Monday, February 26, 2018

BEA Notes from 2-26-18 BCSD board meeting

Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities
I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Difficult two weeks across the nation- moment of silence for parkland victims
III. Adoption of Agenda- moved by Kendell, 2nded by Brueck. Passed unanimously
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)
- lindsey Paull- 1st grade teacher at NH- 6th year in the district- chose to come here- this is her home- pretty cool to work with former teachers- not sure she would consider applying without a master contract- losing many kids to wb- could lose teachers there as well- students first, staff always. To honor us, listen to our colleagues- don’t want things to be able to be changed without knowledge.

Kellie Mason- 4th grade teacher at NH- 13 years- 27 kids in classroom- proud mother of corse kids- 95 bhs grad- teaching is her passion- always knew what she wanted to do- proud of community and district- grayhound pride- should attract quality educators- master contract benefits her and students by providing stability- language in contract is unbreakable and fair- safe environment, hours- handbook is unilateral in nature. Employer doesn’t believe in me as much as they once did.

Nicole Wingate- high school science teacher- BEA pres elect- hire and retain good teachers- factors outside our control- help strengthen retention by adding permissive language back in- 2 page contract now- fresh out of college might not choose here. Our contract doesn’t show respect for us. Handbook isn’t legally binding- admins could change rules if they wished to.
Equation of marriage contract- support to administration- prove that same love for teachers

Kristen Madigan- Grimes- 4 years- 19 children in class- IWC- 2 year old daughter- loves burlington- great place to work and raise a family. Proud to work at grimes. Lifelong learner. Coworkers work over hours. Recently feels as if respect has floundered. Handbook came out in august. Couldn’t understand difference. 32 year teacher position eliminated- this is an associate. Promote a job fair. When given confidence of master contract, didn’t have it. Districts in our area kept a master contract. Other districts have smaller class sizes. Kindergarten class of 27 is a negative. Employers need to have our back.

Liz Sanning- some of them were students- blessed 25 year teacher- 22 years- when she was a new teacher didn’t have a master contract. Her life was a little different. Had a great family structure. Didn’t have a choice- had to supervise the bus. Was blown away by our contract. 4 hours away from her family. Hard to find daycare for family. Good to know that she didn’t have to sign up for everything for her career. Kids got bigger and they were active. Liz still had that consistency that the agreement gave her. Now she can be part of committees and do after school clubs. Number of young families. Want them to have the same safety net- wants them to come here. Master agreement makes that differenc.e

Tom Buckman- for a long time the BEA has represented the teachers and the students. We bring up concerns. Multiple times its what best for our students. People in this room- BEA members and reps- they come up- speak their piece- hard things- have to carry that message for the teachers. To make a difference. Commend all of us for standing up and saying what needs to be sad. Last year we had to take a vote- 89.6% of staff voted for BEA.

Becky Davis- important to me- teaches 1st at Corse- came from Clinton and taught at ND- both go to Corse- having a teacher at public and private- she likes public school. She loves BCSD. we are here for the long haul. No collective bargaining- other districts kept permissives. We have great teachers. Elem classes are bursting at the seams. Corse has enough unknowns right now- admin cares about students and employees- allowing us to have contracts are something they can do something about.

Matt Zurmuehlen- 2 kids in our district- security concerns- lots of safety concerns in school. Got to participate. Things that can be changed. Parents can roam freely without appointment. Students going in and out at the end of the day. Need to secure entrance. Laws take time that not everyone has. He thinks teachers should be armed. Member of the gun community. Training available. No trauma kids. First aid at work- alice drills haven’t been done yet this year. Alliant energy has grants available. Find solutions that work. Door locks- grimes ptos. Wants it safe for students and staff. Some staff are willing to carry. Alice drills need to  be done.

Kirby Corrick- reitired police officer- most of career in bcsd- completed crisis response plans. Threats in area have happened. Reserve deputy. Asked to speak on gun control. In favor of gun control. Not all teachers should be armed. They should be as qualified as he is. Background checks and psychological exams. Hope it doesn’t come to that. Appreciate time- would do anythign to support staff. Hope will continue to debate this. As Matt Z we need to be better prepared in all of our buildings.

