Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11-28-16 BCSD Board Meeting Notes

Here are my (Matt McKee) notes from the Board meeting last night. I did the best I could with Mr. Reynold's financial discussion, but it was a lot of numbers all at once, so if you have questions, you might want to check the minutes from the meeting on the district website.

B.E.A. notes from the BCSD Board meeting 11-28-16

I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance-

III. Adoption of Agenda- motion made by Bross. 2nd by Hatteburg.

IV. Public Comments- None.

V. Consent Agenda
3. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, Travel and Gifts- Bross moved. Brueck 2nd. No discussion.

VI. District Positive Accomplishments-BHS Varsity Club- Mosbach with Varsity Club, Senior Class cabinet, and Dreamcatchers. Emily Peterson from Varsity Club- leaf raking- 10 yards, worked with National Honor Society. Molly Cockrell from Dreamcatchers. They work with Hospice to fulfill end of life wishes of Hospice residents. Alex Houseal from Senior Class cabinet. Trying to improve school spirit. Working to develop relationships with students in hound rooms. Mosbach- “We’re doing amazing things at BHS”. Board thanks them for attending. Board reminds them that they can email board members when they have things going on that the Board can help promote. Emma Johanns also from senior class cabinet. Want to improve student to student and student to teacher relationships. “We want to raise the positivity.”

VII. Student Representative Report- Anna Dodge- food drive- this year’s turnout was better. Over 1000 food items donated, and over “a couple hundred dollars”. Thanksgiving Day meal held at BHS. LEO club had students volunteer to help with that- also had students help serve the meal. Lighted Parade- Marching band participated. The Dick Mellinger wrestling tournament, and girls and boys basketball. Blood drive December 8.

VIII. Superintendent’s Report- Hope everyone had a great break. Coen’s sister in law got some take out meals and he wanted to clarify wasn’t his wife. Cabinet meeting- things are going. Wrestling meet. Contacted about naming Sunnyside library after former board member who passed away. Smarter Balanced testing has no science component- that would mean more costs. Wednesday admin team meeting- started out with a breakfast- team building opportunity. Worked through website. Tuesday went to Dr. Muhammad part of the day, but activities in the community consumed part of his day. Northeast corner of Bracewell rock issue still being worked on- don’t want it to fall on someone- don’t want to be liable.
Robberts- Thanks, Mr. Coen.

IX. Items for Discussion

4. Resolution of Support: Promise of Iowa Public Education Campaign- Mr. Coen- at Iowa Association of School Boards conference, were asked to read and support this. Coen doesn’t see a downside to it at all. “Great idea”. Iowa Public education a united front- we are a good system (Robberts said about Iowa schools). Bross brought up Trump’s Secretary of Ed pick- I don’t know why. Here’s a link to the campaign. Kendell moved to approve, Garwood 2nded. Unanimous approve.

5. Bus Bids- Mr. Reynolds- want to replace 2 buses. Will come out of next year’s PPEL funds. Bross moved. Hatteberg 2nd. Vickstrom asked about one of the new buses. Robberts- how is PPEL doing? Budget for buses each year- this is well within this budgeted amount. Unanimous approval.

6. SBRC Allowable Growth-Open enrollment- Reynolds- school funding runs a year in arrears- we had 126.1 students that are newly open-enrolled students- can increase spending authority to pay this. Garwood moves, Vickstrom 2nd. Brueck- someone asked her impact of how many students live in Middletown? Most of them go to Danville- how much does that cost us? Reynolds said he’d have to look into it. Hatteberg- at one point they had a choice. This might be resolved in email (the Middletown issue.) Unanimous pass.

7. SBRC Allowable Growth-ELL- Reynolds- state funds these students first 5 years, but districts are allowed to recover some of these costs from additional allowable growth- this was 5 students. Hatteberg moved, Bross 2nd. Unanimous approved.

8. Depository Resolution- annual resolution- no changes from previous year. Brueck moved, Garwood 2nd. Unanimous approved.

