Friday, April 28, 2017

Geode UniServ Unit End-of-the-Year Event

To All Geode ISEA Members:
You and your family are cordially invited to
The GEODE UniServ Unit End-of-the-Year Event
This Leadership and Member Appreciation event is to bring all ISEA Members of GEODE together to share a meal, some beverages, bowling, sand-volleyball, and other family fun activities while we celebrate the end of the 2016-2017 school year. It is our tribute to you and the profession as we celebrate everything that you have done to educate and advocate for students and communities.
Where: June 3rd at the Iris Bowling Center & Splitz in Mount Pleasant (300 S Iris Street) from 4:30 to close.  A causal dinner of Brats and picnic sides will be available from 5 to 7 pm for you and your family!
Cost is $5 per member and $10 per family member/guest/non-member – Each attendee will receive four (4) $2.50 tickets that can be used for activities of their choice, including drinks, adult drinks, bowling, and shoe rental.
Please RSVP by May 10th by emailing
Burlington, Central Lee, Columbus, Danville, Fort Madison, Great Prairie, Harmony, Keokuk, Mount Pleasant, New London, SCCHEA & SCCESA, WACO & WACO ESA, Washington, West Burlington, Winfield-Mt Union

Monday, April 24, 2017

B.E.A. notes from 4-24-17 BCSD Board Meeting UPDATED: notes from work session about Handbook

UPDATED, notes from April 24, 2017 School Board Work Session
In attendance:  Mrs. Hatteberg, Mr. Kendell, Mr. Coen, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Bross

At 6:37 - the meeting hadn’t started.  According to Coen, they are waiting on Sharon who is at the track meet.  Brenda Mitchell arrived.

At 6:39 Mr. Vickstrom arrived.  Sharon arrived at 6:40.

Kendell asked if anything to hand out.  Sharon said there was sent them to them in email.  There were no paper copies.

Additions: Table of contents will change.  Content still the same.  Grading practice and credit recovery process added.  Bross asked if this is appropriate for the employee handbook.
Steps, credit recovery, and grading practice are not complete and will be added later.

Expectations were sent out to a certain group - k-3 literacy.  These are mandated by the state and spelled out the expectations to teachers in letters previously and will be now part of it.

Appendices:  Language for evaluation the same form.  The labeling has changed.  
They added a few things to the appendices.

Specific language from the safety article from the old contract.  Blood borne pathogens.?

Section in red - nuts/bolts.  Negotiations team gave feedback and so did the staff.  

Sharon asked those present  to peruse and give suggestions to her before the next board meeting.  When the feedback comes in for anyone, Sharon makes copies and adds it to a binder referencing each section.  When she gets a lot of feedback, she takes it to the cabinet to review.

The total thing will be at 100 pages.  

Every teacher gets one next year and it will be online.  After next year, only new teachers get it and put it on a three year cycle to get a new paper copy.  The newest version will always be online.

Kendell - Can they opt out of a printed copy?  Sharon - Sure.  But new teachers need a paper copy.  Bross concerned about the cost of printing this thing.  AEA is reasonable and Coen suggested the prison printing system is cheaper.

Bross - Final suggestions done?
Sharon - They should be available before the next board meeting.  It will just be revisions after that.  
Sharon said the biggest responses were on the sick days (150 vs 190) and the funeral leave issue.  Coen said that he was approached by people in the district who were so grateful that the handbook is very similar to the contract.  He said there was misinformation being presented by a group in the district that wanted to create dissension.  

Vickstrom - Will seniority be honored?  Coen - It will be a priority  Vickstrom-  How much of a  priority?  Coen - something vague about its level of importance.  Vickstrom - Administrators fell down on the job keeping unqualified people that had seniority.  Administration didn’t do evaluative process right. Coen - He blamed this on bid day.  Vickstrom - Seniority generates loyalty.

Sharon - Referenced the rubric for transfers and the weighting for each of the categories for evaluation for transfer.  Sharon will get a committee of teachers to help with the rubric. The rubric will be refined and explained to all the teachers. She understands there are cycles where you are less active due to parental and other responsibility.

