Tuesday, July 18, 2017

BEA notes from 7-17-17 BCSD Board meeting

BCSD Board of Directors Meeting July 16, 2017
I. Call to order and welcome 7:00 P.M.
II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Public Comments
Laura Blanchard had a well prepared statement that addressed concerns with the SAM (School Administrative Manager) at the high school.  She recapped what was said at the last board meeting and expressed surprise that the position was presented again with the same salary. She expressed gratitude to Kendell for his research into SAMS and referenced comments made by Brueck.   Her major concern was a salary of $64,000 for a non administrative position that required only a bachelor’s degree and less than five years experience.  She stated that this was not a personal attack on Mr. Shipp the person the district is trying to hire but on the position itself.    Liz Sanning also spoke on behalf of the BEA Blanchard said. She thanked the board members for their comments and concern about this issue.   She pointed out this salary for this non-administrative position was particularly hard to take since all teachers had salaries frozen for the upcoming school year and had increased in insurance premiums.  Some teachers were actually coming back for less money.  The still chose to come back to BCSD because of their professionalism and dedication to the students.
IV. Public Hearing Bus Hub Project
No one spoke. Public hearing closed.
V.Consent Agenda - 
 Brueck proposed it be accepted and Garwood seconded.  Then Kendell moved to pull the Human Relations report from agenda.  Robberts then asked for clarification and he stated he wanted the SAM position pulled. Brueck seconded to pull item.  Conversation on what the rules were on how to proceed were brought up by Bross.  Roberts made it clear that they were first voting on pulling the SAM.  No discussion on pulling it.   All voted AYE to pull the SAM from the agenda.  
Then a motion,, second, and approval was granted to open discussion on the SAM position. Brueck said she thought it was high salary.  Robberts asked Coen to explain what would happen.  Brueck asked if a lesser salary could be offered.  Bross said he was a little bit in the dark.  He hadn’t reviewed any resumes on the position and then said he shouldn’t make a comment or decision on SAM position.  Bross asked if the the 64000 was appropriate for the revised salary position.  Tabor then came up to address those questions.  Tabor spoke of three models of SAM in Iowa.  The first is secretarial in nature,  the second takes a current position and transfer assoc principal into that position,   third takes current individual in position adds responsibilities to that job.  Greg gave the average of all the models in his salary average.  Robberts asked if the 3rd model takes and associate principal and adds duties. Tabor - no less than a principal and adding to it.   Robberts - SAM has been used by smaller districts that can’t attract associate principals.  Small like high schools  of 200-300.  Tabor - that is correct.  Roberts - What districts like Burlington have it?  Tabor - Davenport.  Coen - Davenport  has 6 SAMS.  Greg - listed a number that have them.   Robberts - How do those roles compare with what we have for this position?  Tabor - wide variance. Didn’t really answer.  Coen - Greg you talked to people..  Greg - got a couple of responses.  Davenport - assistant to elementary principals  Brueck - job experience?  Greg - don’t know.  Davenport salary around $67,000.  Kendell - What are their qualifications, education, position requirements?  Hard to compare with other districts.  Hatteberg - What do they think is a fair salary for this position?   Kendell - Didn’t we throw out some numbers at the last meeting.  Hatteberg - is it the high salary or is it the experience of the person?  Is it too much money period?  Kendell - I understand your question.  I struggle with this a lot.  I like the idea of what this position can do.  I get hung up with the salary.  I regret this brings Mr. Shipp into this discussion.   Teachers have to ma +10 to get to this salary.   Quite surprised to see the agenda posted again with the same salary.  Hired ma 10 special ed teacher recently making less than this position.  That troubles me.  The hs needs this and it saves money.  RTC will not exist next year.  Office referrals will have to be handled.  Hopefully this position defers this from the other admin at the HS,  Brueck - I agree.   We just had such difficult negotiations.  Teachers making less.  The timing is insulting to a lot of teachers.  Hatteberg - position is a good thing.  Can we as a board set a different salary?