V. Public Hearings
2. Concrete at James Madison Educational Center (JMEC)- no comment on this part.

VI. Consent Agenda
3. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- moved by hatteberg- 2nded by Kendell. Passed unanimously with 2 abstaining.

VII. District Positive Accomplishments- Bowling Team-Scott Mason- MAC bowling coach of the year. Appreciates opportunity to brag on bowling team. We are new compared to other teams. 6th year. Tring to get out from behind 8 ball. Island of misfit toys. Athletes on team have found their niche. Coach of the year was a great honor. We haven’t won a boys meet while he’s been coach. MAC coaches sent a message about what it should be about. Grayhound way and grayhound pride. About 20 years of coaching.
Jaylie- growing up in USBC- competing in youth- no connection. Bowling team provided that. Only girl 9th grader that joined bowling.
Blake Groecke’s mom- she lives in WB- her son goes to BHS- her son bowled for BHS. he is an exceptional bowler. Need to add bowling to the boards. Scott did a great job with the kids. Promote bowling more. Anybody can do it.

VIII. Student Representative Report- Matt Rowland- apologizes for not promoting bowling more. Blood drive Thursday. 9-2. Spring sports coming about. Girls boys track- up 300%- thanks to Mr. Webb. Promoted really well. Tennis and softball and baseball coming up. Margret Tillotson organizing a walk out on Friday- in protest of school violence. Hard to see. Walk out is a great demonstration of 1st amendment rights.

XIV. Superintendent’s Report- Coen- at each desk have a picture of burlington kdg- sent to every legislative member- thanked them for allowing the voucher to die. Would have allowed jim crow like movement. Districts that took 4k voucher takes a lot more than that for special ed. Giving us back the 1c sales tax. School district did great work with newer and fewer. Facilities committee. HS is shouting I need attention. SF 270- open enrollment to be more open- encouraged them to not vote for that. Past week- trying. Gun Violence- everyone talking about it. KBUR asking questions. Grassley town hall. Does have a letter sent to marliss- talks about the walkout rally- why it’s protected by 1st amendment- 2nd amendment people have same right. Can’t take the constitution in pieces. Must ingest it as a whole. We are gonna make every effort to make it an educational opportunity- have to teach them to exercise their rights. Unified voice- people saying the same thing so people are listening. Do have a group of hs kids- that feel strongly about the 2nd amendment. We may be an opportunity- we are so divided it’s ugly- kids talking 2nd amendment- we’ve got to have school safety. They want the same thing- how can we get there. Hours and hours working through that. Met with Tillotson- had BPD, Keane and worked through the process of how it will work out. Have a plan in place for the students. Peaceable assembly. Grievance process. People have that right. Hawk eye can look at it. Not allowing elem kids to walk out. Any parent that wants to pull their kid out and bring them here. Grade schoolers can’t. MIddle schoolers can’t either. How do you control them. High School has a good plan. Working with BPD so traffic won’t be affected. MS if you want your child to go you can check them out. Explain to them
Met with greater burlington partnership- talked about changes in burlington. Demographics changes. Fewer students not due to open enrollment- due to changing demographics- we may have to close a school. Not due to poor environment- due to fewer kids than in 1980.
Open enrollment- working with university of iowa- next board meeting- 11,000 contract to come up with a plan. If we changed 2 kids that pays for it.
Grayhound way meeting with shay. Multitude of issues. Hopefully bad weather behind us. Spent hours going through master contract as it was and handbook as it is. Legislation and alignment- to develop a training guideline for the handbook.
Job Fair- extremely successful- most positions are 2ndary- math, science, trying to flee illinois. Bus drivers, associates, subs. Overall successful. Will change some things- will continue with it.
Every day he talks about positive impact on adult quality of life- like some of the people that talked this evening- he went to a former students wedding. Collective experience brought to them by the teachers does bring about change.  Nice to see the grown man from the student.
Board- put the picture on your fridge- it’s a tough time to be a board member. You do make a difference.
Heather- did a great job at burlington partnership
The walkout is not a school sponsored event.
What about kids that don’t walk out?
High school will be more of a problem- educational component- 2 diff staging areas. Don’t burn cars or neighborhoods. We are all citizens. Constitution must be exercised. 100 a day die of cell phones. Young black men die of gun violence. If you’re gonna step up, you might be challenged. May be one of the best lessons we have all year. Phone numbers of legislators. Too slow- they won’t listen. Teachers and staff- teachers have that right. Have obligation in classroom- we are in charge of the kids. We can’t leave the kids unsupervised. That’s a tough one. We have a right to be heard but we can’t leave the kids.
Quotes liz- if they want to go- might allow them to cover each other’s classes
Robberts- if you are looking to make a change- the walkout can’t stop at the end of the day- it takes years to make changes. Contact legislators. Problem is everywhere. Keep working at it. Not just a 1 day show.
Had an example of that across the river- happened at biggsville- they had demonstrations- phone calls- it worked- took time
I stopped listening for a while