9. Financial Update- Reynolds- I did the best I could with this, but it was a lot of info all at once.
2017 enrollment- this comes from 2015- 4457.5 students. 21st out of 336 in the state. Slid 1 from the previous year. Total property tax rate- $15.79048- 75 out of 333 districts- assessed valuation per pupil $199,213- 15 out of 333 districts. Wide range in iowa of assessed valuations. Enrollment trend continues to decline in the next 4 years- state projecting we will decline another 50 students each year in the next 5 years.
Fund balance 9.4 mil, District is 19.4% solvent. - lots of numbers that will have to be looked at in minutes- too fast to type it all. We are very financially healthy.
We are towards the upper end of where we want to be solvency wise- 3 to 4 years if we did nothing to offset our cost increases we would reduce our funds.
2016 unspent balance- estimated- authority 50, 298,691
Expenditures- 49, 678, 111
620,580 we didn’t spend.
Kendell- what can unspent balance be spent on? Credit card limit in Reynold’s words. Some of this would have to be used for categorical funds. We have 18mil in unspent balance.
I can’t keep up with his numbers. Coen brought up 1 months payroll is 2.8 million. Staff % 78% salaries and benefits. State recommends 75-82%. The majority of our costs will be people. 2011-2013 we had enrollment increase. Last two years we have added people (hatteberg question). Some of our people are paid with grants. Revenues go up because of those grants.
Next year-we don’t know what allowable growth will be. Reynolds estimates 2%. New Money projections of -$174,590. New money with open enrollment impact -$ 466,571. We lose roughly another 300,000 to open enrollment.
Roughly losing 50 students a year in new money projections for next 4 years (through 2021). Costs go up 1.2 mil a year. We are fortunate that the district is so solvent.
Conclusion- we need to move conservatively- enrollment a considerable factor- how will we continue to sustain the programs we do have.
Robberts- bottom line, come spring, 1.7 mil negative from budget. Either some from cash reserves, some elimination of staff and programs, some increase of taxes. Deliberate decision making process. Will have effect when we go into contract negotiations in the spring.
Will the board be considering early retirement incentives? Kendell asked.
Robberts- this frees up money in the general fund. Will these be on the agenda in December? Coen- that might be early. Coen says Republican government will be on time supposedly. January might be when we talk about early retirements.
Robberts wants to invite legislators to lobby them for funds. Reynolds- we are consistent with other districts.
Garwood- 2 factors put us in situation that we’re in- open enrollment, and property valuation. If we could get open enrollment turned around it wouldn’t be “quite as dim”. “I’m really optimistic that it’s going to turn around.” “We have really protected our cash reserves.” We need to keep in mind that our financial solvency is critically important for the future of our district.
Reynolds- 126 students- 55 were kindergartners. Large share that already had open enrollment contracts but moved into our district.
Coen- we’ve flatlined kids leaving us. We have to get people to give us a chance in the first place. Vast majority of our kids do wonderful. Early childhood center- need to do some of that planning in January. We don’t have enough preschools- city of burlington is woefully short of preschools. Under the age of 4 is what Coen wants to work on.
Brueck- wants to look at how many teachers we have.
Hatteberg- we need the staff for programs.
Vickstrom- do we have more unfunded mandates coming down the pike?
Robberts wants to sway new legislators.

10. Board Policy 506.1 Student Records Access 2nd Reading- Reynolds- policy designed who has access to records. Bross moved, Hatteberg 2nd. Unanimous approved.

11. School Board Convention Sharing-
Bross- Finance 301- great session.
Engaging your stakeholders through roundtable- had a lot to do with engaging folks in the future. Good session.
Keynote speakers he heard were very good.
Bross felt like things that he heard harkened back to a one room schoolhouse- wonders if we have gotten too far in assembly line education.

Hatteberg- concurs with Bross about general speakers- not only school people need to hear it, community too. Financial session was good. Went to Muscatine schools session about changing labels- this is different than our BILA- theirs had similar aspects to ours.
A lot of the things people are talking about, we are doing, or we are in the planning stages of.

Vickstrom- went to Muscatine session- we can celebrate bottom end and top end. Went to a session about rural schools- collaboration needed in what schools offer. Collaborate outside the systems- we need to do more collaborating with people outside the district, like people in the community and industry. Keynote talked about promotion- we need to continue, we have to try to show how we are improving on areas. We have to take everyone that walks in the doors. Our scores haven’t gone down (public schools).