Vickstrom - How often are the evaluators evaluated?  Coen/Sharon - every year.
Vickstrom - By whom?  Coen/Dentlinger.

Coen - Used an example of a 20 year teacher who didn’t get an advanced degree when it wasn’t a requirement.  They would not be penalized by this process. In five years they might.

Bross - Didn’t see an employee manual that didn’t change yearly.  He expects changes each year.

Hatteberg:  Are we all finished with Bid day?  Sharon:   Done.  

BCSDS Board Minutes 4-24-17
The mission of the Burlington Community School District is:

Inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities

I. Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Adoption of Agenda- moved by Garwood, 2nded by Hatteberg

IV. Public Comments- The Board encourages citizens to attend its meetings. Citizens have this opportunity to comment on issues and concerns (Policy 210.9 & 213)- none.

V. Consent Agenda

2. Minutes, Bills, Financial Reports, Human Resources Report, and Gifts- moved by Bross

VI. District Positive Accomplishments-Family & Consumer Sciences (FCCLA)at BHS

3 students accomplishments-Baylee Howell, Mathew Earhart and Brandi McAlister- Mrs. Smith introduced Matt E. and Brandi McAlister- Baylee Howell unable to attend- went to des moines to attend state leadership conference- were in a competition- culinary star event- scored 92.5/100- go to nationals in nashville in july- had to make an appetizer and main plate in 60 minutes- main plate was steak medallions, app was apple gorganzala salad. They were the only team who competed. Most schools aren’t occupational schools, there were only going to be two teams, but the other team dropped. Team was judged individually. Kendell impressed with group’s performance. Garwood- this makes Burlington stand out. Knows Mrs. Smith has worked very hard to have this program. Mrs. Smith said kids had to work solo for much of the time, and teachers aren’t able to watch the competition. Mrs. Smith thanked the board for their support in all they do.

VII. Student Representative Report- Hound Town days a huge success. Some stayed at school to do their projects- painted speed hounds and paw prints around building. Exciting to see. Other classes went to parks and the Y Camp, picked up garbage, picked up the lodge, grilled out for lunch. Students look forward to it because it’s kind of a break but a chance to give back to the community.
Spring sports teams are doing great.
Choir pops concert was this weekend, always so fun to watch. AP testing coming up- AP students are getting nervous and excited- teachers are putting in extra time. Students are so thankful for all the work the teachers put in. AP Psych and APUSH in early May.
Dragon Boats May 7.