X. Items for Discussion
4. Bid for Concrete at James Madison Educational Center (JMEC)
Moved by Courtney- 2nded by Hatteberg- passed unanimously
5. Bid for Auditor- moved by Courtney 2nd by Bross- passed unanimously
6. 2017-18 K-3 Site Agreement IA Reading Corp AmeriCorps Program- Mark Taylor- moved by Bross and 2nd by Courtney- it’s year to year- passed unanimously
7. Contract for Becker & Associates- agent of record for employee benefits program- IASB utilizes them- will provide with opportunities and benefits we currently don’t have- they will work for same cost as we currently pay- we can change this at our discretion- this is a change from 2 rivers- drive down insurance cost- we will still have local businesses- this could help our employees out- can we pool- we can- pooling will help us with rates- potential to keep us from high rate increases-comparable coverage- our plans are at our discretion
Any input from facutly- they don’t want the 400 less in paycheck- self insure? May be able to take impact of insurance increase- cut it in half ( we will see)
Could be 300 or 400 less take home pay next year
Passed unanimously
8. Property Quit Claim Deed (State of IA Correctional Facility- property at 944 valley st- deed wasn’t properly recorded- moved by bross, 2nd by Brueck- passed unanimously
9. 21st Century Update Information only- Cassie Gerst- info about 21st cent grants- eval- wrapped up last school year- 451 kids- 776 kids. I didn’t listen super closely to this.
XI. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Bross- feels like a work session on security would be informative. To hear things that are going on.
Coen- grassley’s thing- he put it on local control.
Bross- we need to know where we stand.
Brueck- have meetings somewhere else- we need to make a change. Shoutout to freshmen class- penny drive for injured student.
Vickstrom- echo way we have handled friday- got ahead of something for a while. Got to reach an understanding. Get somewhere where we can be comfortable- not conducive to a good meeting. Happy to see people express their opinion.  The meek may inherit the earth but won’t get the mineral rights. Don’t shut up. You’re valuable people. You need to be heard- your opinions need to be heard, people need to be safe. No one wins all the time.
Courtney- didn’t speak.
Hatteberg- thank SEIA builders- gave 5500 worth of tools. Thank speakers- we are listening- it’s a transition- any kind is kind of painful- hopefully with both sides continuing to communicate we will reach consensus. We do understand. Trying to make it all come together- doing best to come through for us and the students. Keep district financially afloat. Thanks to coen for all your work. Handbook thing- thanks for working on that. Walkout- hope students are able to feel like they’ve made a difference. Positive discourse. Similar to things we are going through with staff. Finding a way to make it happen.
Kendell- thank you to coen for work on walkout. Multiple ways to exercise our rights. Love the bowling. Appreciate the audience and comments. We hear you. Appreciate you taking time to speak. Cell phones shut off for positive accomplishments. Thanks for working on kdg roundup.
Robberts- that would be helpful. Would allow us to reach out to community. Community partners in securing our schools. Everyone wants our schools to be safe.