Garwood- Legislative- nothing too Earth shattering- one of the priorities is mental health. We are right there in the forefront with that. Everybody is now focusing on something Coen introduced to our district- quality of life for each and every student.

Brueck was unable to attend. Thanked everyone for sharing.

Kendell- everyone took mine. Keynote said UCLA is a public school in name only. Attracts top achievers. Another keynote brought up the scope of the test scores. More students taking tests than ever before. Scores may fall because of increase in numbers taking tests. Convention is a lot of fun- to hang out with other board members. Funding is a concern- with legislature taking shape.

Robberts- Dept of Labor regulations on salaried persons- pay period that you look at. ???
One held with legislators that when you email them, put your address on it, so they put you on top of list.
Board’s role in creating positive culture. Discussion from boards that didn’t have positive cultures- board member resigned- 4 were all new with new superintendent. Board had to become ambassadors why they changed their minds about what they had run on. We have a duty to abide by constituents, but we also have to look out for students as well. Robberts- Board needs to advocate for our district. Shouldn’t just be a listener.

X. Board Communications- Bross- nothing. Hatteberg- HS boys paired with girls to get them to straighten up.
Garwood- appreciates donations of hats and gloves to buildings. Major turn around due to Coen- everyone in community need to give you a big pat on the back. Thank you for all your hard work.
Brueck- how thankful we are for all our staff.
Kendell- coming in from the west- there’s a billboard- Caution entering Greyhound country- Booster club was responsible. Very striking- makes you feel good. Big thank you to Sherwood and Company. There’s one south of town, also. That’s going to have an impression on people.
Robberts- we have some very positive things happening at BHS. Blood drive Dec 8. One final take away from convention- our superintendent and financial officer are very well respected in the state. Lots of compliments from other districts. So great to have such dedicated staff.

XI. Adjournment- 8:21 pm.

Monday, November 21, 2016

B.E.A. BHS Climate Survey Results

48 individuals responded to the B.E.A. BHS Climate Survey. Here are the results in picture form:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

B.E.A. notes 11-14-16 BCSD School Board Meeting


I. Call to order - Welcome 7:30
It started late due to expulsion hearings.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Consent agenda
Moved and accepted.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments - Culinary Arts
Mary Smith and Riley Reed presented the Iron Chef trophy to the board.  This was her first competition and it was pretty cool. There was a lot of pressure but a lot of fun.  According to Mrs. Smith, everything had to have pasta.  Riley made a couscous pasta salad.  It took a long time to plate because it kept falling apart.  Members:  Isaiah Tucker, Julia Brockman, and two others whose names I couldn’t catch.  There were seven other teams in the competition.  Riley is considering a career in culinary based on this experience and the expertise of Mrs. Smith.

VII. Student Representative Report
Ecology Club went to an elementary school and taught the students about predator/prey relationships.  Winter Fest is Friday.  All the winter sports members get recognized and there is a dance marathon for Jackson Gipe.  State Cheer placed 3rd at state.  It was the first time for doing a cheer dance for a lot of the girls.  Some students are starting a mentor program in the school with Ryan Osborne and Annette Mosbach.  They will meet with students during Hound Room.  Club M has been going on all year.  There are a lot of new members recently.  There is a blood drive December 8th (9-1). The public is invited.  There is a food drive at BHS.  Last year wasn’t that good but hoping to do better this year.  Food  can be brought to school by Friday, November 18.