Robberts - not board’s position to set a salary.  Can only set salary for superintendent.  Brueck - no vote is for position but against the salary. Robberts - call special session to take care of and not wait to August.  Hatteberg - our job is not to make it more difficult to run the ship.  Brueck - this insulting to a lot of teachers.  Robberts - understand the point of all,  Appreciate the admin trying to come up with something to save money with admin.  Staff don’t realize that there have been admin cuts and admin pay freezes.  Teachers have been hit with insurance and so have admin.  It has not been a good financial year for BCSD. Appreciates that there is no easy position  on this.  If salary too low, not going to get a qualified position.  Coen -Internally - 3 applied.  Interviews were held with all three.  Kendell - Didn’t we think that salary was high in June?  Coen - yes.  You had mentioned $57,000.  Garwood - if we vote no, does it get thrown back to square one?  Coen - throw us back to square 2.  Hatteberg - training time frame?  We have to consider that too.  Kendell - difficult position.  Should and do have ability to get guidance on salaries.  Some people have some good points about it.  It’s a salary problem.  Garwood - necessary position but financially we’ve had a rough year.  We need to diligently look at those numbers for everyone concerned. Robberts - Approve position as listed?  Aye - 2 Opposed 4.  Coen then asked for guidance on salary? Bross - Mudding the water.  This is suggesting that admin and teachers are on the same level.  I’m not going to propose a salary.  Kendell - talked about salary.  Robberts - stopped the conversation because it was not on the agenda.  Look for forward to continuing discussion with Coen at special board meeting.
VI District Positive Accomplishments
Karen Liechty presented her kids at Camp Courageous in May.  Six students went to the camp geared for students with disabilities.  They were there for three days.  They canoed, hiked, were around animals, bowled, swam, etc.  All four associates went with them and volunteered their time.  The kids did crafts for mothers for mother’s day. The  favorite activity was ziplining.  She thanked the donors and said  they have almost enough money leftover to go again.  They are going to take two group next year instead of one. She sent out thank you notes with pictures of the kids.  
VII Superintendent’s Report - July 2-15. 
 Watching baseball.  Great game.  Beat number one team Davenport Assumption.  Referenced Tim Oswald?  July 7 lot of walkins for tech stuff.  Non English speaking family that got scheduled. Tabor helped.  At South Hill 4th July party.  Evaluations are getting done.  Last one to be done is Greg.  Met with new commander with Salvation Army.  Held meeting about auditorium and wants to develop a committee like the Purple and Gray.  Interested in James Madison as a site.  Roger Hatteberg suggest JM since there so many big projects in the community currently.  Also suggested to use bus hub at JM.  Double use of JM then.  Mr. Kesterke looking into it.  Trying to lookout  for taxpayers.  Met with teamster rep.  Talked to admin about expectations.  Tried to remind admin that primary mission is teaching and learning.  Have great people on board.  Attended Oskaloosa girls game.  Really thought we were going to state.  Met with Mr. Wagner about issues with social workers.  Cabinet has good start on attendance.  State said we reduced the drastically absent kids a lot.  Get your twelve is working.  Young man at BHS said algebra is incredibly hard.  Checked on him and found he had bad attendance. Teachers step in and work with kids but can’t if kids not there.  MS principals trained on get your 12.  Took 1.5 days off for family.  Ramping up for 17/18.  Favorite day is when teachers are back teaching with students.  Gave a copy of summative of admin standards, midyear review, and get your twelve initiate to board.  Give you plenty time to review and be ready for super evals next board meeting.  Robberts then suggested starting the next meeting at 6 to go over the superintendent evaluation. Coen then laid a premiliminary drawing of the bus hub at JM on a table for people to look at.
VIII Items for Discussion
Debt Refinancing
Greg explained bond situation and refinancing and 1% sale tax. We borrow money against the sales tax income.   Potential for savings by refinancing of several bonds.  Oswald (I don’t know who he is) sales tax law is expiring soon.    Can get lower bond financing. Oswald - understand that savings is after transaction cost.  1.7 million can be saved in reducing interest payments  Reserve account is usually 10% of the amount borrowed set up at front.  Used as a rainy day fund to pay bonds.  Three bonds 2009, one in 2012 all have reserve accounts.  Reserve is earning 1% but borrowed at higher value.  Suggested getting rid of the reserve accounts and pay off some of the bonds.  He went into a detailed explanation of how the savings occur in the refinancing.  Bross asked question about payment.  Robberts asked about possible problems with refinancing other things.  Greg said it wouldn’t be a problem.  Bross thinks the legislature will extend the date of the sales tax.  How will this affect interest rates on bonds?  Oswald - Not really any effect.  Oswald went over some of the iRS rules about handling this.  Robberts - recommending a refinance of all four or three?  Oswald - All four.   Robberts - Motion?  Hatteberg moved Bross second.  Favor all - Passed.
