Tuesday, January 23, 2018

BEA notes 1-22-18 BCSD Board meeting

BCSD Board of Directors Meeting
January 22, 2018

  1. Call to Order - 7:00 P.M.
Tom Courtney wasn’t in attendance.  All the other board members were there.  Coen
wasn’t in attendance Greg Reynolds was not in attendance due to the death of his
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Adoption of Agenda
There was a motion to accept by Kendell and a second by Hatteberg.
It was approved
  1. Public Comments
  1. Consent Agenda
The motion to accept was made by Kendell and the second by Brueck.
Kendell pointed out an open enrollment payment of several hundred thousand dollars to
It was approved Bross abstained.
  1. District Positive Accomplishments - Corse Reading Program
Mr. Taylor introduced Diana Todd, Social Worker.  She and another staff member at Corse built a reading incentive program called the Corse Grayhound Reading Club.  It has a theme of amusement park adventure.  Each students tries to “visit” 10 different theme parks by the end of April.  MInutes reading for the upper grades and a certain amount of books for the lower levels equate to attending a theme park.  The goal of the lower level grades are  100 books/school year .  The upper level classes goals are 2000 minutes of reading for the school year.   Each student receives a ticket for either 10 books or 200 minutes of reading.  Tickets can be turned in for prizes. Local vendors donated prizes.  During Christmas break a book log went home with students.  If they met the book log goals the students had cookies, juice, and played a game with administrators.  The mid year goal was completed January 11.   The goal was 50 books or  1000/.  Those students that met the goal got to watch a movie. So far the lower grades have read 6379 books and the upper grades have read 68,586 minutes.  The year end reward will change the playground into a theme park. Robberts - Sounds great and good participation.
  1. Student Representative Report
Matt Rowland  reviewed  career day at BHS which featured local employers and colleges.
He thought it  seemed that  attendance was up.  Keane agreed with him.  Matt went to
several of the presentations.  Senior night in wrestling is this Thursday 6:30.  FAFSA night
is also then. Robberts - FAFSA night is very helpful.  
  1. Superintendent Report
Robberts - Coen has flu and can’t attend.  Sharon -  Conferences are tomorrow for the
middle schools and Thursday at BHS.  Contact teachers if these times won’t work for you.  
Robberts - Good reminder for parents and others.  She will check with Janet and get a
Facebook reminder out.
  1. Items for Discussion
3.  Broken Centrifuge Video Service Contract
Robberts - Is this similar to last year’s contract?   Keane - It’s the same price  as last
Year.  Robberts - Were there any complaints or issues last year?  Keane - no.  
Bross motioned to accept and Hatteberg seconded.
Kendell - I’m glad.  I  heard good things about last year.  Keane - The company streams
the graduation  live.  
It was approved.
4.  Sewer Separation Project at Clark Field House
Keskerke  presented.  He was involved in a few meetings with city officials including the city engineer and representatives from Frank Millard. Keskerke recommended the board table the project until he can talk to Coen and Reynolds about issues with the contract with the city.  Robberts - Does the concern liability of the school district?  
Kesker - Correct.  The sewer line location presents problems of liability.  Keskerke needs to see the city contract and see where liability falls.  The  City doesn’t want to be liable for anything.  Keskerke then recommended that all agenda items pertaining to the renovation at Clark Field House be tabled until the next board meeting. Robberts - Will the city  get us a copy of the contract?   Keskerke- yes sometime this week.  Keskerke has reservations.  Robberts said that the Purple and Gray Foundation wanted a response by February 12.
Hatteberg motioned to  table all three related agenda items until next regular meeting. Second by Kendell.  Robberts asked is the District legal counsel will review the contract and Keskerke said yes.  The motion was approved.
Kendell then asked about work at Bracewell.  Keskerke said they were working fixing the damage caused about 1.5 years ago when a 2 ton rock fell.  The area was in worse shape than they had anticipated so they have to do more work than they thought they would to repair it.
5.  Health Occupations Program - Information Only
Keane  explained that career and technical requirement have changed.  In the past the four areas that had to be taught were business, marketing, industrial tech, and family and consumer science.  Today marketing and business have been combined into information technology.  While we have a teacher has received an endorsement in this area, Sharon and Keane feel that the requirements for the program are vague and we don’t have a lot of students interested in this area.  We have more interest in health occupations.  He has spoken to West Burlington, Ft. Madison, and Notre Dame about sharing a program.  West Burlington will .  Our teacher will go to their school for 1-2 hours to teach.   We will be the hub of the program Vickstrom asked if many of the proposed classes have prereqs? Keane said the lower level ones don’t but others do
Vickstrom asked if biology was a prereq.  Keane didn’t think so  Bross said that biology as a prereq  was for the  CNA class.   Kendell asked if the classes will be taught at BHS.   Keane said most will be.  Vickstrom asked about  practicums.  Keane said there were with CNA and some of the others.  He is looking at pharmacy tech. Program but needs a pharmacist to oversee the program.  That is for the future.  Hatteberg asked if current staff can teach the classes and   Keane said yes and no.  The nurse can but we would need to add another nurse.  Bross noted that some of the classes are just for high school credits and some are for both high school and college. Keane mentioned that full dual enrollment classes are almost paid for by the extra money we get for them even after we pay SCC.  However, our current medical dual enrollment classes level fluctuate a lot.  He thinks that adding new intro classes will help stabilize it. Vickstrom - Will students be evaluated before advanced classes? Keane - yes.  There will be an advisory group that will look over the program including testing.  There is also regional partnership that reviews and approves programs every five years.  Keane and Sharon have both worked in districts with this type of program and found them to be very successful. Robberts - thanks.  Hatteberg -  When does it start?  Keane - Next year.  Sharon - This is just an update.  Vickstrom -  We need staff.
Keane - His daughter got interested in med in a program like this and now she is in physician assistant school.  Kendell - I like reaching out to other districts.  Keane - Mr. Snodgrass (West Burlington) has been great to work with.  Both need the program.  Stupid to duplicate programs when we both need it.
6.  Nurse’s Job Description
Tabor -  When we posted job descriptions a few months ago, we didn’t have one for nurses.  He  with nurses in our district and other in the state to draft this job description .  Robberts - All nurses in the district had input?  Tabor - Absolutely.
Hatteberg motionsed to accept, Bross seconded, and the motions passe.  Bross was glad the nurses participated.   Tabor - Each individual nurse viewed it and signed off on it.