VIII. Superintendent’s Report
He gave them the demographics of Burlington and the surrounding area so that they can use this to consider how they allocate money based on actual data and not preconceived notions.  Teacher sent Coen an email about Coen’s Tuesday at the high school intervention meetings.  Not sure what this was about.  Encouraged people to go to Aspen Grove and see the civil war plots.  He recently spent a lot of time going over the D and F list at the high school.  There is a 34% reduction in D’s from last year to this year.  The concerning thing is the F’s haven’t budged.  Attendance and work completion are the two biggest factors.  There are several plans for next year to try to address these issues.   Sharon and Coen developed a plan to address any problems with the administration furlong plan.  Mentioned the unofficial BHS Facebook page with the confederate flag.  They can’t get it taken down.  Mrs. Mitchell met with the AEA about the official special ed count.  There’s a problem with the rock wall at Bracewell.  Coen conducted an unannounced visit to Room 207 to monitor student center during 6th period.  He found them to be appropriate.  I happen to know that after he left, all hell broke loose.  Why do I know this?  My (Sanning) classroom is next to study hall and it is chaotic almost every day during that time.
Garwood - Are there interventions for failing students?
Coen - Something about bringing 8th grade over to high school.  He felt making classes life the science/pe blend of summer school would help.  Note:  This was not a real science class.  Sharon is working on a freshmen transition class or freshman academy.  He then started talking about random branches (?) and liberal arts education.  
Brueck - Mentoring programs with honors students?
Coen - Retirees working with failing students (Mark Ertz program).  

IX. Items for Discussion
Iowa DOT - Mom asked for a minor school license for her 9th grade daughter.  They live too close to qualify for the normal one.    Dad is in Texas and daughter spends lots of time with grandparents.  Mom works long hours and it's a problem for the family.  The daughter is very active in sports etc at BHS.   The girl has met all the requirements except the school agreeing to allow her to drive.   The school gets about 75 such requests per year.  Coen said parking is not an issue for freshman.  Robberts expressed concern about 69 more freshman parents showing up at the next meeting and asking for the same exemption.   Brueck - motioned to approve.  Vickstrom - seconded.  The motion was voted down.

Student records access:
506.1  It's been updated.  Changes include references to cooperate with juvenile justice system and define what a student is.  This was the first reading.  Motioned to approve.  Bross had a minor issue with how the footers were done on the pages ( 1 of 1, 2 of 2, etc.).
Approved the first reading.

Iowa Emergency Guidelines for School
Two nurses presented the revised first aid manual for the schools.  They used the Iowa Emergency Guidelines as a primer for the BCSD manual for the schools.  Robberts - Can staff review this as well as nurses?  Nurse:  Not available to staff but to clinic clerks and the principals.
Motion made to accept and then approved.

TLC  Report
Sue Klossing and Maureen Mark presented an overview of the TLC program.  North Hill  had an intervention program that was started in 2014-15 with the first grade.  At the end of that school year, the annual progress report showed  that the 1st grade had the largest growth of any first grades in the district.  Last year, second grade was added to the program.  This year they did the same two grades.  Two thirds of the student population are at risk at North Hill.  The screener is FAST (formative assessment system for teachers).   Today they started Hound Time.  This occurs from 10-10:30.  It is an intervention and enrichment group.  Actual interventions start next week.

Maureen Mark - Workshop Model:  She gave an example of how the students set the expectations for the class.  She talked about the “daily five”.  She referenced independent work time and modeling appropriate conversation.  She gave examples of how workshop classes are structured.
She then explained what a behavior coach does.  She does drop ins, collects data for teachers on specific students or whole classroom, provides strategies, modelling, thinking partner for problem solving.

X. Board Communications
Vickstrom - Went to the industrial tech teachers, project lead the way teachers, and area business leaders meeting in Ft. Madison.  We need to listen to what the area business leaders need and communicate it to the students.  He would like to go to the next meeting.  He felt our people were very involved in it.  
Hatteberg - She has seen the intervention plan at North Hill and was impressed.  She received a email from a grandparent who was impressed with Coen working with a student individually.  She challenged all members of the district to do the same.
Bross - Attended the Grimes PTO meeting.  It was very enjoyable.  The fun fest was great and raised a lot of money.  
Garwood - Gifts and grants to the district needs to be highlighted.  $30,000+ given to the district.  Community involvement and dedication is appreciated.  The TLC update and Iowa Emergency Guidelines is an example of the staff going beyond the call of duty.
Kendell - Congrats to culinary team and cheer team.  They should be in the next parade of excellence.  Congrats to Cohoon and  Green on the election.
Robberts - Also congratulated Cohoon and Green and Kerr (?).

Closed Session