Bus Hub Proposals -
 Keskerke  received two bids.  Did not open them because of possible JM thing.  We  won’t build bus hub until we examine JM option.  We will begin bus hub program in the parking lot of BHS..  Robberts - Are we getting a report on the feasiblity of JM by August meeting or will it be longer?  Keskerke - maybe a little longer.  Meet with rep next week and Hatteberg and Derrick Murphy and find what they want in an auditorium and what needs to be remodeled at JM.   Coen - Termite problem previously at JM.  Robberts - What has to be done at BHS?  Is a shelter being bult?  Kendell - give us an idea of how it works.  Coen - two lanes at very back nw corner on student parking lot closed off only for buses.  Exact same thing as here (admin location) but now at hs.  Process is identical just a different place.  Haven't measured it out yet.  Brueck - Second student parking lot?  Coen - yes.  Robberts -  Previously mentioned staffing hub with  drivers and white house staff.  Who will be staffing at hs?  Coen - Mr. Mehaffy, still some central office staff, the hs can send people out.  Bross - possible just leave it at the hs?  Coen - possible.  Less students at hs need less parking spaces.  Kendell - quite a bit of room at hs parking lot.  Nothing has changed in bussing requirements?  Coen - correct. Same distance 2 miles etcs.  Bross - we still bus closer than state says,  Alan Mehaffy - We have to have a safe walking path.   No child can walk across a four lane road.  We have to provide transportation. Motion to reject bus bids and not open.  Passed.  Bross abstained (I think).
Shoquoquon Choir Agreement
Mr. Taylor presented and said the agreement is the same with updated names and dates.  Garwood proposed. Bross second - Passed.
Legislative Priorities
Robberts - Sent emails to board members and asked them to choose among the proposals.  She then presented those that got the most votes  Those receiving three votes were:.  Support mental health initiates,  dropout/at risk funding, school funding policy, SAVE extending penny sale tax deadline.  Receiving two votes -  early literacy, spe ed for state,  teacher leader/develop,  supplemental state aid, property tax restructuring. The board needs to give top four to the Iowa Association of School Boards.  Result:  mental health initiate,dropout at risk, SAVE, school funding policy.
Coen - Last year at IASB legislative session, a school proposed that 1% tax money follows students with open enrollment.  Need to be ready to protect district from other district.  Could be additional work done ahead of time before the legislative session. 
Summer School Update
Dentlinger -  Summer school typically staffed by our teachers.  Do hire some outside district.  Pay out of at risk and title one services.  21st century grant pays for some of it.  Carper - Middle school program.  Love the summer school program and working at at risk program.  Took them off site to a camp.  Worked on certain attitudes with the kids.  His daughter helped with an activity on gratitude.  Gave different students different amounts of pop and no students complained.  They demoed the virtues of gratitude and didn’t know it.  Change in behavior of students over the 8 days was great.  Started summer school program  for elementary.  Works well at Corse.  153 different students attended.  Aron Kehoe provided intervention for identified students.  Changed way they hired hs students and focussed the hs students more.  Fewer office referrals this year than ever.  Great teachers.  Two or three hs students help with lunchroom and recess and help with bus duty, copies for teachers, and grunt work. HS students essential part.  Working on building community partners. He listed many organization that have assisted.  Invited board members to go fishing and attend star lab.  He’s trying to add technology to daily lessons.  Goals for next year to improve student nomination process, and how to meet needs of students, more community support  and training for staff.  Mr. Taylor - Tell HS students thank you.  Talked about trying to recruit bright students to become teachers.  Thanked Mr. Carper for his help. Keane - presented HS summer school.  147 unique students, There were 101 online classes taken and 34 did not complete credits.  Probably finish the online classes by working rest of the summer.  Added more face to face classes.  Conservation class - science and pe credits.  32 took history of infrastructure. 13 took applied math and all finished.  Five took construction techniques.    All infrastructure students got credit.  Brueck and Koelker did this class.  Two presenters called and complimented the students on field trip behaviors.  26 applied math got credit? Four of the five construction techniques students got credit.  153 credits earned.  Still have 34 working.  Keane had to do a cartwheel because they met the goal of at least 120 credits.  Few behavioral problems.  Try to expand the face to face classes next summer.  Conservation class - biking, hiking, water sampling, kids water quality same as DNR.  Freshman boot camp started today.  26 kids showed up.  New assistant principal David Rheuse worked on the logistics of summer school this year.  Gave a list of the things that are doing at boot camp each day.   Will send a list of all the people that helped out with summer school.  Dentlinger - 370 students experience at least one of summer school programs.  Tremendously excited about summer school growth and direction.  Garwood commented on enthusiasm.  
