Friday, December 11, 2015

2016-2017 Calendar Option A

Here is Option A for next year's school calendar. This is only the first option, and the calendar committee is open to suggestions for changes/improvements. To view the proposed Option A calendar, simply click on the following link:
Option A

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 18

Members :  The calendar was written as a ½ half day for the public to know that their students would not be in school for the whole day.
 The BEA and the Burlington School District agreed that Dec 18 would be counted as a whole school day, thus all teachers will  be paid for the whole day and in order to count it as a whole day all students have to be able to eat lunch.   We will all be allowed to leave school at the disseminated times after your schools lunch time .

Merry Christmas…..
Tom Buckman