7. SBRC Request for Enterprise Fund (Construction Trades Program)
Keane - Mr. Reynolds and he have been working on getting a presentation to take to the SBRC to establish and enterprise fund.  Then the school district can charge a fee for doing construction work and also be able to sell properties for a profit.  This money then would be funneled back into the program so that it becomes self supporting. They also need  $75, 000 for startup. Robberts - You asking us to approve requesting to schedule a hearing with SBRC not and not asking for allocating the $75,000? Keane - Correct.  I have to get on the schedule. We can cancel later.   I want to present in February.  Brueck - It looks like you are asking to transfer $75,000 tonight.  Sharon - no.  This presentation is  just for information.  Keane - The $75,000 is just an estimate on what it will cost to start up.that’s just an estimate.   Robberts - Would gifts and grants go in this fundor in general fund?  Keane - general fund.  This is for fees or profit we get.  Bross - Do you pay tax on ef?  Do we get the $75000 back?  Keane - no.  Bross - How would you set it up for small projects?  Keane - We sign contracts with customers, spells out who is in control of property, stipulations of project.  The person would know up front what they would pay.   
Vickstrom - Is there a boilerplate form?  Keane - There are very specific guidelines on what you can do with the funds  similar to the lunch program that runs independently of the general funds.
Bross moved to allow them to request a meeting with SBRC and Vickstrom accepted.  It was approved.
8. Request to Proceed with the Project to Remodel Locker Rooms at Clark Field House by the Purple and Gray Foundation
9. Request for Naming Rights of Clark Field House by the Purple and Gray Foundation
X. Board Communications

Vickstrom - Good to see a few healthy people here.  Brueck -  I encourage people to attend conferences
Kendell - The  last meeting someone (Robberts) asked for emails.  Thank those that sent them.  Appreciate input.  We need to get input from staff and community.  Congrats to senior wrestlers.  
Hatteberg- Thanks to the  community for generosity.  Amazing.  It makes a huge difference in what we can do.  Thanks to Mr. Keskerke for taking care of the emergency at the pool and get up and running.  
Bross - none
Robberts - Thanks for coming, thanks for good organizations like Purple and Gray.  
XI Adjournment
Kendell moved to adjourn, Brueck seconded.  Adjournment at 7:48 P.M.
XII. Exempt Session - Negotiations
This section was closed to the public.

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