XII. Adjournment

Monday, February 12, 2018

BEA notes from board meeting 2-12-18

I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda- athletic conference moved up after broken centrifuge contract- 8 moved up to 4
IV. Public Comments
The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity
to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)-

Tracy Leone- Teamsters 238- busdrivers since 1978- district offered to gut except for budget issues- no excuse for gutting contracts- union busting- current contract allows district to manage staff- and schedule- approach is not necessary- contracts create stability for the staff and district
District is permitted to negotiate still- respects drivers? Negotiate differently. If you want to prove you respect workers- IA city- they thought union busting was a good idea- Iowa City board changed after it came out.
Our bus drivers carry our most precious cargo- the students.

Jesse Case- Teamsters- from Iowa City- represent bus drivers- state legislature made sweeping changes- mandatory topics prohibited and some permissive- put in board’s lap- overreach to bargain insurance- allows board to overreach even more- cut law for nursing home inspections- boards decided to cut further than they had to- Why would the board do that? It’s bad for our families and our communities- district’s mission is to inspire students- breaking labor relations isn’t inspiring. Why would you over reach at a point when the law has already over reached. Maintain labor relations the way it has always been. Not inspiring to students.

Liz Sanning- proud employee and resident of Burlington- great place to live- rich with hard working people- regardless of how others may see our city. Our district is a microcosm of our community. Burlington has lost population- so have we- we have to have best education- no easy solutions- have to reduce spending- possible reduction in employees. Weighs heavily on each board member. Encouraged to see Mr. Courtney’s item about adding permissive items back to our contracts- adds honor back to our employees- respect for we the employees for BCSD.

Ryan Drew- lifelong BHS resident- trades program- come as citizen and president of des moines henry county labor alliance. Support. Don’t want to presume they know what the district wants. Fights and attacks on men and women- happening across the state. What cities and boards can reward among the group. How do we reward excelling workers and teachers. We don’t hear the upside. It’s an attack on our workers. Eliminates democratic process. 42 years with no major conflict. Remember how board is only temporary caregivers- Leadership- look at yourselves as leaders- workers rights- stand up to bullies- fight against them- speaking up against bullying- fellow child who is taking advantage of another student. They can do it. Previous board actions- gut collective bargaining. Unilateral decision to eliminate that process.
Success to leadership is a partnership with management. Embrace the challenge and help.
Support resolution to re-enact language. Err on the side of the workers.

Joel Sieren- represent BEF- update on what we have going on. 2 weeks from today giving out 1000 books to children. 1000 books in fall. 1000 books in fall. Feb 26- 12-1. Approved 50k in scholarships. Approved 25k in teacher grants. Gave 30k to pieces program. Over 100k to support children in district. Appreciate what you guys do.

V. Consent Agenda
2. Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- moved by Kendell- approved by Courtney. Noted 1.5 mil payment to west burlington schools by Kendell.

VI. District Positive Accomplishments- Recognition of Saturday School Staff- Coen- BILA not here. Sharon introduced Keane. Several teachers who give time to work with students. Keane started it. Director Vickstrom comes a lot. Kalina, Reid, Kehoe, Vickstrom, and Keane. Students come, bring work if they need help. Buy donuts and juice. Sometimes it’s social. Sometimes its academic assistance. Anyone is welcome to come. Gives students extra help if they need it. Held in BILA- west side of IA building. Keane didn’t know this was on there.
Robberts thanked Keane and Vickstrom for their volunteerism. Dean just goes for the donuts.

VII. Student Representative Report- Matt Rowland- swim meet- had 5 male swimmers go to iowa city for the meet- swim team is building. Too fast to catch- broke school records. 1st year held in aquatic center in iowa city. 2 wrestlers qualified for state.  This week is vice versa week. Dress up days and dance. Pro Start Culinary invite coming up. Winner goes to nationals.

