Tuesday, December 13, 2016

B.E.A. Notes BCSD School Board Meeting 12-12-16

December 12, School Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order at 5:45
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Adoption of Agenda
Moved and approved
  1. Public Comments
No one spoke.
  1. Consent Agenda
Moved and approved.
  1. District Positive -
This was combined with item IX. A.
  1. Student Representative Report
No report.
  1. Superintendent’s Report
He went to Living Windows.  It was great to see our community come together.  It was great
to see that the negative components does not define the town.  Met with YMCA about 21
century leadership grant.  He fills its a  win win.  Met with someone about expanding services
to students.  Keane has something called Youth Net.  Coen interviewed by Hawkeye and
Channel 6 news about attendance.  They were positive interviews.  Steps to Success program held at the high school.  Coen  said that he is very approachable in the public.  Please talk with him when he is in public.  For example he spoke  with Della Archer at Hyvee.  He thinks we should consider selling lots near Ed Stone.  Round Tables -
Great teachers in districts.  They (teachers) come in bent on making a difference in student’s lives.  He met with food service and clerical.  The felt there is a  lot going on. He was  able to resolve most things brought to him at the Round Tables in a matter of days.  He met with administrators about being timely in responding on matters. He met with board president about BEA leadership survey (?).  He  met with Keane about something.  He met with Jeremy about insurance  and about self insuring.  They are not doing anything at this time but are listening.  He attended the  United Way meeting. BILA is piloting trimesters this year.  BILA  has record low number of drops.  This is because of contracts, expectations, and communication and by controlling who is let into the program.  It is not a behavior program but an innovative learning academy.  He has lots to do.  He told  all to have a great Christmas break and spend time with love ones and recharge.
Kendell  expressed appreciation about Coen getting living windows night freed up for all the
Coen told him he was welcome and said that  it’s a great showcase of our quaint little town.  We look like a quaint European city.
  1. Items for Discussion
    1. Black Hawk State of Schools
Mr. Richards gave a Powerpoint Presentation about  Blackhawk Elementary.
Programs: PCL YEAR 3, Guided  Math Year 1, NGSS Learning, PBIS Year 4.
Partnership for Comprehensive Literacy - He explained how it goes together.  Jessica Hellberg in charge of it.   He expects staff to use it since they have had training on it.  Cohorts groups are becoming more proficient over four years.  
Guided Math  Implementation - There is only one year of data - not enough to say if it's working or not.  They are working on creating activities, building the overall picture as to what is going to look like,  setting up groups, and “3 reads”.  These are , I think, his plans for PD to implement this.
NGSS - Teachers have received some training.  Sharon is developing a plan to get resources to make this a reality.  They are purchasing literature mentor texts for science.(?)
PBIS - Data is there but changing data recording systems makes it problem to analyze.  He  feels it a lot better.  Write ups are a lot less.  Every couple of months, they are going to retrain the students about expectations in the building.   The kids like the positive re-enforcement.
  1. Appointment to the Des Moines County Conference Board
Reynolds - Request for an appointment to board.  This is the board that meets with
the assessor, supervisors, and mayor.  Garwood has been doing it for a while.   Bross asked about what they do.  He moved that Garwood be reappointed.  Moved and accepted.
  1. Allowable Growth SBRC At-Risk/Dropout
Sharon and Reynolds presented.  The report packet sent to state December 15.  
BILA, intensive guidance programs, mental health services, outreach program in
school, home visits, school resource officers, summer and extended services
included in the budget.   Data must support the success of the program.  Primary reasons for at risk are attendance for a variety of reasons, being two grade levels below peers, moving a lot.    Reynolds explained the money side of it.  He said something about  3.3% of regular program for at risk.  If we make a commitment of 25% of total budget from general fund, then  75%  comes from SBRC grant.  They are asking for an Increase of $148,000 this year from last year.  It is for improving services for students.  There will be some general fund savings because of this money.   Some staff will be moved so that they are paid from the at risk fund.  There  27 people paid from this program.  Robberts asked how it affects taxes.  Reynolds: 32 cent increase in taxes.   Kendell  read the at risk report which said that  81 students were enrolled at BILA but they served 220.  Sharon said this Includes students who take online classes in the  student achievement center.
$961,000+ motioned and approved.
  1. State PE Waiver Exemption
Sharon is  requesting an exemption from the State to exempt students in grades  9-12 from taking PE.   This is due to the trimester system.  Garwood - moved, Kendell second.  Sharon said they can take it all year if it has something to do with the student’s career goals.  Kendell asked what impact this change would have on staffing.  Sharon said it would have no impact.    All in favor.  Passed.

X. Board Communications
Bross  spoke about Junior Achievement.  There are 35 JA programs in our district.  He visited Grimes and wrapped Christmas gifts for teachers.  Great things are going on at Grimes.  He met with FMA bank guy.   The  kids bank has been going for 18 years.  He thanked Sharon for being up on the panel on the community meeting.  He thanked all community partners  encouraged them to stay involved.  He expressed appreciation for the teaching staff and the work they put in.
Garwood gave a huge thank you  to gifts to the District especially  $5000 ( don’t know what this is). She  wished all a merry Christmas.
Vickstrom  wants recognition for people who show up to volunteer on Saturday school.  He wished all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Brueck thanked the music staff that do so much for our students.  She enjoyed the recent performances and encouraged all to go see them.
Kendell echoed Mrs. Brueck’s comments and advised that we don’t forget the sports - get out and support them.  He made a plug for Leo Club ringing the bell at HyVee this past Saturday.  Christmas blessings to one and all.
Robberts said there were a  lot of good sentiments tonights.  She thanked everyone for their hard work.   She thanked  those that volunteer and do the extra.  She thanked Coen for going to all the events and being  “the Energizer Bunny” of the district.  

Adjournment - 6:26.