VIII. Superintendent’s Report- spring break and easter- attended city council meeting to talk about TIF with deere Run. worked with Loebsack staff for meeting later in week. Busy week with the Hawk Eye, great press coming from them. Hound Town editorial, James Madison article. 3 days training with VersaTrans completed- cautioned board about 201 kindergartners, seniors 262. 61 kids down for next year- need to be working on that now. Generally find around 30 students, so can’t count our eggs yet, but that would be a big hit on money. Met with Loebsack- talked about Title II funds, Club M. Lose 4 teachers, Mrs. Gerst, and before and after programming. Teachers did a great job- Heidi Torrance- soft spoken, loving, nurturing teacher. Asked Loebsack about his kids and grandkids losing teachers. Urged Loebsack to fight for us. Coen arguing to cut PD- save the jobs and programs. James Madison walk through- great article in paper showing. Contention boiling up with guidance counselors- Brenda Mitchell recieved letter from BOEE- we are violating some rules by a job posting on teach iowa. Someone called her and talked to her? (don’t understand this). District talked to Department of Ed. Don’t want to lose teachers. Blackhawk teacher came over and spent time with Mrs. Mitchell and Coen about bullying. Y board meeting- Coen went. Pool bubble came up. BHS needs a 2nd gym- change the pool into a gym. If the bubble’s not solvent, where does that leave us- Coen says. We are on the fringe looking in on this process, but if we can benefit.
Associate principal interviews- #2 person they liked not gonna get him- he’s getting a job in CR.
City of Burlington- meeting about disc golf course. People play all the time. We have made an agreement to let them use our land. Coen trying to work out a land trade with city so we can build early childhood center- trade james madison land for land in perkins area.
Ryan Weiss meeting went great. Keane and Dentlinger went to dinner at Coen’s house with Weiss. School rating discussion with Weiss- do you put on the school rating that districts might be property poor. Coen cites 7 period day and how we are managing the school- we have a more challenging mission than other districts. Other districts have less challenge than we do. Weiss was not too hot on that idea. He gave vanilla answers.
Drastically underperforming school paradigm- taking a copy back to Des Moines. Stop the madness- every year teachers come in, there are differences from the state. Teachers overwhelmed with state mandates. Diminishing skill set. Money that could be saved if we had a blackout period for PD from AEA. J schedule- extra math while science teachers were out getting training. Sharon may be going to des moines to talk about those things.
Hound Town days a great success. 3500 kids 6 hours- we gave our community 150k in labor in one day. It’s not about the money- it’s about being civically minded. People in community were very appreciative of what the students were doing. Students were so enthusiastic about their work. “Hats off to our kids”. Coen- toured battle of bulge with Army. Hound Town days- our teachers came up with fantastic ideas- “hats off to our teachers”
Case- 25,000 grant.
Pops concert- girl with ukelele. Like a Don Rickles.
Young man- letter to board members about beautifying high school- Coen called him and asked him to come up with a plan to do it and maintain it.
Student rep- are you saying pool will be a gym- Coen saying it may be an option to have swim team practice at Y and change the HS pool. Coen- maybe we could have an auditorium. Coen- we don’t want to get rid of pool too early.
Penny tax is expiring 2029.
West Burlington could offer Nagrocki land- he could take those tax dollars out of our district.

IX. Items for Discussion

3. Registration Fees 2017-18- Reynolds- follow up to march 13 board meeting. Raising pathfinder, instrumental music, drivers ed fees are out for bid. Hatteberg moves approval, Garwood 2nded. Unanimously passed.

4. New Wide Area Network Fiber Contract- Will Brackett- 6 years ago entered agreement- fiber optic cable- expires end of june. Set up new RFP for lit service- dark fiber equipment- UPN gave a good price. Recommending a 10 year contract- gives better price point. Garwood moves, Bross 2nded. Unanimously passed.

5. James Madison Educational Center Disc Golf Course Agreement with City of Burlington- Kesterke- met with Tysland a year and a half ago. Have been meeting regularly. The only change is paragraph 2 if there was a need for either party to reduce lease. City will clean the area up. City wants harder holes on the land. Coen wants to be able to barter for the land. It’s mainly for the wooded area at JMEC. Garwood motioned approval, Hatteberg 2nded, unanimously approved.

6. Swimming 28E Agreements with Notre Dame- Shay not here- Coen discussed it. 6 and 7 are the same as what they were last year. Coen suggests we continue. Bubble might lead to increase in swimmers- we need to get as much help as we can to fill the teams. Our swim team beat PV this past year. Hatteberg moved approval, Vickstrom 2nded. Passed unanimously.

7. Swimming 28E Agreement with Other Districts- Coen again. Nothing has changed. Notre Dame pays less because their tax money comes to BCSD. Numbers are fair for other districts. Bross moves for approval, Hatteberg 2nded, passed unanimously.