VIII. Superintendent’s Report- Coen- Fastest kid in history of school. Over 3.5, 47 credits- matt is a fine example for young kids. Dream catchers- working with loebsack’s office- matt working to help the vet- he’s an outstanding young man. Hospice appreciates dream catchers.
Got a call from Hawkeye about e rate stuff. Kesterke driving around checking roads and schools. Board update has links- if you don’t know how to work links he gave instructions.
Ed Stone- congratulated swim coach. Link for ERIC- search engine- research is a rabbit hole. Need to make sound decisions. Case study- winning the game and it’s not a game- about attendance. Attended 2nd crime task force- discussed with chief beard- working diligently at addressing issues that are in our community. New guy ellis from hawk eye- if you’re not involved in crime in burlington, you’re safe. Attended SCC luncheon. Talked about cost of concurrent enrollment. We can increase opportunity for students to increase opportunities for students to take class. 1 cent sales tax- allow districts to scoop into that. Overwhelmingly- superintendents were against this. They want to build build build. Wants penny back- we could use to help our children. Calendar is ready to go. Follow up on discussion with high school- food service audit. Member Vickstrom- staggering issues we have here- Coen’s mom- hose came off washing machine. I’m writing to the board about my own parents- health issues we’re facing. Insurance rates and all those things. Called Great River- anyway I can help with initiatives. Aging population- it’s not open enrollment. Fewer kids. 2.8 kids per family to 1.8. Average age in burlington is 40. We have a great school, problem is the demographics. Greg continues to work diligently concerning health care costs for our employees- pay could be much smaller than it was last year. Greg is getting after it. Great river conversation- local medical services- iowa city and genesis. Great river stepped right up and said how can we help you.
Congrats to swimmers and wrestlers. Do the right thing for our public. Vickstrom- do we have an idea on what the cost is to us- Greg- we haven’t got official renewal yet. We don’t know the numbers yet. It may be between 25-30%. Looking at all options and ways to reduce costs. A heck of a burden (dean said).

XIV. Items for Discussion
3. 2018-2019 Calendar Recommendation- Brenda- online feedback went very well. 402 respondents. Over half from staff. 47% from students and parents. 14 member committee. Met 3 times. Looked at all of the comments. Spoke in favor or against the high lights. Difference had to do with spring break. Other ended in may.
Committee looked more closely at online ranking of the two- those that ranked two highest scores- 32% of respondents picked 1. 32% said 4 and 5 on a scale. 130 people very much liked or liked calendar one.
Last year we had a lower number. Brenda is happy with the response.
Vickstrom- half days?
Brenda- half days are listed as full days on the calendar
Coen- try not to bus the kids for half a day and then bus them home.
Mitchell- draft 2- 187 people- 46% were in favor. That’s why they’re recommending. There were 2 to pick from.
Applauds the calendar committee.
Proposal is draft 2. Starts aug 23. No spring break. Time around easter. Ends may 29.
Bross- noticed a correction that needs made.
Kendell- were staff notified that they could vote- we got a notification we could vote. Were staff notified at the front end. That was the calendar committee.  Committee got feedback from the buildings. Kendell voted.
Kendell- staff go from jan 21 to march 19- no days off. He’s concerned about that. The plows in the ground- Coen says.
If this is something the staff chooses, he doesn’t want to argue against it.
Bross moved for approval- 2nded by Kendell. Passed unanimously.

4. Broken Centrifuge Contract for Soccer & Football 2018-2020-
Shay two different options- 3 year or 5 year. Football goes up per game 100. 950 per game- had to add equipment. Lock in for 5 years or continue to go with 3 years. No problems whatsoever. Great working relationship.
Moved by Kendell for 5 years. 2nded by Courtney. Bross ?s- can we terminate if something goes wrong- shay doesn’t know. Gets paid as accumulated- we don’t pay it all upfront. Vickstrom- Is there another vendor that would do the same thing. Shay- maybe-
Coen- Bob Bensmiller in Mt. P- his equipment isn’t as good.
Kendell- it’s impressive- can we get streamed live? Shay says he doesn’t know why they couldnt. Comes out of general athletic fund. Can we get sponsors for live streaming for games. Contract says internet streaming is available at no cost.
Kendell- it would be nice to do. Shay is concerned would lower attendance.
5 year passed unanimously.

