Letters: The Letters sent out to all who have had 6 occurrences will STOP, however for those who maybe abusing the system you will receive a similar letter.
Schedule H – Employment Classifications: (Updated) Drivers Education and Life skills removed and TLC full time release positions have been added to Schedule H along with some at risk positions

I would like to thank the Negotiations team for their efforts and devotion to our members this year, we logged more than 130 hours working on this year’s agreement.

Nancy Hoelzen
Matt Murray
Donna Phipps
Melissa Carlson
Tom Buckman

Monday, April 28, 2014

Bid Day!

Bid Day will be May 5Monday, at Aldo Leopold Auditorium starting at 4:00.  Doors will open at3:40 to get your seniority number.  We will start promptly at 4:00.

If you wish to change jobs, Bid Day is THE day you can accomplish this.  All open positions will be put up for bid; current endorsements and seniority will determine who gets to claim each job.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Welcome to the new BEA website! Please subscribe to the posts below, so you can automatically receive updates. If you have any suggestions for the site, please feel free to email and share.