Middle School Revised Handbook
Dentlinger -  changed to RTC to RTP.Process still used but no special classroom.  Garwood moved, Hatteberg second.  Approved.
Staff Handbook
Dentlinger - Asking for approval to get printed for new staff.    Bross - thorough and well done.  Looks like it is  focussed on goals and objectives of teaching and nuts and bolts at ends.  Kendell - Expressed appreciation keeping board involved.  Robberts - concurred.  Dentlinger - added coaches evals to manual.  Dentlinger - new teachers doing three days before school.  Take them out into the community and team building activities.  Hatteberg - likes it.  Approved.
SIAC Goals
 Dentlinger - SIAC is composed of meembers of the community not just the school community.  2018 - increase reading proficiency to 66% for 3rd grade elementary students. Hatteberg,  Robberts questioned about goals and that reading is the only one.   Dentlinger explained that the ultimate goal is to produce a grayhound.  Approved.
Job Description for 21st Century Elementary Coordinator 
Tabor/Dentlinger - Got a grant for Grimes, Sunnyside, and Blackhawk for after school program.  All students k-8 have access to after school programs.  Position is for coordinating at the three schools. Funded by a five year grant that gets smaller every year.  
Coen - Every year employee has to sign a document that recognizes that the money could go away and they won’t have a job.  Need to make sure the annual notification goes out to the employees so they know their job is over when the grant it over.  Approved.
Performing Arts Center/Auditorium Task Force
Coen - Leaning towards JM..  Robberts - who should they contact if they want to donate money or time?  Coen - Me and Greg.  
New Athletic Conference
Shay -  Keane, Coen, and Shay have been discussing this.  Shay met in Mt. Pleasant in June  with seven schools.  Shay was chairperson and presented benefits:  1.  Travel less 2. Increased gate revenues 3.  Create more competitive situations in conference..  4.  Time missed for students and staff reduced 5.  Create new rivalries  6.  We compete against these school at middle school already.  There are six schools very interested.  Shay asked MAC to let BHS out  of confernce in one year instead of two years. They are considering.  Having a smaller conference creates some scheduling problems.  MAC willing to help with some nonconference games. Bross - This is new conference?  Shay - existing conference and adds two (ottumwa and us).  Shay asked West Burlington to join but not interested.  Shay still talking to Ottumwa.  Kendell - This is very exciting. Lot of wins for everyone.  Coen - Burlington used to be in a conference like this in the past.  The gates are very important.  It helps fund the athletic department.   Shay wants to talk about co op with WB for bowling
Building and Trades House/Program
Coen - House supplied by city is in horrific condition.  It's a good classroom for the kids.  When it is done it will be turned over to the minister association.  It will be paid for by a Christian organization.  The house should be done by May.  Robberts - Nice to see your (coen) ideas in action.
VIV Board Comments
Bross - Commend the district on online enrollment.  Did it in 5 minutes.
Hatteberg - Thank you for your innovative thinking and looking outside the box.
Brueck -
Gardwood - Appreciated enthusiasm, passion, dedication for district.  Willingness to accept some defeat (Coen).   Likes JM auditorium and construction classes.  
Kendell - Appreciate the summer school presentations, enthusiasm, congrats to baseball and softball, thanks Coen for heading out to Oskaloosa to watch game.  Performing arts task force very exciting idea.    New athletic conference.  Closing - invite legislators to board meeting before they go back to DM.
Robberts - Thank to everyone tonight - so many volunteers in all the different projects.  Online enrollment- use it.  Smooth easy process.  Thanks to Alan Mehaffy jumping into transportation.  Wonderful to see cost saving measures in action.  Welcome to new vp at BHS.  Deadline for school board elections August 3rd at 5 PM.  Three positions up for election. Four year term.  
Adjourn 9:36.

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