8. New Athletic Conference- Coen and Keane presented to SE conference. We want to get out of Mac and join SE. Trying to get Ottumwa to join. In July, Ottumwa not ready to make move. Coaching staff with Coen and Keane- thought it was time to get out of Mac- change trajectory of athletic program. AD at Mt Pleasant- SE allowing burlington to come in. asking Coen to draw up a formal letter to give to MAC and SE. 2 year process to leave the Mac. 2019-2020.
Robberts- does this affect seasons of sports. 2 sports that in 4A and 3A compete in different seasons. Golf is flipped in 3A. Swim we would keep nonconference meets. Every other sport lines up same as a 3A school.
Coen- talk about declining enrollment. 20 students from being 3 A this year. trend from 1980. We will most likely be a 3A school. Top schools in mac are almost twice as big as we are.
Would allow students more time in class. Less travel time for teams.
Kendell- extension of middle schools. Creates long term rivalry. Are coaches concerned about changing sports? Everything has been positive from our side.
Motion to approve- Vickstrom, 2nded by Courtney- passed unanimously

5. Poggemiller Productions Contract- production sound- continuation of services for graduation.  We have used in previous years. How does cost compare? Greg- he believes it’s the same. Is there a cost increase? Greg looking. It’s the same.
Moved by Bross, 2nded by Kendell- passed unanimously.