X. Board Communications

The members will have the opportunity to share items and events.
Vickstrom- property poor places and auditoriums- dance program at Bettendorf. It was something to aspire to- Coen says that’s exactly why we need a challenge index. Help people see what they measure people against isn’t equitable. Wouldn’t have teachers getting beat down all the time- they would be respected for their tough job.
Hatteberg- thanks to the Hawk Eye for the wonderful coverage.
Bross- Pat, I appreciate your vision, and taking the long view on our community. The board sees Coen’s vision of that. Appreciates that Coen educated the director of education. Bross thanks Will Brackett for all of his work. Mr. Branch for his years in transportation.
Garwood- personal note- houndtown days- had a group of students work over at Player’s Workshop- it’s never looked so good.
Kendell- Hound Town days- this is some really good stuff, last year was first year, it was lumpy. It got a whole lot better from last year. You have to keep after it. We’re going to do it again, it was a lot better than last year. Beautiful day. Coen we appreciate you networking with Loebsack and Weiss. A lot of times the ability to pick up the phone to contact someone you have talked to before. Weiss is coming here so he can see what it is like outside of Des Moines. Pops concert was outstanding, culinary arts. Band, Orchestra, choir great in all buildings. So many opportunities for students to bond with a teacher and make a connection. Boys soccer team record- extremely proud of those boys.
Talked about moving next meeting.- sorry, my attention was divided because the Handbook draft was released during Board comments and I was looking at both.