6. Request for Public Forum Chapter 20- Coen- need to do as a board- discuss- if we are, then where and how? Cabinet’s responsibility- opportunity for board to decide do they want to have a chapter 20 meeting. If they do, then the cabinet has to make it happen.
Mr. Courtney moves, Vickstrom 2nds. Discussion.
Courtney- legislature did things he didn’t agree with. Mistake by them. Took everything else out. That’s what makes a job liveable. Things that are in the handbook. It was wrong to make that move. 20% of schools in state didn’t do that. 50% didn’t. IASB said 50 didn’t. They’re getting along fine this year. We would heal problems with employees and board. It’s all going to be negotiating. During all the years we had a contract. It’s a document worth keeping and expanding.
Vickstrom- he was a teacher before we had collective bargaining. Contract had predictability. Handbook leaves it up in the air. Collective bargaining allows sides to come to an agreement. When it was all said and done, both sides had a part in it. He’s stubborn. He wants to be part of that process. Educators are reasonable. Trying to inspire kids. Diminishing that is a sad situation.
Robberts- other thoughts?
Bross- request is to have a hearing on Ch 20. Hearing would imply someone needs an education on the topic. We have had legal advice. He read the law. This board is educated on the subject. We know the facts. Some of the things that have been said- talk down to the board as if we don’t know what is going on. Hearing would imply something needs fixed- not convinced something needs fixed. Handbook is working. LMC is functioning. Doesn’t see a need to fix. Disappiontedi in claims that have been brought about in union busting. Inappropriate. Didn’t get elected to be partisan. Wants what’s best for kids and board. It’s not union busting. Board meeting in public.
Robberts reminds public to be quiet.
All of us don’t always agree on comments that board members make. Nor do we attack board members. Bross apologizes for interrupting you. You have to right to express your thoughts.
Bross is concerned that partisanship has crept into the process. Not good for staff.
For those points, he’s not understanding why we need a public hearing. This is not the venue for that. Legistalure put the rules in place. That’s not our issue here. Our issue is we need to do what’s best for the kids. People don’t like chapter 20 as it’s written. No point in having a hearing.
Kendell- tends to agree with Bross about we don’t need to have a public forum. Our emails are public. Nothing secretive about it. We discuss and answer emails. Doesn’t know what a public forum would do. Spiral of negativity. Why are we on the receiving end of negativity. Following what the state said. We never said to strip rights that teachers had. Board wanted to protect teacher’s rights. In the handbooks we did that. What’s broken? What needs fixed. Sympathize. I’d be upset if I were an employee. Where are we mistreating people.
Mr. Reynolds up to 25-30% increase in insurance- budget topic- we would have to reduced more staff members to pay for insurance. Previous process wasn’t perfect. Willing to give handbook time.
Doesn’t mean to see reason to hold a forum. What’s wrong with the handbook.
Courtney- don’t need a meeting to discuss it. He wants to reinstate the language. Doesn’t understand why see if there’s a problem. We don’t have a contract anymore. The board isn’t partisan. It’s local control. In his view- he believes- he’s a union man- he’s biased- we have taken away our employees rights to have a voice in their jobs. He thinks the board is wrong in what they did last year.
Kendell- one or two specifics at a time. Negotiate those at the time. Don’t do it wholesale. Put us back where we were. That wasn’t the best option for burlington.
Vickstrom- was everything a problem.
Coen- has the language of what it used to be. Comparison between then and now.
Robberts- hasn’t given appropriate notice. She is concerned- doesn’t know that a public forum is an appropriate vehicle. Our staff members have come and said they have nothing. Has had several members who have voiced concerns. Staff feels district can do whatever they want. We need to educate staff on what is there. I have no seniority now. She knows that seniority does matter. A recent hiring decision. People are not understanding that the handbook does have specific items in there. Like Brueck and Hatteberg expressed, we haven’t educated our staff well enough to know that the handbook is good. We need to refine it and make edits with staff input. How do we address specific items. LMC worked together between management and staff. When people say public forum, it implies people don’t reach out to them. Concerned because there are inaccurate perceptions.
We as a district need to do something to correct those, and educate our staff. There are still things that matter. Such as how seniority comes into play. How changes are made to lanes and what policies are. When someone tells them that they have nothing. She doesn’t want them to think that. We want them here.
Health insurance is looking grim. Doesn’t know that a public forum is the answer. If there are issues that aren’t being resolved, we need to step up.
Courtney- there are so many questions that apparently haven’t been discussed before.
Robberts- we aren’t doing an adequate job of what is there. There isn’t an understanding.
Courtney- maybe that wouldn’t be a good time.
Bross- why can’t they do that anytime. Not important.
Kendell- hopes employees feel comfortable asking hr and admin. Employees don’t realize what rights they have. Have hr draw up a document.
Board members can’t give those answers.
Vickstrom- fear of the unknown- you don’t know what the issues are. He doesn’t want a bitch session. Something proactive. Looking for positive returns. He doesn’t understand what we have. He doesn’t get what’s in the handbook. If board doesn’t know, how can employees know.
Bross- that’s not a public forum. He just doesn’t see it. We could attend if we wanted to.
Coen- if cabinet did a training- to educate staff on the handbook.
Courtney- if you look around this room- lots of employees are here- to ask and see what the board is thinking.
Kendell- you make a good point. Would like to see. This topic is so dominating education is in burlington. Distracting to staff trying to educate students. Need to settle that down. Cabinet isn’t looking for an additional task.
Courtney- what was the reason for creating the handbook- Bross- point of order- is this part of this motion
Robberts- doesn’t know if it is
Discussions held in exempt session. Those are exempt. Not open record. Not going to ask question.
Courtney- can’t say it?
Robberts- each board member doesn’t have the same answer. There was discussion that staff had something to refer to. A guide. Something to assist and clarify. Discussion with legal counsel.
When was handbook approved- july 17. Passed unanimously.
Any further discussion?
Courtney voted aye, vickstrom abstained. Everyone else nay.

7. Request for Public Forum Declining Enrollment- Coen- document that compiled demographics changes in burlington.down 17.5 mil. Main change has come in population shift. Age of population. It’s not open enrollment. It’s less people. University of iowa- turn open enrollment around. Get out of mac. Issue is not open enrollment. Just fewer children. 200 less kdg, 200 less 1st, all the way up. Look at Dakotas. 10 school districts gone in the last 3 years. Iowa doesn’t have as many people as they used to. No need to bring people in to talk about it.
Courtney- ton of emails from people- happy with emails board members are getting. Willing to use emails- doesn’t want a complaint session. We need to pay attention to the complaints and emails we are getting.
Coen- we got 2 additional police officers- perception is that we are much worse than we are. Issue is multifaceted. Poverty levels. Disease. Ball of humanity. Working diligently at improving that. So complex- emails are forwarded on to coen.  Robberts thanks Coen for dealing with the issue within a few hours. Following up on each concern.
Vickstrom- where is our are of development. Coen goes to the meetings. Gets asked to participate in special meetings.
I stopped listening for a little.
They’re going to put the white house ramblings out as a president.
Public- keep the emails coming.
Kendell- we got a good number of emails. He responded to all. The board isn’t a faceless person.
Hopefully emails will continue. Kendell- open enrollment is a problem. We can’t take our eyes off of. those neighboring districts will recruit more.
Coen- we have to continue watching open enrollment. Intel counter intel. There are people that stand to gain money by tearing us down. We have to get our message out. Uses matt rowland as an example of a good kid.
Courtney is complimentary of the schools.
Robberts encourages more emails.

9. Budget Proposal-
Reynolds- previous work session presentation- talks numbers
Recommendations in the agenda- mitchell and 2 secretaries- computer lab associaties- TK and assoc- elem art pos .5- 2 elem teaching- assist athletic dire- hs extra duties- added 200k from cash reserve to balance the budget.
Robberts- last couple weeks- board members visited elementaries- would like to thank the principals- understand eliminating spec services position. Gives more work to elem admin. The admins all stepped up and didn’t complain. Robberts commends them.
Teachers were good and talkative- sad to see the computer lab associates eliminated- they were being used in the buildings.
TK is a good concept. Don’t know that cost with num students justifies that. Autism room at corse- k2. Level 3 rooms at blackhawk. Many of the principals indicated they can hold back kdg. Sad to see rest of positions go, also. Not targeting them with cuts. Last year we targeted high school.
Courtney- at last meeting- do we need an asst athletic director. Coen says ms principals and assts will cover those.
Admins can do that. We were not required to have the position.
Courtney doesnt like giving up the TK.
Vickstrom- how many retirees were classroom teachers- 4. Will those positions be filled? Yes, they will.
They will all be filled. If we don’t, we would save more.
Health insurance increases concerns robberts. We had to use 120 to keep secretaries. We can’t eliminate those. 80k from cash reserve- add that into insurance.
Greg- once we receive renewals- 280k went toward insurance last year- anything we can apply to that we will.
Is it essential that we list a number?
We won’t have health insurance numbers for a while.
Robberts- not trying to use all our cash reserves.
Bross- problem is that health insurance will go up.
Bross would rather go higher than 200k.

Vickstrom- duties reduced at hs- duties will be reassigned with others.
Pain shared throughout the system.
Kendell- half time art savings- 22k
Bross- moves that cuts as listed are approved, with 250k from cash reserves are used with balance going to health insurance.
2nded by Kendell.
130k applied to health insurance-
Bross- had same question about TK- felt like we could handle it pretty well.
Computer lab associates- they are used to offset planning time and cohorts? That is correct.
Are we still going to be able to do that? It will appear in different times. Some reduction will occur.
Kendell- appreciates the motion. Hope they read that motion carefully.
Robberts- thanks elem staff that feel they are getting hit by this. Relationships at elem are amazing. Kids there are great and they’re learning a lot. Good to see that.
Passed unanimously except for Vickstrom.

10. Closed Re-Admission Hearing
11. Closed Re-Admission Hearing
12. Closed Re-Admission Hearing
13. Closed Re-Admission Hearing
14. Closed Hearing Expulsion

X. Board Communications
The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Kendell- thank you to maintenance crew and drivers. ?- when is kindergarten roundup.
Bross- shoutout to girls hs basketball team- didn’t get to all the elementaries.
Robberts- thanks Kesterke and staff.
Thanks to BEF for donations.
Thanks other board members- don’t know that people realize amount of time they spend. Returning a large number of emails. Attacks on the district and on some board members with differing viewpoints.

XI. Adjournment

XII. Exempt Session-Negotiations