XI. Adjournment
Adjourned at 7:54.
XII. Exempt Session-Negotiation

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

BEA notes from 4-10-17 BCSD board meeting

School Board Meeting April 10, 2017
Call to Order – Welcome 7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Adoption of Agenda - 
Bross and Kendell participated via phone.  Changed agenda to put budget earlier in agenda.
IV. Public Comments - no comments.
V. Public Hearing
2. Aid & Levy Budget 7:00 P.M. public hearing on budget began.  No one here for it.
3. Consent Agenda - Minutes, Bills, Human Resources Report, Travel, and Gifts
Garwood moved to accept.  Second - Hatteberg.  Passed.
VI. District Positive Accomplishments-Infinite Campus Scheduler Training Information
        Mr. Yeoman presented.  Kendell and Bross left the meeting (phone).  Administrators, counselors, computer operators went through the training.  Major goal to set up for trimesters.  Yeoman has 85% of scheduling done.  Special student registration is not done yet.  Looking forward to having this done before summer.  Something about utilizing current staff and creating new classes at middle school.  21st century skills at middle school.  Vaguepresentation.  Vickstrom - How to integrate students at beginning of fall?  Yeoman - Not a problem.  (It sounded like what we do now - place the student in the smallest class. ) Vickstrom - What problems in the system?  Yeoman - vague answer, didn’t specify anything.  There are always glitches.  Garwood - you make it sound painless and simple.  Yeoman - It’s never painless when working with computers.  It went very smoothly.  Scheduled for three days of training but just needed slightly over two. 
VII. Student Representative Report
Two students going to ISEF in LA.  Sasha Zelenski and Vidya Mullangi are going.  Girls and boys soccer teams are doing really well.  Band had all city band concert.  It was a lot of fun to perform at.  It inspires the younger kids.  Hound Town Days approaching.  Hound Room picking volunteer activities.  Dragon boats are coming up.  It’s a great time for friendly competition.   Varsity Club had an incentive trip to Chicago.  All of the post prom fundraisers have been successful and will result in a fun post prom.  Two students are going to a prestigious art competition - one was Mia Ruther.
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
        Coen was gone.  Dentlinger filled in.   She was at North HIll.  Local artists and SCC artists display art at library at school.  There will be an afternoon for the artist to meet with school.  21ST grant - All students will have after school programing due to this grant.  
IX. Items for Discussion
4. 2017-18 Budget - 
This was moved to follow #2.  Reynolds then presented a powerpoint on the certified budget.  There are to purposes of the certification process: 1. Certify maximum expenditures and  2. direct the auditor to direct taxes.   Proposed levy $15.78.   There was an increase in the management fund.  There was a 3.2% increase in taxable evaluation from the previous year.  Property poor district.  Estimated property tax relief $1.20. Increase of about $21 on a $100,000 house in taxes.  Robberts made clear that this was not because of the district but the state.  In other words we didn’t increase the tax.  Most of the assessed value comes from residential. Sales tax bond will be paid off by 2029. Burlingtons revenue per student $6664. General fund is based on enrollment.  The district enrollment continues to decline.  662 open enrolled out this year.  4422 students next year. We qualify for the 101% budget adjustment because of losing students. Receive $200,304.  This is a one time fund.  We can’t get that money again.  Dropout program is 100% our property tax.  Instructional support levy is paid by property tax.  Other districts fund this by an income surtax so it's not in property tax rate.  Preschool program 100% funded by state.  Vickstrom said it was the most thorough presentation he’s seen since he has been on the board.  Garwood motioned to accept.  Hatteberg seconded.  Kendell thanked Reynolds and Coen for the work on the budget and sharing it with the staff and departments.  When did that occur? Garwood commented how much is controlled by the state (60%).  Robberts again stated that it wasn’t the board's fault that taxes went up.  Motion passed. 
5. Board Policy Graduation Requirements 505.5 
This is the second reading.  This was discussed at the last meeting.  Hatteberg moved to approve.  Vickstrom seconded.  Passed.
6. Board Policies 600 Series 
This is the second reading.  604.3 removed from.  This pertains to internet usage policy.  Garwood motioned.  Brueck seconded.  Passed.  604.3 will be sent out to board to review prior to next meeting.
7. Online Registration for 2017-18 School Year Information Only
Brian Johnson presented. Last year was the first year for online registration.  They made a list of the data glitches from last year and went back to the vendor that they worked with last year to make changes in the program.  Johnson made some sort of guideline on how to do this in the future.  Try to work ahead of the ball instead of being pushed by it according to Johnson.  They will have a core team test the new program and check to see the glitches are gone.  Then those who do registration will practice using the program.  Send one letter for household about registration instead per student.  They will support the families by having a youtube video on how to register and and an email help line.  There will be a Google voice number that parents can text and get responses to their questions.  They will create a FAQ page for parents. After registration is done, they will review the process for the degree of success.  Vickstrom asked about tracking credits.  Sharon said it can do it.  Hatteberg - Do you have to go in separately for each child?  Johnson - We’re addressing this.  Robberts - Online registration was a big hit even with the glitches.  It was one of those things that the board got positive feedback about.
8. Summer School Information
Sharon - Offering it all levels.  HS - 5 weeks starting in June.  They can take online classes, credit recovery classes, some site base classes.  She listed a number of classes that I have never heard of including a science class.  They can get credits for five weeks.  Middle school students will be two weeks and take the students to Camp ??.  They will be working on social competencies.  Elementary will run for 30 days K-5. She referred to this as a camp.  It provided reading and math supports and some interventions.   Parents should contact the administrators at their buildings for more information or contact Sharon.  Something will be sent out to all high school students.  Middle school students can only attend via invitation.  It is similar for the elementary.
9. Update of Teacher Leadership Information only
Sharon - We are excited about it and have seen some significant changes in the program.  There are 11 full release positions.  They average about 40.4 contacts with other teachers per month.  There are 6 half day release.  There are five tech coaches that are one day a month released.  There are teacher leader facilitators for the PLCs.  They are more or less the chair of each group.  Every third year, the position comes up for applications.  Five coaches meet that level.  I think she said only one person applied to replace.  It is student focussed.  She listed a bunch things that could happen.  They are now part of the funding formula.  Vickstrom - Do you have a get together when you get done with the year?  Sharon referenced the mentor colloquium.  She said the teacher leaders meet all year to look at problems. Hatteberg - how does it work with half day coaches?  Sharon explain how it works. 
X. Board Communications
Garwood - Huge thank you to community for financial contributions.  
Vickstrom - Need a lot of help from community for the spring events.  We have a symbiotic relationship with them.  It’s showing the students that the community cares.
Brueck - Good job to all the middle school students to went to Ottumwa for national history day.
Robberts - Thanks to Reynolds for a great presentation.  Congratulations to all the students in the student reports, referenced art and soccer.  Look forward to Hound Town Days.  Happy to hear that we are getting after school programs in all schools.
XI. Adjournment - adjourned 8:10.
XII. Exempt Session-Negotiation